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Investigations of collaborative design and the dynamics of learning communities

Alex Cuthbert

Cognition & Development

University of California at Berkeley


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My research seeks to (a) understand how communities of students mutually revise their ideas and (b) develop strategies for encouraging this process of refinement and consensus-building.

In recent years, researchers have made advances in explaining the connection between learning and social interaction (Vygotsky, 1934; Piaget, 1970; Saxe, Gearhart, & Paduano, 1993; Petty & Cacioppo, 1986; Scardemalia & Bereiter, 1991). However, it is still unclear how these and other theories of learning inform practice (Landauer, 1991). My research investigates students’ learning processes and knowledge attainment in online learning communities, while making contributions to the social and technical organization of classroom practice.

I have developed a template (figure 1) for “design projects” which require consensus-building and refinement of solutions. Design projects require elaboration of the initial problem definition and frequently involve collaboration between individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.


 Figure 1. Activity map for design projects

This template provides an overall structure for students without requiring a rigid, step-by-step approach. Students access resources and make contributions at different levels of abstraction throughout a project, participating in online discussions in sections three and six and adding annotated Internet sites to a resource library in section four. My research provides evidence that this structure encourages students to refine their ideas collectively and independently over the course of the project. I briefly summarize the two goals and associated hypotheses that guided the development of my approach to supporting collaborative design projects:

1.         Encourage mutual refinement of ideas. My hypothesis is that students who revise their ideas will have a more linked and connected understanding of the various scientific concepts associated with a project.

Eliciting student ideas is an important initial step in most constructive learning activities. In some situations, such as brainstorming, the goal is to generate as many ideas as possible before evaluating them. Having a broader problem definition should help students differentiate between alternatives, thereby increasing the potential for comparison and critique. Whether comparison and critique activities help students develop linked and connected explanations to support their designs is an open question. To begin, we can see if having access to a range of alternatives encourages students to compare and critique ideas which are distinct from their own. Measuring appropriation of ideas is difficult and requires that students have the opportunity to apply those ideas in new situations, such as peer review.

1a.     Represent ideas in an accessible and equitable manner. To encourage principled consideration of alternatives, ideas should be represented in an accessible and equitable manner. My hypothesis is that representing ideas equitably will help students evaluate ideas based on their relationship with other ideas rather than on social cues. Assessing how students interpret and use representations is difficult. However, we can begin with crude measures from computer-mediated communication that assess interest in comments based on response rates. In addition, we would expect that ideas would be evaluated based on a combination of social cues and content depending on the amount of social information provided. Hence, the importance of creating detailed case studies of how ideas are transformed as they circulate through a community of learners.

1b. Differentiate between perspectives. One of the most important dimensions of collaborative learning is the potential for students to recognize views that are distinct from their own. Helping students differentiate between perspectives is challenging since students tend to view other ideas in relation to their own perspective. Identifying and differentiating between different models is an important part of this process. As researchers, we can provide situations where students reflect on the alternatives they are considering and the principles they are using to select between them. Our assessments need to examine both the range of alternatives considered and the methods students use for selecting between them.

2.         Develop a common set of criteria for making decisions. The variable quality of information on the Internet requires teachers to help students develop critique skills for evaluating evidence (Cuthbert, 1996). Similarly, mutual refinement requires a common set of criteria for comparing and contrasting alternatives. Shared criteria refers to a set of requirements or guidelines for interpreting ideas and making decisions (though “common” is perhaps a more accurate term.) Criteria operate at different levels, from determining the adequacy of a piece of evidence to the coherence of a design. From a knowledge integration perspective, criteria should help students make informed decisions using scientific principles. We can measure the extent to which students have internalized criteria and correlate this measurement with their success at developing coherent designs and arguments.

My hypothesis is that having a common set of criteria would help students provide constructive criticism for their peers as well as help them select evidence for supporting their own design decisions. By encouraging application of criteria in new situations, we can assess the degree to which students internalize the criteria. In turn, this analysis will help us understand the developmental processes of collaborative knowledge building, providing insights into strategies for refining the computer-based representations and supports for these learning processes. 


