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Sec 9.2

9.2.      A Hypermedia Implementation of Perspectives

This section discusses the implementation of the Hermes perspectives mechanism. The ten methods discussed below are used by the Hermes substrate internally. The user never needs to know how they work. Even people who build design environment components on top of the Hermes substrate do not need to be concerned with the details, but can simply call the methods. The purpose of this section is to describe some of the computation that takes place behind the scenes every time a designer retrieves, displays, navigates, modifies, critiques, or analyzes information in the system. It is an example of the active computation that supports the user’s tacit design work.

As suggested in Chapter 7, the perspectives (or, equivalently, contexts) mechanism in Hermes is loosely based on the virtual copying of networks approach proposed by Mittal, et al. (1986) and the general copy-on-write technique discussed by Fitzgerald and Rashid (1986). More particularly, it was proposed by McCall (1991/92) for application to hierarchical networks of domain rationale in Phidias. In Hermes, the perspectives mechanism has been expanded and generalized so that all information (e.g., graphics and other media, as well as definitions of language expressions) is accessible relative to the perspectives.

There are two parts to the perspectives mechanism. First, there is a hierarchy of defined perspectives that is maintained as a network of (context) nodes and (context) links. Second, every link in the hypermedia database contains lists specifying which perspectives may or may not be active for the link to be traversed. The question as to what perspective is the “active” one at any given time is answered by reference to a value maintained by the Hermes application.

The hierarchy of perspectives is quite simple. It looks much like the nodes and links pictured in Figure 9-10 above. When a new perspective is defined by a user through a dialog box like that in Figure 9-9, a new context node is created. It is linked to the context nodes it inherits from by a simple context link. As discussed in Chapter 8, context nodes and links are like regular nodes and links except that they have no node kinds or link types. Context nodes have just their names and their links to other contexts. Like any node in Hermes, they can be time-stamped and they can be linked to annotations or other attributes. This linking can be used for documentation or to implement security systems that restrict movement from one perspective to another. However, in the normal Hermes system all information can be accessed by all users; it is organized in perspectives to support timely access. Traversal of the context hierarchy is similar to normal hypermedia traversal, but it has been optimized for efficiency.

Links in Hermes consist of multiple sublinks between a given pair of nodes. Each sublink maintains four items related to the perspectives mechanism: (1) the original context in which the link was created, (2) a list of added contexts in which the link can also be traversed, (3) a list of deleted contexts in which the link should not be traversed, and (4) a “switch” context to which the active perspective should be changed when the link is traversed. This information supports ten methods for the virtual copying of nodes, links, or hypermedia networks, as discussed in this section.

When the system wants to traverse a link, it tests to see if any of the link’s sublinks can be traversed. The test proceeds as follows: (a) If the currently active perspective or any of its inherited ancestors matches a context on the deleted list (3), then the sublink cannot be traversed. (b) If the currently active perspective or any of its inherited ancestors matches the original context (1) or a context on the added list (2), then the sublink can be traversed. If there is a switch context (4), then when the link is traversed the active perspective must be changed to the switched context. The inherited ancestors are checked through a breadth-first recursive search with a check for cycles in the inheritance network. Conflicts from multiple inheritance have no consequence since there is no content to the context nodes, the first match halts the search, and alternative paths are equivalent.

Recall from Chapter 8 that named nodes are separated from their contents. So, links connect pairs of named nodes and they also connect named nodes with their content. Because the contexts are checked during link traversal, they control both which named nodes are connected in the active perspective and what contents go with a given named node in that perspective. This is why it is possible for a given named node (e.g., the language expression named “too near”) to have different contents (different definitions) in different perspectives.

The following suite of ten methods implement the creation, deletion, and modification of links, nodes, and contents relative to perspectives. They are defined as object methods for VCopy nodes (see Section 8.2). They provide the following functions:

1.   Copy the information from one context (perspective) into another.

2.   Delete one node in a context that descends from another context.

3.   Modify one node in a context that descends from another context.

4.   Delete one link in a context that descends from another context.

5.   Modify one link in a context that descends from another context.

6.   Physically copy one node from one context into another context.

7.   Virtually copy one node from one context into another context.

8.   Reuse a subnetwork from one context in another context.

9.   Virtual copy a subnetwork from one context into another context.

10. Lazy virtual copy a subnetwork from one context into another context.

Method 1: copy an entire context. Given the foregoing apparatus, the ten virtual copying methods can be explained. The simplest is to just copy all the contents of one perspective into a new perspective. For instance, Archie wanted to make his own copy of everything that was visible in Desi’s perspective. This is done by defining the new perspective and having it inherit from the old one. Then, when the system checks a link to a node or to a node’s contents when the new context is the active one, it will start by trying to match the new context and then will try to match its ancestors. The old context is its ancestor, so a match will be found when the new context is active if and only if it would have been found when the old context was active. Therefore, the same nodes and contents will be visible to Archie as to Desi. Of course, once Archie starts adding, modifying, or deleting nodes or links in his perspective, sublinks will start being labeled with Archie’s new context and this will introduce changes between the two perspectives.

This approach is called virtual copying because the effect is to make it seem that all the information from one perspective has been copied into the other perspective. However, nothing has in fact been physically copied in the database. In fact, no nodes or links have been changed at all, except the addition of the new context node and its links in the perspectives inheritance hierarchy. Physical changes to the nodes and links only take place when there are changes made to the virtual copies. That is, if Archie deletes or modifies a node or link that was originally created by Desi, then changes must be made to ensure that the modifications or deletions show up in Archie’s perspective but not in Desi’s. On the other hand, if Desi changes something that has not been altered by Archie, then these changes should show up in both perspectives. Under many circumstances, his last point is an advantage of virtual copying over physical copies—in addition to the great savings of memory and time.

