Transcript of video clip #4 -- 17:18-18:30

  1. T:       hmm. (.) .h OK, so in a simulation, (.) with SimRocket .h how could'ju tell if three fins're better than four fins. (.) suppose you wanted to decide- (.) to put fins on y'r rocket.

  2. ?:       mmhmm

  3. T:       N you wanted- n some of you think three fins sh'd be on there n some think it sh'd  have four fins. (.)  C'dju use SimRocket to figure that out?

  4. Ss:      Yeah=

  5. S:        =what you would do is <you'd take>- (.) take one uh the rockets that has three fins? ((swallow)) three fins? .h launch it? N see what happens,=

  6. T:       =uh huh=

  7. S:       =n then you'd test (.) one with four fins n see how that (.) looks. (    )

  8. T:       Kay so we might take uhm

  9. (.2)

  10. J:        //(             )// (( points to his screen, withdraws hand quickly))

  11. T:       //(             )// rocket four and five,

  12. ? (K?):  Yeah that'd be good=

      K:   =no it wouldn't (.) cause they have diff'rent engines.  
  13. S?:     How about three n four.

  14. J?:      oThree n fouro

  15. T:        oOokay so you'd wanna take rockets three an four.

  16. (.)

  17. ?:        mmhmm

  18. (.2)

  19. T:       A:n what w'd you do? .h again?

  20. S:       W'll I w'd- you would=  ((looks to T))

  21. T:       Kay=

  22. S:       =first you would test, (.) w'll it doesn't matter owhato order, but (.) you'd test one with three (.) an see like- how it does? (.) n then you'd test it with four, (.) n see which one you (.) you like better. N works better.

  23. T:       which one goes higher.=

  24. S:       =Yes.

  25. (.4)

  26. T:       OK but- how 'bout if uhm (.) each time they go u:p, (.) they'll go up a (.) little bit diff'rent. (.) h//eight.

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