Demo presented at CSCW '98
WebGuide: Guiding Cooperative Work on the Web with Support for Perspectives and Negotiation
Gerry Stahl1, Thomas Herrmann2, Rogerio dePaula1, Kai-Uwe Loser2
Abstract Cooperative knowledge work typically involves a mix of individual and group activities. Computer support for both personal and team perspectives allows people to view and work on a central information repository in personal, subgroup, and team contexts. Negotiation mechanisms support the merger of information developed and proposed by individuals or subgroups into perspectives representing convergence of group ideas.By intertwining perspective and negotiation mechanisms, a presentation or product representing group consensus can systematically be constructed from the individual results while work on personal ideas progresses within private workspaces.
WebGuide is a prototype system that integrates perspective and negotiation mechanisms to support web-based cooperation. It is currently being developed to support two diverse group research projects; the demo will feature the current state of these research collaborations as represented within WebGuide. Description of Application WebGuide supports group research efforts using the World Wide Web. It allows group members to use the web:WebGuide
maintains an organizational memory, i.e., a shared information database that is accessed through dynamic web pages and that evolves as a direct result of group work. WebGuide demonstrates the synergy between two innovative CSCW mechanisms: perspectives and negotiation. The perspectives mechanism structures the display of information in the shared database into personal, group, and other perspectives. The mechanism is quite general and allows for hierarchies of perspectives to be structured for different applications. Individuals work primarily in their personal perspectives, where they can freely modify, restructure, supplement, and annotate any information without affecting other peoples views.Cooperating partners, subgroups, and groups can consolidate their work through processes of negotiation. While the perspectives mechanism allows individual work to proceed even during lengthy negotiations, the negotiation mechanism guides group work back to convergence. The negotiation process can be structured to complement face-to-face decision-making. It is parameterized to allow alternative negotiation policies.
Threaded discussions and annotations throughout the
WebGuide system promote debate from different perspectives and argumentation in support of negotiation decisions. The perspectives mechanism can be used to save the current state as a new perspective that is maintained as an historical version. In addition, a special history perspective allows someone (especially project leaders, class teachers, or groupware ethnographers) to view all contents that were ever entered to track evolution of ideas and design rationale.The perspectives, negotiation, and discussion mechanisms make
WebGuide an effective groupware system for collecting, interpreting, and sharing information found on the web, including annotated URL bookmarks and successful search engine queries. In WebGuide, the shared bookmarks are not simply listed or cataloged, but they are arranged in meaningful contexts that can serve as web-based presentations of cooperative research efforts.The perspectives mechanism goes beyond simple views, fixed alternative representations, and personal workspaces with a flexible inheritance mechanism. New perspectives can be defined and they can inherit all the content from multiple existing perspectives. Thus, I can define a personal project perspective and start out my work in there with all the content from perspectives I select representing various domain knowledge, particular other individuals work, or current subgroup products. The hierarchy of perspectives is flexible to allow different applications to structure the flow of information appropriately. Figure 1 illustrates the hierarchy used by members of the Aztec research team in a current
WebGuide application.The negotiation mechanism is optimized for small groups. It is parameterized to allow the selection of alternative negotiation policies. It supports both asynchronous (web-based) and synchronous (face-to-face) discussion of negotiation decisions. Its uniqueness comes from its integration with perspectives.
The Demo Two applications of WebGuide will be demonstrated:These two applications will be shown, including the various perspectives that researchers use to view their work and to negotiate group agreements. The structure of the perspectives hierarchy and negotiation parameters in these two applications will be explained and contrasted. The generality for other kinds of CSCW contexts will be discussed.
The Presenters Gerry Stahl is a Researcher at Colorados Center for LifeLong Learning and Design. His research includes the use of perspectives in organizational memories for organizational learning. He has implemented perspectives mechanisms and other personalization techniques in several systems. WebGuide is his first web-based implementation of perspectives. He is a PI in two projects using WebGuide.Thomas Herrmann is a Professor at Dortmunds Informatik und Gesellschaft (computers and society) group. His research includes the support of negotiation in CSCW systems. He designed the negotiation support in
WebGuide during a stay in Boulder.Rogerio dePaula is a graduate student at Colorado and a Research Assistant on the
WebGuide project.Kai-Uwe Loser is a graduate student at Dortmund currently visiting Boulder, where he is working on the
WebGuide project.Go to top of this page
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