Transcript of video clip #1b -- 7:27-8:40

1.      T:   OK how about a baseball

2.      (0.2)

3.      T:   You throw that up in the air it goes up too

4.      S:   Yeah b't //then it// sinks down ((left hand does sinking gesture))

5.      T:            //Is that a rocket?//

6.      S:   No b't it- it's (.) a different shape ((holding gesture)) (.) it

7.      K:     ((rouses, raises hand)) um

8.      C:   No it's ((glances at J))

9.      J:     ((open-handed "raising" gesture))  It's using man- power it's using man-power so you throw it up=

10.     C:     =It's not using the same forces=

11.    J:     'nd uhm the rocket is using- er our rocket is using the air pressure, (.) n //water// (.) to fire it up.

12.    S:                      //water//

13.     (.)

14.     T:     Uh huh

15.     C:     It's not using the same for//ces/

16.     T:                                //n how about the big rockets what do they use

17.     C:     ogaso

18.     J:     They use //gas.  //

19.     K:            //ga:ss   //

20.    S:            //gasoline//

21.     (0.4)

22.     K:     to-

23.     T:     So what's the difference then between a rocket (.) or other things th't might be you //throw up//

24.     S:      //forces?// (.) that helps it to go up?=    ((holds right hand at eye level))

25.     T:     =Uh huh

26.      S:     so that-  ((shrugs, raises eyebrows))

27.      (0.4)

28.       T:     How would- how would you describe the force of the rocket. (.) th't's different from the force of (0.2) a baseball.

29.      (0.6)

30.       C:     Baseball doesn't have an engine in it?

31.       T:     Ri:ght.

32.      (.)

33.       T:     So the engine's part of the rocket.

34.       C:     //Yeah//

35.      S:     //Yes// (            )

36.      T:     osoo the power comes from the rocket itself

37.      ?:     mm hmm

38.      T:     So maybe a rocket is (.) is uhm (.) an object th't has its own (.) pow- its own force, (.) to go up

39.      ?:     mm hmm

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