
Research Assignment:

What should you think about before trying to land your rocket ship on Jupiter?

Try to discuss 5 or 6 concerns in about 25 words:

Here are some places to start your research:

bulletfrom ASU, LANL, JPL, RPIF. StarDate. RGO. NSSDC. TPS. NASA Spacelink
bulletVoyager Jupiter Science Summary
bulletGalileo Education and Public Outreach (including the latest images)
bulletUlysses Juptier Flyby, Jupiter's Ring System, Jupiter Events from TAMU
bulletOnline from Jupiter, NASA information about the Galileo mission for K-12 educators
bulletThe Discovery of the Galilean Satellites
bulletJovian System Nomenclature Tables
bulletPreliminary! Galileo Probe Results from JPL and ARC and LANL
bulletGalileo Probe Mission "Quick-look" Science Summary 1/25/96 from ARC
bulletGalileo science report 3/18/96

or do your own search:

Use the BACK or GO button on your browser to get back to this page from your research surfing to make your report.

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