Letter to Trustees
To: City of Boulder Open Space Board of Trustees
From: Gerry Stahl, President, NRLVTC
Date: November 12, 1997
Re: North Boulder Valley Area Management Plan
The North Rim / Lake Valley Trails Committee (NRLVTC) represents the adjacent property owners of the North Rim Trail corridor as well as other nearby residents and trail users. We understand that the trail system surrounding our neighborhood will be on your agenda for December 10 and we would like to submit some background materials for you to review in preparing for that meeting.
We only became aware of the Citys plans for our neighborhood recently and accidentally ¾ when we inquired about the closing of a trail from the southwest corner of our community to the North Boulder Ranch trailhead. We learned of the East Beech trail that threatened to funnel a potentially high volume of multi-use trail traffic immediately along the back fences of 44 of our properties. In response to our protest at not having been informed, the Open Space Department pulled the submitted Location & Extent and Limited Impact Special Use Review for the North Boulder Valley Trailhead and Trail. A meeting was organized for community input from North Rim and Lake Valley on October 14. Notice of that meeting was the first that most residents knew of the plans. At that meeting, we presented oral and written testimony documenting our concerns and laying out alternative trail proposals. (See attachment, "Testimony regarding the North Rim Trail corridor.")
As a large group of some of the people most impacted by the trail system in the North Boulder Management Area, we have a number of concerns:
We would welcome each member of the Board of Trustees, as well as other interested parties, to come out and walk the trails with us. We can only imagine that the Citys current plan was based on looking at maps more than on experiencing the actual conditions.
We have tried to understand the position of the City of Boulder Open Space Department officials, but have not yet succeeded in getting a response to our questions. They were defensive at the public information meeting on October 14 and evasive in subsequent email exchanges (see the email archive on our web page, http://www.tridog.com/nrlvtc). We sent Jim Crain a letter outlining our most pressing questions (see attached letter) and hope to meet with him soon to get some substantive responses.
Our sincere hope is to sit down with the Open Space staff in the next weeks and work out a plan for the trails surrounding our neighborhood that is optimal for local residents, for all trail users and for Open Space land management. Having met with representatives of trail user groups and other stakeholders, we believe that an alternative plan can be worked out that avoids the serious problems we foresee in the current plan and that meets everyones needs better. We would like to present such a plan to you on December 10, in concert with the City, the County, trail user groups and others affected.
Map of planned Open Space trails and alternatives
Photographs of planned and alternative trails
Letter to Jim Crain of November 2, 1997
Testimony regarding the North Rim Trail corridor
Return to North Rim/Lake
Valley Trails Committee home page.
This page last updated: 03/05/99.