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speech genres

Genre-Building Communities: Bootstrapping Collaborative Intelligence

I. The problem of the utterance

Threaded discussion as dialog of utterances (Bakhtin)

notes as utterances

from discussion to knowledge-building

The problem of generic utterances

cliches, not innovative ideas

The pragmatics of interaction (Searle)

utterance as social act

levels: perlocutionary, etc.

Communicative action and society (Habermas)

social interaction

II. Dwelling poetically in language

One’s generic utterances (Heidegger)

social definition of thought or conservative cultural criticism?

The jargon of authenticity as social theory (Adorno)

critique of interpretations of SuZ by its jargon

Tradition and poetic creation

potential for innovation through mystery

new linguistic genres

III. The interplay of interpretive horizons

Externality and interpretation (Koschmann)

cannot observe without interpreting intentionality (Searle Chinese room)

The inter-play of hermeneutic horizons (Gadamer)

interpretation from perspectives

perspective taking/making (Boland)

Perspectives and situated reflection

reflection is situated in different perspectives

the interplay is magical re-contextualizing

IV. Bootstrapping social knowledge

Acceleration (Engelbart) and doubly exponential growth (Stahl)

Perspective building as meta-knowledge-building

Knowledge-building with computer support

persistent utterances

negotiation of perspectives

Genre building as social construction of linguistic artifacts

establish new genres, new artifacts of the language

V. A scenario of genre-building

using levels of inter-textuality with and without computer support using hypermedia perspectives

something one person says in their perspective triggers something else recontextualized in another’s perspective

computer support preserves utterances in situ so mystery/history can be reflected on

reconstructed scenario with inter-lay of texts:


JB: degrees of separation, Engelbart’s info changing -> community change of separations

MM: That’s it: changing communities, not info!

GS: proposal concept

GG: Walter Benjamin

TK: Who?

GS: literary critic -> philosopher (bridge textual backgrounds)


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