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Sec 9.3

9.3.      Evolving Perspectives

Supporting knowledge evolution. As knowledge in the database grows and changes, it must often be reorganized. The evolution of knowledge means that different designers are adding, deleting, and changing information in different perspectives. In a design environment without perspectives all the growth of knowledge would take place within a single, homogeneous knowledge base. When the organization of this knowledge became disorganized and contradictory it might be necessary for a reseeding process to take place. This could involve specialist programmers or knowledge engineers (that is, people other than the designers who normally use the system) to step in and impose order and consistency. They might extend some of the system functionality as well, but their main task would be to straighten out the organization of knowledge.

In Hermes, the perspectives mechanism can be used by the designers themselves to do some of the reseeding process in an on-going way. They can also use the language to extend the functionality of the system, defining, for instance, new analytic computations.

A paradigmatic task for supporting the evolution of perspectives and their knowledge is the merging of two unrelated perspectives. This was also identified as a critical task by the authors of the perspectives mechanism in the Pie system, reviewed in Chapter 7. In Section 9.1, above, the design team decided to merge the privacy critic work in phyllis’ perspective with that in sophia’s perspective, creating a new lunar habitat design team perspective. This is an example of reorganizing evolved knowledge. The new perspective might also be designated the privacy perspective. The point is that multiple independent efforts had created new knowledge in separate perspectives. Because the designers decided that this knowledge belonged together, they created a new category (perspective) for it and reorganized the knowledge accordingly.

Figure 9-14 shows the Hermes interface for doing this. It is similar to the schematic in Figure 9-9. Here, the new perspective is created by assigning it a name. Then existing perspectives are chosen from a pick list (either as a sorted list or a hierarchical tree) to specify what information should be inherited. The inheritance takes place using Method 1 described in Section 9.2. In the particular scenario of Section 9.1, there was a multiple inheritance conflict in the definition of the expression, too near. Such conflicts are resolved through a breadth-first search of the inheritance tree. So the version of information in the most immediate ancestor perspective takes precedence. In case of two ancestors at the same level, the one named first in the dialog takes precedence. Note that this dialog allows one to review and modify the inheritance tree of existing perspectives as well as perspectives being newly created in the dialog.


Figure 9-14. Interface for merging existing information into a new perspective.


Once the new perspective is set up, designers can browse through the information visible in the perspective and modify it. Information can be added, deleted or modified using the methods described in Section 9.2. This process of adding, deleting, and modifying applies to both named nodes and to their contents. It also applies to both individual nodes and to whole subnetworks of nodes. For instance, an issue in the design rationale could be wholly deleted or it could merely have its content changed in the new perspective. Furthermore, the networks of subissues, answers, and arguments underneath a given issue could be copied in from another perspective by one of several alternative methods already described in Section 9.2.

Of particular interest in merging design rationale and other information from different perspectives is the fact that multiple opinions can be preserved or suppressed at will. Figure 9-15 shows the same segment of design rationale as viewed in three perspectives, which inherit from each other sequentially (right to left). Two kinds of changes have been made in the subsequent perspectives: changes that overwrite the previous opinions and changes that add to the previous opinions.


Figure 9-15. Three perspectives on a segment of design rationale.


In each perspective, the same three issues are raised. For the answer to the second issue—“What should be the access to the bunks?”—the middle perspective has added an additional answer to the original one and the perspective on the left has added a third answer to those two answers. So in the final perspective, which inherits from the other two, the three competing answers are all visible. However, the answers to the third issue—“What should be the arrangement of the bunks?”—replace each other. Here, the issue is answered differently in each perspective because the inherited answers were deleted or modified to the new answers. This shows how support for evolution of information can equally support the accumulation and deliberation of historical versions of information or the replacing and modification of information.

Another important concern for the evolution of knowledge is the need to support the demotion and promotion of items of information from a given perspective to one that is higher or lower in the perspective hierarchy. Assume that there is a hierarchy of domain traditions such as that on the right-hand side of Figure 9-10. From most general to most specific there are the perspectives: habitats, space-based habitats, and Mars or lunar habitats. Suppose that a particular network of design rationale had been formulated by a designer working in the space-based habitat perspective at some point in the past. In reviewing this information within the lunar habitat design team perspective the design team members use the language constructs discussed below to determine which context this rationale is defined in and they decide as a group that the rationale is general enough to be placed in the habitats perspective. Alternatively, they might decide that some other rationale is too specific to the moon and should be located in the lunar habitat perspective. By clicking on the top node of the subnetwork of rationale, they can bring up an interface dialog box (see Figure 9-16) that suggests a number of options for reorganizing the location within the perspectives hierarchy of the node and/or the network of nodes connected to it. These options are implemented with the methods described in Section 9.2.


Figure 9-16. Interface for demoting or promoting a node or subnetwork of nodes.


Browsing perspectives. The perspectives mechanism simplifies the task of locating information in the rich knowledge base of an evolving design environment by partitioning the knowledge into useful categories. However, it also adds to the complexity of finding information because the knowledge being sought may not be visible in the current perspective even though it exists in the system. It may not be obvious what perspective to look in. Support must be provided for searching the network of perspectives and for browsing the knowledge available in the different perspectives.

