I. Learning Environments for Knowledge Constructing Communities
Mediated Cognition
mind as internalized perspectives
II. Multiple Perspectives for Collaborative Learning
Computational Perspectives in WebGuide
III. Use Case One: Perspective-Making
Use Case One: Web of Perspectives
Use Case One: WebGuide Interface
Use Case Two: Perspective-Taking
Use Case Two: Web of Perspectives
Use Case Two: WebGuide Interface
IV. Six Design Issues
Issue 1: Converging Ideas
Issue 2: Promoting System Use
Issue 3: Understanding the Perspectives Metaphor
Issue 4: Representing the Web of Perspectives
Issue 5: Structuring Learning Situations
Issue 6: Distinguishing System Capabilities
V. Lessons: The bad news
The good news
Email: Gerry.Stahl@Colorado.edu
Home Page: http://GerryStahl.net
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