8.1. A Computationally Active Medium for DesignersThe Hermes substrate. Hermes is a substrate for building design environments to support interpretation in innovative design. Many of the previous design environments discussed in Chapter 7 got along without primary attention being given to a substrate level. This is because those systems prototyped functionality specific to individual components. However, recently there has been a proliferation of efforts related to Janus to introduce functionality that spans all the components of a design environment. Kid (Nakakoji, 1993) pushes the non-substrate, multi-faceted approach to its limit, integrating design decisions made in one component with displays in others by “linking mechanisms” to bridge different knowledge representations. But even here, the beginnings of an integrating language are established with the formulations of specification-linking rules, which tie together several major components (critic rules, specification, catalog, domain distinctions). Modifier’s (Girgensohn, 1992) approach to end-user modifiability of data in all components was an effort that naturally led to integration. The components whose knowledge became modifiable (e.g., the palette and its critics) were, in effect, redesigned to be based on a minimal common substrate of Lisp tools for using property sheets. Indy (Reeves, 1993) proposes history capture mechanisms and embedded annotation techniques that apply to events in all parts of the system. In order to implement this, it was necessary to rewrite Janus to represent all events in the system uniformly. Similarly, the idea of a “programmable application” (Eisenberg, 1992; Eisenberg & Fischer, 1992) suggests the applicability of an end-user programming language throughout a system, as noted in Chapter 7. An explicitly designed substrate is a way to have various special components implementing multi-faceted functionality while at the same time providing a base of common functionality that is shared by all these components. Certainly, a construction component needs to provide some special supports that are not appropriate to a design rationale component. However, it may be useful to have hypermedia linking, partitioning of knowledge by perspectives, and definition of expressions in an end-user language available in many or all the components. An architecture based on an integrated substrate can support the multi-faceted functionality required for a design environment. X-Network (Shipman, 1993), for instance, has hypermedia linking, multi-user access, and incremental formality mechanisms that must apply to multiple components; it implements these within a hypermedia object system substrate. Hermes is also a substrate that can provide functionality that applies to all parts of a design environment built on it. Its language supports end-user-programmability of all components and its perspectives affect all knowledge used in the system. Its critics, palette, catalog, construction, and argumentation displays are all programmable in the language and their definitions or contents are dependent upon the selected perspective. There are several benefits to creating a design environment substrate. As shown in Section 8.3, it facilitates creating new components within an integrated, high-functionality system by exploiting powerful existing data structures. It permits adding additional trans-component functionality (e.g., for supporting learning, collaboration, interpretation, evolving formality, or agent mechanisms) by enhancements at the substrate level. It provides an integration that helps both developers and end-users because the various components now use standardized structures, mechanisms, and interfaces, so techniques learned in one component transfer well to others. The layered architecture of Hermes has the following structure (see Figure 8.1): (1) Programming environment. This layer includes commercial object libraries for list processing, graphics, B+ indexing, windowing user interface, etc., as well as the Pascal source code compiler.
Figure 8-1. Layered architecture of Hermes. (2) Hermes substrate. In addition to the hypermedia structure, the language definition, and the perspectives mechanism, this substrate level includes an efficient, scalable object-oriented database management system for persistence of the hypermedia data structure. With the language interpreter, this substrate alone consists of about 200 object classes (roughly 20,000 lines of code). The power and flexibility of Hermes for empowering users to represent, manipulate, and interpret domain knowledge comes from the complex interactions of the functionality of the substrate—much more than from the higher-level components of the multi-faceted user interface built on top of it. (3) Design environment user interface. Components like adaptive palettes, design catalogs, and adaptable argumentation are defined as specialized window objects (graphical user interface features). They use the functionality of the substrate to retrieve hypermedia nodes in the active perspective using queries in the language. Some interface components are necessary for user access to the language and perspectives; others are specific to an application, like lunar habitat design. User interface components can take advantage of terms defined in the language, so that end-users can modify the behavior by redefining the terms. (4) Seeded domain knowledge. The system is initially seeded with knowledge specific to the domain for which the system will be used, such