WISE Software 

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older version of Cuthbert's position paper:

Assessing Knowledge Building Environments

Alex Cuthbert
Cognition & Development
University of California at Berkeley

Assessment is almost always tied to a set of criteria for evaluation. So when we talk of "assessment", we need to begin by specifying the goals we are trying to achieve. I have identified seven goals for knowledge building environments (KBEs) which I describe below. For each goal, I provide a short description of the theoretical grounding for the goal and a method for assessing that goal. As a researcher, I have been involved in the design and construction of the WISE environment from which many of these positions evolved. My personal view on assessment of these environments is that we need to develop a common set of criteria for assessing KBEs, linked to the following goals:

Goal one: Elicit students' ideas

In some situations, such as brainstorming, the goal is to generate as many ideas as possible before evaluating them. The hypothesis is that having a broader problem definition will help students differentiate between alternatives, thereby increasing the potential for comparison and critique. To assess whether we have encouraged students' to generate their own ideas, we can count the number of ideas generated within groups of students and compare that with individual and smaller groups of students. More importantly, we can see if having access to a range of alternatives encourages students to compare and critique ideas which are distinct from their own. Measuring appropriation of ideas is difficult and requires comparison across a longer time period, such as that afforded by extended projects and design tasks.

Goal two: Reduce planning problems

Planning is one of the perennial problems students have as evidenced by the number of hands which are routinely raised to ask, "What should we do next?" Reducing planning problems should help students focus on the content and rationale of the decisions they make. Achieving alignment between students problem-solving paths and the structures to support those activities (e.g., checklists, learning cycles, etc) is a challenging task. The hypothesis is that by providing students with an organizational framework rather than a prescription of the steps they need to take that KBEs can accommodate a variety of trajectories through the activity. To assess whether an approach has worked, we can analyze whether the students' approaches were supported by the framework (e.g., were the questions they needed answered addressed in a timely manner.)

Goal three: Represent ideas equitably

Goal three is the representational counterpart of eliciting student opinions (the first goal.) The hypothesis is that representing ideas equitably will help students evaluate ideas based on their relationship with other ideas rather than on social cues. Assessing how students interpret and use representations is difficult. However, we can begin with crude measures from computer-mediated communication that assess interest in comments based on response rates. In addition, we would expect that ideas would be evaluated based on a combination of factors including social cues. Hence, the importance of allowing anonymous contributions to discussions.

Goal four: Encourage sharing of resources

Collaborative and cooperative learning environments permit the sharing resources and the building of a community knowledge base. The challenge is to provide ways for students to locate and use resources effectively. Differences in how students approach problems complicate this goal. One solution is to have multiple ways of accessing the same information (e.g., through contributor, area of specialization, or by searching comments for specific phrases.) Annotating resources such as Internet sites can make those resources easier for students to interpret. Perhaps more importantly, this process encourages them to reflect upon the utility, understandability, and validity of the material they are submitting. Assessment of the extent to which students share resources needs to include a metric for the way in which the information is appropriated (e.g., copy-replace, aggregate, elaborate.)

Goal five: Develop shared criteria

Developing shared criteria can help students evaluate evidence. Shared criteria refers to a set of requirements or guidelines for interpreting ideas and making decisions. Criteria operate at different levels, from determining the adequacy of a piece of evidence to the coherence of a design. From a knowledge integration perspective, criteria should help students make informed decisions using scientific principles. We can measure the extent to which students have internalized criteria and correlate this measurement with their success at developing coherent designs and arguments.

Goal six: Differentiate between perspectives

One of the most important dimensions of cooperative learning is the potential for students to recognize views that are distinct from their own. From a knowledge integration perspective, identifying and differentiating between different models is a central part of learning. As researchers, we can provide situations where students reflect on the alternatives they are considering and the principles they are using to select between them. Assessments can examine both the range of alternatives and the methods students use for selecting between them.

Goal seven: Manage complexity

Most approaches to the problem of managing complexity involve either (a) linking representations at different levels of detail or (b) iteratively unfolding functionality as learners become more experienced. For example, the gIBIS (graphical issue-based information system) depicted in figure 1 provides a node-based view, a news-group view, and the text of the currently selected comment. Selecting a comment in the news-group window or the graphical, node window updates the selection in the other windows.


Figure 1. gIBIS approach to managing the complexity of discussions

The ability to filter conversations using criteria such as "all open questions" or "contributions made by X" provides other useful navigational tools which help select specific sets of comments for viewing. Other strategies for handling the complexity of large discussions include the ability to (a) collapse or expand groups of related comments, (b) gray out or hide older comments, and (c) designate discussion threads as "asides" or "off-topic" comments.