Volume 15. Global Introduction to CSCL
This volume reproduces an attempt by three researchers—Gerry Stahl, Timothy Koschmann and Daniel D. Suthers—of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) to define their field for newcomers. The original essay—entitled “Computer-supported collaborative learning: An historical perspective”—was one chapter in the Handbook of the Learning Sciences, which introduced the main concepts in the larger interdisciplinary field of the learning sciences. The essay tried to help the fledgling field continue to grow and to reach people around the world in the several cognate fields of CSCL (such as education, psychology, computer science, communication, philosophy).
The present edition continues that effort by packaging in one book the English original version and translations into major languages of Europe, Asia and Latin America: Spanish, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Romanian and German. This volume is for informal usage, where readers can easily compare versions in different languages.
The three authors have promoted the field of CSCL for many years. They have worked—individually and together—to promote the field, to build institutional supports for it and to extend it globally. They have published many case studies and analyses of collaborative interaction from an ethnomethodological perspective adopting a conversation analysis approach.
In the essay translated here, the authors give their own perspective not only on what CSCL is, but also on where it came from and where they think it should go. They take an historical perspective, arguing that the field is emerging from the past disciplinary context into a distinctive
view of reality, and that this specific view that they are promoting suggests a path for future work.
* Download PDF free for reading online or printing: global.pdf
(This is the best version: up-to-date, complete, full color, hi-res.)
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* Download MOBI version free for Kindle: global.mobi
* Order paperback from Lulu at printing cost ($9.64): Lulu page for Gerry Stahl
* Order paperback from Amazon at printing cost ($9.64): Amazon page for Gerry Stahl
English original version
Spanish Translation
Portuguese Translation
Simplified Chinese Translation
Traditional Chinese Translation
Romanian Translation
German Translation