Transcript of video clip #2 -- 0:46-1:11

  1. T:       So. (.) .h I wanted to start by uhm inf- you've already been doing some research on rockets right?

  2. ?:        mm//hm

  3. Ss:           //yeah

  4. T:       So you already know some things about it?

  5. ?:        mm//hm

  6. ?s:           //mmhmm,

  7. T:      So I wanted to find out (.) how much you know. By asking you some questions. (.) OK? (.) before we start- (.) .hh wull we could start by ((swallow)) by looking here at the introduction. (.) oDyou wanona do that first? n see what this program's all about?

  8. ?s:       OK,

  9. T:        C'n somebody read this? What it says here?

  10. C?:      Which one?

  11. T:        SimRocket comes with eight rockets, ((C raises hand))

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This page last modified on August 01, 2003