as lunar habitat design. This includes definitions of useful terms and queries in the language and an initial hierarchy of perspectives for organizing knowledge. This seeded information is represented using mechanisms defined in the substrate and is stored in the database. (5) User definitions and perspectives. Users can read, modify, and add to any of the domain knowledge. They can organize alternative versions of text, graphics, and language definitions (e.g., domain distinctions, critics, and queries in the language) by perspectives. The substrate is designed to empower users of various skill levels to reuse, modify, and extend all forms of information stored in the knowledge base and to reorganize it into meaningful perspectives. A hypermedia system. The Hermes system is built on an extended form of hypermedia. Hypermedia can be understood as a system of nodes having content of various kinds connected together by links to form a network or graph structure. Alternatively, if one focuses on the language elements and their interconnections, the Hermes hypermedia can be viewed as an extended form of semantic network (Woods, 1975). In Hermes, the content of nodes can take the form of various media, such as text (e.g., for the issue-base), graphics (for the construction area), or expressions in the Hermes language (like critic rules). In this way, everything that needs to be represented in the computer to support design can be represented in an appropriate data structure that is still part of an integrated system. Each element of information can be interconnected with other elements as needed. The media requirements for a system to support design are extensive. As mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, the lunar habitat designers in the transcripts used the following: sketches of previous designs, graphical representations of design components, discussions of design rationale, terminology for thinking about the design, information from experiences of former space missions, drawings from references, and guidelines from NASA documents. In order to represent these in the Hermes system, the hypermedia substrate defines the following media for the content of nodes: character (text), number (reals), conditions (boolean-valued expressions), graphics (vector graphics), images (bitmaps), pen-based sketches, sound (recorded voice), and video recordings. Because Hermes needs to display information in accordance with interpretations that are not pre-defined but are defined by the user, all displays must be computed dynamically. This is done with dynamic displays, in contrast with the page-based approach of most hypertext systems. In a program like HyperCard, a presentation of design rationale might contain a pre-formatted page of issues. Embedded with an issue might be a button for its justification. Clicking on that button brings up another page of text presenting the justification. Similarly, in Janus a page of design rationale contains highlighted terms; clicking on one of them displays information about that term, allowing one to browse through pages of related textual information. In Hermes, however, the justification must be recomputed based on the current interpretation. This is done by executing a query specifying the information desired (e.g., justifications of answers of a certain issue) and based on the currently active interpretive perspective. The results of the query are then displayed, in place of a pre-formatted page. This approach was adopted from the Phidias design environment, which featured a limited query language for allowing the user to structure textual displays (McCall, 1989). Because in this approach design rationale is generally stored at the relatively fine granularity of sentences rather than pages, it can be modified either by changing or adding short sentences, or by modifying the definition of the query. The Hermes language provides the means of navigating the links of the Hermes hypermedia. Links between nodes have types, like an answer link to connect an issue with its answers. In addition, as described in Chapter 10, the language defines processes of information retrieval, analysis, filtering, display, and critique, which make link traversal more dynamic than just following static link types. Expressions in the language can be incorporated in computational agents or in interface features of a design environment. All terms and expressions defined in the language are stored as nodes of the hypermedia. The language can also be embedded in the hypermedia structure in various ways. For instance, nodes and links can be made conditional on an arbitrary expression in the language that evaluates (at run-time) to true or false. The content of a node can also be defined by the result of an expression in the language that evaluates to a list of other nodes. These two uses of the language to make the content of nodes dependent upon the run-time evaluation of expressions are known as conditional nodes and virtual structures, respectively. (See Halasz, 1988, and McCall, et al., 1990a.) The hypermedia system also defines and incorporates Hermes’ perspective mechanism. The links between nodes maintain lists of which perspectives can or cannot view the connected nodes. When the link is traversed during the evaluation of an expression in the language (which is, at an implementation level, the only way that the node the link leads to can be retrieved or displayed), the currently active perspective is compared with this list. Active media. The