8.2. Knowledge Representation in the Hermes SubstrateFigure 8-2 below shows how the functionality of the most important objects in the Hermes substrate is built up. Starting at the top is the generic Hermes named object. Any object descended from this can optionally have a name and can be stored on the object stream (file) that functions as the database for Hermes. The objects below it in the hierarchy successively accumulate data slots (indicated in parentheses) and methods. The Active object adds two features that provide considerable power for the advanced user: conditionals and procedures. Any object that inherits these (for instance, all varieties of nodes and links and language elements) can be made conditional upon a language expression or can incorporate an arbitrary procedure. A conditional can be any boolean expression defined in the Hermes language. When an object with this conditional is encountered in traversing the hypermedia, the conditional is evaluated. If it evaluates to true, then the link can be traversed or the node evaluated and displayed, otherwise, the object is ignored. A procedure is a user-defined procedure written in any commercial programming language that supports Windows dynamic link libraries (DLLs), e.g., Pascal or C++. Hermes includes a DLL with ten procedure identifiers, so that users can define and compile up to ten procedures. The procedure identifiers can then be attached to Hermes objects. When the object is encountered during hypermedia traversal, the procedure is run. This mechanism of procedural attachment has also been used internally to implement one of the procedures for the Hermes perspectives mechanism (see the implementation of “lazy virtual copying” in Chapter 9). With these mechanisms, procedures written in either the Hermes language or in a general purpose programming language can be embedded anywhere in the hypermedia database.
Figure 8-2. The Hermes substrate object hierarchy. Persistent objects can be retrieved from the Hermes database. They have a unique object id, which is used internally for direct random access to the stream on disk. A set of methods for persistent objects defines an efficient database management system that performs buffered reads from disk. Once accessed, objects are cached in memory by these methods since they are likely to be traversed again. For objects that have user-defined names, a B+ index is used to retrieve the internal object id for object retrieval. This means that even when the database is scaled up to millions of objects, any object can be retrieved from disk either by user-defined name or by internal id with no appreciable increase in the number of disk accesses. The index to the stream maintains the node kind of each stored node, so lists of nodes of a given kind can be generated. Similarly, the index of named objects maintains the object type, so lists of named objects of a given language type can be displayed quickly for pick lists in the interface. VCopy objects can participate in the virtual copying mechanisms that implement perspectives in Hermes. A set of ten object methods (defined in Section 9.2) are used for the virtual copying of nodes, links, hypermedia networks, and subnetworks. Stamped objects are time-stamped with the name of the person who was logged in when the object was created, the date and time of creation, and the date and time of the last modification. This information is useful for browsing the knowledge base with queries in the language. It can also be used for security systems built on top of Hermes. Node objects are the “first class objects” of the Hermes hypermedia system. They can all be interconnected in the hypermedia, referred to by the language, and organized into perspectives. This is the basis for the interlinked hypermedia structure. Any node objects can, for instance, have annotations or arbitrary features attached to them. A node object maintains a tree of links coming in to it and a tree of links going out. The trees of links consist of lists of link lists, where each link list contains links of a given link type. This list of lists is sorted by link type. The link lists contain the object ids of the individual links. This structure makes for efficient access of a node’s links for traversal and language expression evaluation. Links are stored independently of the nodes that they connect, because they may contain considerable data and may be accessed, traversed, or modified without needing to read in their attached nodes (which may be very large for bitmaps, video, etc.). A link consists of a list of sublinks, which maintain information about perspectives, display attributes (e.g., color, font), and spatial transforms (e.g., scaling or rotation for 3-D graphics). By combining a list of sublinks between a given two nodes into one link rather than having multiple links between the same two nodes, the number of links that need to be read in from memory is minimized. Combining all links between two nodes is important because there may be very bushy trees of sublinks due to the perspectives mechanism’s implementation. For many functions, one needs to look at all or many of the sublinks. Also, often one only wants to cross one sublink of a link (the first one), otherwise one would get multiple copies; this is efficiently done with a for-each or for-first method on a list of sublinks. Contexts, node kinds, and link types are very simple node objects. They just have user-defined names. Contexts are linked in a hierarchy that defines the perspectives and their inheritance relations (see Chapter 9). Node kinds and link types can have synonyms defined. When they are created, the Hermes interface suggests a plural form to be defined as a synonym. This is useful for making language expressions smoothly readable. Nodes have no content themselves. Rather, they have content links that connect them to content nodes that contain the content (e.g., characters, numbers, language elements). This separation of the named nodes from their content is useful and efficient in a number of ways. It allows a given node to have multiple contents. It may have a different content in different perspectives; it may have several contents of the same or different media; or it may be part of a hierarchy of graphical objects, from a complex lunar habitat, through its components and subcomponents, down to its ultimate polylines of points in 3-D space. The separation of nodes and contents allows perspectives information (as well as display attributes and spatial transforms) to be stored in the intervening links. There are also accessing efficiencies that result from the separation. Content nodes provide the knowledge representation media. The language elements and terminology elements are explained in Chapter 10 and in Appendix C. The media elements provide the various media required for supporting design. These media elements are traditional objects of hypermedia systems. However, as part of the Hermes substrate their retrieval, modification, display, and analysis take place through mechanisms that are standardized across components, allow integration, are fine-grained, are organized in perspectives, provide for plasticity, and are computed dynamically. Go to top of this page Return to Gerry Stahl's Home Page Send email to Gerry.Stahl@drexel.edu This page last modified on January 05, 2004 |