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Transcript of video clip #5 -- 18:30-19:23
but- how 'bout if uhm (.) each time they go u:p? (.) they'll go up a
(.) little bit diff'rent. (.) h//eight.
S: mmhmm
T: Right,
So sometimes actually (.) .h the better rocket might not go up quite as high
<as the> rocket with the s-
S: (more
in-) consistent=
T: =Yeah.
(.2) so you want the rocket that (.) .h usually goes up higher th'n
the other one usually goes up right? (.) .h How would you figure that
?1: (
?2: =Yeah.
?3: =(
C: (
T: Y'
try a few times n you get a bunch of diff'rent heights. .hh (.) What wouldju
do with that.
C: Find
out why //(
// (
T: Wha-?
C: Find
out whatju need to do with the rocket, .h whatchu did the <first
time,> (.) to make it go the
highest, or=
T: =W'll
C: =(what
time it was))=
T: =You
do the same thing. oYouo fire in the same way all the
//Charlie, (.) fire it again n average it together,
?: mmhmm
S: n
whichever has the highest average you would (.) m do that one.
T: Okay,
(.) great.
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August 01, 2003