Transcript of video clip #5 -- 18:30-19:23

  1. T:       OK but- how 'bout if uhm (.) each time they go u:p? (.) they'll go up a (.) little bit diff'rent. (.) h//eight.

  2. ?:                            //yah

  3. S:       mmhmm

  4. (.4)

  5. T:       Right, So sometimes actually (.) .h the better rocket might not go up quite as high <as the> rocket with the s-

  6. S:       (more in-) consistent=

  7. T:       =Yeah. (.2) so you want the rocket that (.) .h usually goes up higher th'n the other one usually goes up right? (.) .h How would you figure that out.

  8. (.2)

  9. ?1:      (               ?)=

  10. ?2:      =Yeah. (           ?)=

  11. ?3:      =(              ?)=

  12. C:       (      ribbon,)

  13. (.4)

  14. T:       Y' try a few times n you get a bunch of diff'rent heights. .hh (.) What wouldju do with that.

  15. (.2)

  16. C:       Find out why //(                       //                     )

  17. S:                             // (                     )//

  18. T:       Wha-?

  19. C:       Find out whatju need to do with the rocket, .h whatchu did the <first time,> (.) to make it go the highest, or=

  20. T:       =W'll but=

  21. C:       =(what time it was))=

  22. T:       =You do the same thing. oYouo fire in the same way all the //time

  23. S:                                                                                                      //Charlie, (.) fire it again n average it together,

  24. (.)

  25. ?:       mmhmm

  26. S:       n whichever has the highest average you would (.) m do that one.

  27. T:       Okay, (.) great.

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