Hermes hypermedia provides a computationally active medium for designers to work in. All information retrieval, display, analysis, and critique is performed by navigating the hypermedia network of nodes and links. The content of the nodes may be dynamically dependent upon other content in the network, as in conditional nodes and virtual structures. Whether or not such nodes are involved, the retrieval of information depends upon an expression in the language, which may in turn be composed of many other terms, whose definitions can be changed. Furthermore, information retrieval and display is always dependent upon the current perspective and the list of perspectives from which it inherits. All of these dependencies are under the control of the person using the system. However, the synergy of the various dependencies (definition of the retrieval expression, content of nodes, definition of language terms, choice and structure of perspectives) quickly exceeds the ability of people to foresee the results in detail. Rather, users of the system proceed with a largely tacit understanding and the computer works out the details. In this way, people can concentrate on the interpretive tasks while the computer takes care of the detailed but routine bookkeeping. This exploits the advantage of a computational medium over passive external media like paper. People-centered system. The language provides a central control mechanism over computational processes in the Hermes system. As such, it makes the control over all computations ultimately available to designers using the system. The language is a means of communication between the computer and its users, through which end-users can specify in as much detail as they wish how information is to be stored, retrieved, analyzed, displayed, and critiqued. At the same time, the system is seeded with default definitions so that designers do not have to be concerned with these matters in any more detail then they need to be as a result of their design tasks. Because Hermes is designed for exploratory domains like lunar habitat design, however, a seeded knowledge base is only a starting point and source of reusable definitions. Design requires incessant modification and tailoring of definitions of all relevant knowledge based on the particular design situation, the active perspective, and the linguistic frameworks and terminology in use. This means that all information in the system must be flexibly modifiable. It is not only that there are no longer any experts in the traditional sense because systems of knowledge have become too extensive and too rapidly changing for individuals to master (Fischer & Nakakoji, 1992). Beyond this, in exploratory design tasks like lunar habitat design, there is no such thing as an objective body of domain knowledge that could even in principle be defined once and for all. So-called domain knowledge arises through processes of interpretation that are situated, perspectival, and linguistic. This certainly does not mean that such knowledge is arbitrary or that it cannot be justified. On the contrary, it is grounded precisely in the situations, viewpoints, and traditions that provide its background knowledge and in the deliberations that importantly accompany it. But, the point is that alternative versions of the knowledge are applicable under different conditions and only designers can determine relevance. Evolving knowledge base. The plasticity of Hermes’ language and other media takes off from the ideas of Phidias. In Phidias, node and link types were user-defined. This was a simple matter of allowing users to define new names for types of nodes and links. Then, new nodes and the links between them could be labeled with any one of these types. The importance of this came in its effect upon the Phidias query language (discussed in Chapter 7). This language consisted largely of options for combining node and link types. So by careful choice of type names, query expressions could be made to read descriptively and the language could be extended to include new terms. The Hermes language is far more complex, but it retains the principle that all semantic elements should be user-definable and namable. In fact, this principle is extended to the various media as well, so that everything in the knowledge base can be named and modified. All representations of knowledge in the Hermes system are maintained as data in the hypermedia information base on disk. This makes it easy for the system builders who define components for design environments built upon the Hermes substrate, for knowledge engineers who seed or reseed the knowledge base, as well as for end-users who tailor the information to their own needs. Standard interfaces are available for browsing, editing, and extending knowledge in all media. The Hermes substrate is designed to support constant tailoring of all information in the knowledge base. All nodes in the hypermedia can be browsed, modified, annotated, or deleted within the current perspective. Much knowledge is defined by language expressions, which can likewise be edited. The terms used in expressions can also be edited, and so on recursively. Knowledge is organized by perspectives. Together, the hypermedia, perspectives, and language provide considerable control over all knowledge in the system by designers using it. The following chapters will detail how this works. Go to top of this page Return to Gerry Stahl's Home Page Send email to Gerry.Stahl@drexel.edu This page last modified on January 05, 2004 |