 Lhde provides a simple browser with an indented outline representation of the hierarchy of perspectives or a sorted list of the perspectives names as part of the interface for perspectives selection and new perspective creation. This may be adequate for people who are only interested in a handful of perspectives whose names they recognize. It may also suffice as long as the hierarchy makes intuitive sense, perspectives have descriptive names, and knowledge is distributed among the perspectives in a clear and systematic manner. As the knowledge base evolves, extended by multiple users, these conditions will likely not persist. Of course, users can switch to different perspectives and explore the information there with display queries and hypermedia navigation. Also, more sophisticated graphical browsers can be added to the system interface to better represent the network of perspectives.

The Hermes language also offers a more flexible and expressive solution to the problem of browsing the perspectives hierarchy and the knowledge bases in the various perspectives. As discussed in the next chapter, the language syntax falls into three primary classes: DataLists, Associations, and Filters. Each of these classes supports the formulation of expressions providing information about perspectives or contexts. (a) One can produce DataLists of objects that are visible in some arbitrary context other than the current active perspective. (b) One can list context information associated with a given object in the database. (c) One can filter a list of contexts in terms of their inheritance relations to other contexts or in terms of what objects are visible within them. This provides a useful suite of language functions for browsing the perspectives and exploring how they partition knowledge. Examples of these functions will now be given.

(a) The first function allows one to, in effect, switch perspectives within the evaluation of a language expression. For instance, if Phyllis wants to see what habitats are visible from Sophia’s perspective then she can request a display of the following DataList:

habitats in sophia’s perspective

This produces the same effect as if she had first switched contexts and then evaluated the expression, habitats. The same function allows Phyllis to apply her privacy critic to the habitats in Sophia’s perspective rather than in her own:

privacy gradient catalog of habitats in sophia’s perspective

By including this capability in the language, it can be used as part of a complex computation that may involve several context switches. Once defined, such a computation can be given a name and subsequent users of the expression do not have to worry about doing all the switching or remember what nodes are in which contexts.

(b) The second language function related to perspectives provides a special report on the context information associated with an item or a list of items. For each item, it provides the original context that it was defined in, the list of all added contexts in which it also appears, the list of all deleted contexts in which it does not appear, and the optional switch context. (Only named—user-defined—contexts are listed, not internally defined ones.) This way, one can find all the perspectives in which a given item is visible. In the following example, the contexts Association is applied to the result of a query:

contexts of habitats in hermes_universal_context

This example uses the function discussed in the previous paragraph to first switch to the special perspective, hermes_universal_context. This special perspective allows all knowledge in the database to be visible: it by-passes the context checking. So first all the habitats in the system are found, and then their context information is displayed.

(c) The third language function defines three Filters for lists of contexts. These filters allow only the contexts to be listed that inherit from a given context, are inherited by a given context, or allow a given item to be viewed. The following expressions illustrate the use of these three Filters:

contexts that inherit from desi’s perspective

contexts that are inherited by archie’s perspective

contexts that view more than five habitats

These expressions allow one to explore the structure of the perspectives hierarchy and of the way it organizes knowledge.

Perspectives fill in the layered architecture. Users of a design environment with a perspectives mechanism can build new structures for partitioning the knowledge base as it evolves. Thereby, the inheritance network of perspectives provides a mechanism for end-users to extend the effective structure of the layered architecture of the system. As discussed in Chapter 7, there is a gap (transformation distance-2) in the traditional design environment architecture (e.g., in Janus and Phidias) between the seeded representations of situations and the concrete task that is addressed during a given use of the system.


Figure 9-17. The layered architecture of design environments and Hermes.

This figure extends Figure 7-2 in Chapter 7.

As shown in Figure 9-17, this gap is much smaller than that between the implementation programming language and the actual task domain, but it is not negligible.

In addition to providing palette items, catalog examples, and design rationale for the general problem domain, the seeded knowledge base in Hermes can partition this knowledge in a hierarchy of perspectives. Some of these perspectives can include knowledge that is specific to certain concrete tasks. This mediates between the general domain knowledge and specific tasks. In addition, end-users can extend the hierarchy to close the gap between the generic domain knowledge and novel tasks that arise. The extensibility of the perspectives hierarchy allows the gap to be narrowed as much as is needed to support interpretation in design by eliminating gaps in understanding that cause problems. As problems and knowledge evolve, the perspectives hierarchy can evolve under end-user control to meet the new demands and fill the shifting gaps.

In Chapter 10 it will be argued that the Hermes language can also be used as an extensible mechanism for end-users to progressively fill in the gap in the layered architecture. Definitions in the language exist within perspectives, so these two solutions work in tandem. Together, the Hermes substrate, its perspectives, and its language allow the major gaps in the layered architecture to be filled in to an arbitrarily fine degree and in an end-user extensible manner. Figure 9-17 illustrates this. From left to right in the figure are the original transformation distance between a general-purpose programming language and a task, the two problematic gaps in the traditional layered architecture of a design environment, and the fully layered architecture supported by Hermes.


Many of the features discussed in this section were originally suggested by lunar habitat designers and other NASA employees who have reviewed versions of Hermes. They have responded very favorably to the potential of the perspectives mechanism—as well as the hypermedia and language—to meet their everyday needs as designers facing complex, innovative, collaborative, knowledge-based tasks. To really know the extent to which the perspectives mechanisms can be used tacitly under realistic conditions will require extensive interface refinement and workplace testing. However, it seems plausible that the perspectives mechanisms can be effective in letting the computer manage a significant amount of the complexity of knowledge organization behind the scenes of the task at hand in which the designer is immersed.

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