Gerry Stahl's Tenure Case

The I-School @ Drexel

*** for internal review at Drexel ***


#1. This guide

This website makes my tenure case documents available electronically with live links to all my publications and supporting materials.

#2. My tenure dossier: [Dossier]

#3. My curriculum vitae: [CV]

Scholarship appendices

#4. "Group cognition: Computer support for building collaborative knowledge": [Book]

#5. "Supporting group cognition in an online math community: A cognitive tool for small-group referencing in text chat": [JECR article]

#6. "Sustaining group cognition in a math chat environment": [RPTEL article]

#7. "Analyzing and designing the group cognitive experience": [JCIS article]

Teaching appendices

#8. Courses on interaction design: [Teaching Portfolio]

#9. CSCL: An historical perspective: [CHLS chapter]

Service appendices

#10. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL) volume 1 & volume 2: [ijCSCL Intros]

Background appendices

#11. Overview of the Virtual Math Teams project: [VMT Overview]

#12. Overview of my current research: [CMC Chapter]

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This page last modified on June 16, 2007