State the Essence! . . . is
software to help you learn how to write good summaries.
What is a Summary? . . . A summary is a
concise statement of the most important information in a text. It should describe most of
the main ideas. Details and repeated information should be omitted. Here are some
guidelines you can refer to in order to write your summary. For more explanation please
click on the underlined words.
Guidelines for
Summary Writing. To summarize a longer text, you should follow these steps for
each section of the text; for a shorter (1 page) text, you can apply them to the entire
- Find the most important information that tells what the paragraph or
group of paragraphs is about. Write this into a topic sentence.
- Find 2 - 3 main ideas and important details
that support your topic sentence.
- Relate the supporting information to the topic and main ideas.
- Substitute a general term for lists of
items or events.
- Do not include trivial information.
- Do not repeat information.
State the Essence! . . . will compare your
summary to the original text and to good summaries of that text. It will rate your summary
on a scale of 0 to 100 points. It will tell you if your summary is too
long or too short for a good summary. It will give you
feedback on how well you covered each section of the text.
State the Essence! . . . is experimental
software. It is not perfect and it cannot understand everything you write. It cannot
recognize what you mean by misspelled words, so be sure to check your summary for spelling
before submitting your summary to request feedback. You should show your summary to your
teacher when you have improved it as much as you can by using the feedback you get from
the software.
So far, the software can only help you with summaries of a few texts.
Select a text from the list below. Read it carefully. Write your summary. Then go to State
the Essence! Click on the underlined words in these instructions to get more
explanation of the terms. Use the Help links in the feedback to get some
hints on what to do to improve your summary.
Steps for using State the Essence! . . .
- Enter your initials in the box, or (if you are not a student at Platt
Middle School) enter GUEST.
- Select the essay topic you are summarizing from the pull-down menu.
- Check one box for the feedback or function you want.
- Type your summary into the white text box, or copy and paste
it from a word processing document.
- Press the "Submit request" button.
In a moment you will get some feedback. Think about the feedback and
use it to revise your summary. Make thorough and thoughtful revisions. (If your first
draft is much too long, it may be better to start over and write a new summary.) When you
have done as much revising as you can, submit your summary again. Repeat these cycles of
revising and resubmitting until your summary is as good as you can make it. Enjoy!

Texts on Ancient Civilizations:
Aztec, Inca, Maya texts
Texts on Energy Sources:
Solar Energy text
Wind Energy text
Petroleum text
Coal text
Appropriate Technology
Texts on the Circulation System:
I. The Role of the Lungs
II. The Heart and Circulation of Blood

Run State the Essence!
State the
Essence! for the Lungs
State the
Essence! for the Heart
State the
Essence! for other topics

There is also a web site on the ancient civilizations of the Aztec, Inca and Maya. You
have to log in to use this.

Please send ideas and feedback to the State the Essence webmaster. The people who
made State the Essence! are interested to know if you think it
was helpful and how you think it could be improved. Click here for more information on
this research project.
This page last revised on 03/05/99.