Transcript of video clip #1a -- 6:07-7:27

1.          T:   So what is a rocket

2.          (0.4)

3.          K?:  Um

4.          (0.2)

5.          C:     ((looks at K, then to T))  cylinder-shaped (with a

6.          ) and uh (.) people go up (.) in the earth's (platform sorta like) t' study the moon and space and everyting, and the earth (.) um all that (.) and the atmosphere

7.          T:   (Go on)

8.          J:   It launches people (.) like (.) in the rocket they don't get in the rocket itself, they get in (.) like (.) shuttles (.) that're (.) behind the rocket

9.          B:   Yeah

10.                  J:     n they launch

11.                  S:     the rocket

12.                  (.)

13.                  T:     W'll you're building a rocket right

14.                  J?:      mm=

15.                  B:     =Yes.

16.                  (.)

17.                  T:     So- are all those things true about the rocket you're building?

18.                  S:     Yes

19.                  ((C nods))

20.                  J:     W'll yeah b't it doesn't

21.                  T:     Does it take people up?

22.                  J:     No=

23.                  C:     =No=

24.                  ?:     (    s)

25.                  T:     to the moon?

26.                  ((boys shake heads "no"))

27.                  S:     Ours- ours is really little. Plastic. ((smiles, gestures: fingers cupped, right hand six inches above the left, as though holding or measuring something))

28.                  T:     So how would you- how would you s- define your rocket

29.                  (.)

30.                  C:     uhm

31.                  S:     ((swallow)) //(      power, )

32.                  K:                 //It's long. Compact// but um

33.                  T:     Yeah

34.                  K:     unusual,

35.                  T:     Yeah,

36.                  K:     and that (.) that will (0.2) take maybe small (.) things (.) up (.) (for a little while)

37.                  T:     OK

38.                  S:     ((smiles at T, shaking head "no")) (Outer space doesn't have to be heavy)

39.                  J?:     hh Yeah

40.                  (.)

41.                  T:     So what- what could you say that's true about your rocket (.) and the- and the big rockets that go to otheo

42.                         //space.

43.                  S:     //Ours goes off uh theirs goes off the ground, (.) n ours is launched n real rockets go off the ground and they're launched too

44.                  C:     ((smiles)) They both go up

45.                  ?:     h h

46.                  J:     Yeah

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