The next four methods are for handling deletions or modifications to virtual copies in a descendant perspective.

Method 2: delete a node in a descendant context. To delete a node, simply add the name of the current perspective to the delete list of the sublink. For instance, to delete in Archie’s perspective a named node or a content node that was virtual copied from Desi’s perspective, leave its original context (Desi’s) alone and add Archie’s perspective to the delete list of the sublink of the link leading to the node. Then when traversal of that link is attempted in Archie’s perspective, the delete list will prohibit the traversal, although it will still be permitted in Desi’s perspective.

Method 3: modify a node in a descendant context. To modify a node, first create a physical copy of it in the new perspective and link it with a new link labeled with the current perspective as its original context. Then delete the old node in the perspective using method 2. Suppose Desi had defined too near as closest distance is less then 5 feet and Archie modified it to closest distance is less then 3 feet; the result is shown in Figure 9-11.


Figure 9-11. The result of modifying the virtual copy of a node.


Method 4: delete a link in a descendant context. This is identical to method 2. To make it so that a link will not be traversed in the descendent context is to make the linked node effectively deleted in that context.

Method 5: modify a link in a descendant context. This is similar to method 3, although no changes to nodes are made. Rather a new sublink of the original link is created. The original sublink and the new sublink are labeled as were the two links in method 3 (and Figure 9-11). Now there are two routes through the link to the node. One will be crossed in the ancestor context(s) the other in the descendent context.

Recall that display attributes and spatial transforms are stored in the sublinks, so which sublink gets traversed can make a significant difference in how the node at the end of the link is displayed. For instance, the node could be the graphics for a brick in a wall. If the wall consists of thousands of identical bricks, it could be made up of thousands of virtual copies of the one graphic node, each reached by a different sublink having different spatial transforms to locate that copy in the wall. Such efficient vector graphics is a major benefit of the virtual copying scheme, although it is not a central concern of this dissertation.

The remaining methods handle cases in which one does not wish to copy an entire perspective, but rather just a single node of a linked network of nodes.

Method 6: physical copy one node into another context. One can always simply make a physical copy of a node from one context to another. The old node is not changed. The link from the new copy of the named node to the new copy of its content is labeled with the new perspective. This option can be used in place of virtual copying in cases where one does not wish the copy to change if its original prototype is changed in its old perspective.

Method 7: virtual copy one node into another context. This method uses the list of added contexts in the sublist. To copy a node from, say, Phyllis’ perspective to an independent perspective, like Sophia’s, simply add Sophia’s perspective to the add list of the link between the node and its content. (The perspective hierarchy in Figure 9-12 is assumed in this and the following methods.)


Figure 9-12. An illustrative perspectives hierarchy.


Method 8: reuse a subnetwork in another context. This method uses the switch context in the sublist. To virtual copy a network of nodes in, say, Phyllis’ perspective so they can be traversed in an independent perspective like Sophia’s, first create a new context and have it inherit from Phyllis’ context. This context need not even have a name; since it is used internally, it can always be referenced directly by its internal object id. Although the number of such internally-defined contexts may proliferate with extensive virtual copying, they will never appear to the system users. Then create a link from where you want to enter this subnetwork in Sophia’s perspective to the first node you want to traverse to in Phyllis’ perspective. This link will have Sophia’s perspective as its original context. Define its switch context to be the new internal context as in Figure 9-13. Then, what happens when you traverse this link from Sophia’s perspective is that your currently active perspective changes to the internal context. Since this context is a descendant of Phyllis’ perspective, you can now freely traverse the subnetwork.


Figure 9-13. Switching contexts to traverse a subnetwork.

The network of nodes on the left is visible in Sophia’s perspective; that on the right in Phyllis’. The link between them can be traversed in Sophia’s perspective, but it switches the active perspective to an internally defined descendent of Phyllis’ perspective so that the right-hand network will be visible.


Method 9: virtual copy a subnetwork into another context. This method is an extension of method 7 and an alternative to method 8. The disadvantage of this method is that it is more computationally intensive to set up. Whereas method 8 involves just adding an internal context to the perspectives hierarchy and creating a single new link with the switch context, method 9 involves inserting the current context into the add list of a sublist in every link of the subnetwork. If the subnetwork has thousands of nodes linked together, this can be an expensive operation, involving many disk accesses.

Method 10: lazy virtual copy a subnetwork into another context. This is a variation on method 9. Instead of traversing the entire subnetwork and inserting the current perspective into all the sublink add lists at once, only the link to the first node is treated. All links coming out of this node are then marked for future treatment. As each of these links is traversed in the future during normal operations, those links are treated and the links further down in the subnetwork coming out of their nodes are then marked for future treatment. This spreads out the costs and delays them until they are unavoidable. A further advantage is that prior to virtual copying each of the nodes as they are encountered, the user can be queried if the node should actually be included in the new perspective. This allows the user to browse through the network and selectively include just those nodes that are really desirable in the new perspective.

Method 10 uses the procedural attachment technique mentioned in Chapter 8. Every node in the system is capable of having an arbitrary procedure attached to it. The nodes to be treated in the future by method 10 are marked by having the lazy virtual copying procedure attached to them. Then when they are traversed, the procedure is executed and it treats them and their further links appropriately. This is a form of delayed recursion.

The ten methods reviewed here (along with the context hierarchy and the procedure for checking links during attempted traversal) suffice for implementing the Hermes perspectives mechanism. They provide an efficient means for organizing information in over-lapping categories, such as hierarchies of personal and group viewpoints, of technical aspects, and of domain traditions. The virtual copying is also useful for efficient versioning schemes, CAD graphics, and information security systems. The following section will touch on some ways this mechanism can be used to support interpretation in collaborative design.

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