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Associate Professor
Rush Building -- Room 409
33rd & Market Streets (physical address)
3141 Chestnut Street (mail address)
Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
215-895-0544 (phone)
215-895-2494 (fax)

The Virtual Math
Teams Project
at the Math Forum
@ Drexel |

journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning |

 | Essays on collaboration and Technology (CSCL, CSCW) |
 | Section I. Design of mediated collaboration |
 | Section II. Analysis of mediated collaboration |
 | Section III. Theory of mediated collaboration |

Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning |

Research at Drexel |
Research Presentations:
 | CRIWG '02: "Groupware
goes to school" La Serena, Chile |
 | ICLS '02: "The
complexity of a collaborative interaction" Seattle, WA |
 | CSCW '02: "Analyzing and
representing the building of collaborative
knowing" New Orleans, LA |
 | HICSS '03: "Negotiating
shared knowledge in asynchronous learning networks"
Hawai'i, HA |
 | Ethnography in Education "From
computational artifact to cognitive artifact: A micro-ethnographic
analysis of students building collaborative knowing about a rocket
simulation" Philadelphia, PA |
 | CSCL '03: "Meaning
& interpretation in collaboration" Bergen, Norway |
 | IST presentation on Research & Teaching |
 | Drexel Research Day 2003 posters |
 | DeLFI '03 Opening Keynote
"The future of computer support for e-learning" Munich, Germany |
 | C&T '03
"Can shared knowledge exceed the sum of its parts?" Amsterdam,
Netherlands |
 | NSDL Annual Meeting of PIs "VMT poster"
Washington, DC |
 | GROUP '03 "Can
community knowledge exceed its members'?" Sanibel Island, FL |
 | Dean's Circle "Building Knowledge Together" IST December 17,
2003. Including clip from
Boulder public school and clip from
Phila public
school. |
 | AERA '04 "Collaborating
with Relational References," San Diego, CA |
 | VMT '04
Four-day international workshop on Virtual Math Teams, Philadelphia,
PA |
 | ICLS '04 "Community-Based
Learning Workshop" Los Angeles, CA |
 | ICLS '04 "Video
Analyst's Manifesto" Los Angeles, CA |
 | ICLS '04 "A
Model and a Game for Investigating, Designing and Teaching Collaborative
Learning" Los Angeles, CA |
 | ICLS '04 "Diversity
in Virtual Math Teams" Los Angeles, CA |
Research Publications:
Funding Proposals:

 | WebNet: a collaborative information environment for LAN design. |
 | CIE: a corporate information environment to support ISO 9000
documentation management and total quality management. |
 | Personalizable Software: independent consulting in software
development, artificial intelligence and knowledge-based systems. |
 | OptoNet: automated stabilization of holographic optics equipment for
research in space. |
 | Crew: a case-based reasoning system to model astronaut behavior on
deep space missions. |
 | TCA: a Web-based assistant for teachers to retrieve, customize and
share constructivist curriculum. |
 | Hermes: a design environment substrate to support interpretive
processes of designers with hypermedia, perspectives and end-user
programming. |
 | Interface design and development. |
 | Non-profit management software and consulting. |
 | Systems programming and application development. |

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September 01, 2004