SimRocket Monitor Adjustments

Click here to go to SimRocket.

If the simulation does not show up in the left frame: SimRocket requires a browser that supports Java, such as Netscape Navigator 3 or 4, or Internet Explorer 3 or 4. Make sure that the preferences for your browser are set to support Java.

SimRocket is best viewed in high resolution, such as 1280 x 1024. That way you can view the whole simulation including the gallery of rockets, the flight path, the counter and the Start/Stop buttons without scrolling.

On a Macintosh computer:

If you have an expandable control strip, open it up, go to the resolutions icon and select a high resolution.

Otherwise, go to the apple menu at the top left corner of your screen. Hold down the mouse button and select Control Panels and select Monitors and Sound. Click on the Monitor icon and select a high resolution. Click on the Sound icon and adjust the speakers. Now you can close the comtol panel.

On a Windows NT computer:

Open the Control Panel for the Display. Select the Settings tab. Select a high resolution and Apply.


Developed by Gerry Stahl (University of Colorado) in collaboration with Anthony Petrosino (Vanderbilt U. & U. of Wisconsin) creator of the Mission to Mars curriculum and Alex Repenning (U. of Colorado & Agentsheets, Inc.) creator of Agentsheets

Please send comments to the SimRocket webmaster

SimRocket is a project of the Articulate Learner Project at the Center for LifeLong Learning & Design at the University of Colorado. The SimRocket java applet was automatically generated with RistrettoTM, Version 1.4a2, the agent-to-Java-byte-code compiler. Ristretto is trademarked by Agentsheets Inc.

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