More Information on the State the Essence! Research Project:


State the Essence! is a central part of the Articulate Learners Project at the University of Colorado.



The guidelines for writing a summary in the Introduction to State the Essence! are an elaboration of Brown and Day's "macrorules" -- the mental operations used by expert readers when they remember the gist of what they are reading (Brown, A. L. & Day, J.D., 1983. Macrorules for summarizing texts: The development of expertise. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 22, 1-14.)

Other suggestions are based on a general checklist developed by Rinehart, et al. (Rinehart, S. D., Stahl, S. A, & Erickson, L. G., 1986. Some effects of summarization training on reading and studying. Reading Research Quarterly, 21, 422-438.)

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