on the Design and Assessment
of Knowledge-Building Environments in the 2000's"

Minutes of the Workshop

CSCL '99 Conference website: http://sll-6.stanford.edu/CSCL99/
CSCL '99 Workshop schedule: http://lilt.ics.hawaii.edu/CSCL99/
Description of this workshop: http://GerryStahl.net/publications/conferences/1999/cscl99/cscl99_workshop.html

[ note that some of the position papers have a link near
the top that allows you to READ and WRITE comments on the papers, using
Hendricksen's DocReview ]
Gerry Stahl, University of Colorado at Boulder, Gerry.Stahl@Colorado.edu
Marlene Scardamalia,
University of Toronto, MScardamalia@oise.utoronto.edu
Timothy Koschmann, Southern Illinois
University, TKoschmann@acm.org
Charlie Hendricksen, University of Washington,
Penny Collings, University of Canberra,
Jochen Rick, Georgia Tech, Jochen.Rick@cc.gatech.edu
Colleen Kehoe, Georgia Tech, Colleen@cc.gatech.edu
Patricia Schank, Judi Fusco, Elaine B. Coleman & Christine Korbak, SRI
International, Schank@unix.sri.com Fusco@tappedin.sri.com
Alex Cuthbert, Berkeley, Alx@socrates.berkeley.edu
Eugene Matusov, Renee Hayes & Mary Jane Pluta,
University of Delaware, EMatusov@udel.edu
Mike Chorost, Scient Corporation, MChorost@scient.com
Matthew Realff, Georgia Tech, Matthew.Realff@che.gatech.edu
Hanni Muukonen, University of Helsinki, Hanni.Muukkonen@helsinki.fi
Sasha Barab & Thomas
Duffy, Indiana University, SBarab@indiana.edu
Anders Morch, University of Bergen, Anders@ifi.uib.no
Daniel Suthers, University of Hawaii, Suthers@hawaii.edu
Geri Gay, Cornell University, GKG1@cornell.edu
Jason Ravitz, University of California at Irvine, JRavitz@uci.edu
Gerardo Del Cerro, Cooper Union, Cerro@cooper.edu
Michele Minnis, University of New Mexico, Minnis@unm.edu
Gaby Lutgens, University of Maastricht, G.Lutgens@mmi.unimaas.nl
Anneke Eurelings, University of Maastricht, Eurelings@mmi.unimaas.nl
Frans Ronteltap, University of Maastricht, F.Ronteltap@mmi.unimaas.nl
Leo Plugge, University of Maastricht,
Elizabeth Lenell, University of Colorado at Boulder,
Roger Mundell & Denise Stockley, Royal Roads
University, RMundell@royalroads.ca DStockle@sfu.ca
Jørgen Lerche Nielsen, Roskilde University, jln@ruc.dk
Chee Kit Looi, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, cheekit@mailhost.krdl.org.sg
Zahra Punja, ZPunja@oise.utoronto.ca
Martin Aaron, University of Colorado at Boulder, AAMartin@rintintin.colorado.edu
Carolyn Awalt, CAwalt@mail.utexas.edu
Cindy Hmelo, Rutgers University, CHmelo@rci.rutgers.edu
M. Cecelia Buchanan, Haverford, Bryn Mawr, Swarthmore, CBuchana@haverford.edu
Chris Hoadley, SRI, tophe@unix.sri.com
Lars-Erik Bjessmo, Lars-Erik.Bjessmo@lhs.se
Paul Chan, Paul.K.F.Chan@intel.com
Joya Chatterjee, Joya_Chatterjee@hp.com
Haas, NancyWH@home.com
Randy Hinrichs, RandyH@microsoft.com
Wai-ling Ho-Ching, FHoChing@sfu.ca
Charles Honnold, HonnolC@arc.losrios.cc.ca.us
Ulla Karlsson, Ulla.Karlsson@lhs.se
Queene Mavor, QMavor@aol.com
Mathew McDougall, MathewM@tibco.com
Bob McLean, RMcLean@oise.utoronto.ca
Yoritoshi Minamino, Mniamina@ams.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
Judith Nandwa, Judy@edc.or.ke
John Nash, JNash@standford.edu
Goran Ocklind, Goran.Ocklind@galenik.uu.se
Itsuo Ohnaka, Ohnaka@ams.end.osaka-u.jp
Julie Oswald, Julie@redbluegreen.com.au
Ulrich Rauch, Uli@arts.ubc.ca
Martin Ramirez, MRR@depaul.edu
Svein Sosterud, Sosterud@weber.ucsd.edu
Yoke Chun Tham, YokeTham@uiuc.edu