Transcript of video clip #6 extended-- 23:25-28:00

1.            T:   So le- let's try to fire this. (0.2) So here's the instructions, (0.2) Rocket one is on the launch pad.

2.                 ((All watch simulation run on screens -- 10 sec))

3.            ?:   Ho:h

4.                 ((continued watching -- 3.0 sec))

5.            S:   Two thirt- ((points to screen, jabbing with each syllable))

6.            ?K:  Three::h (.) five.

7.                 (1.0)

8.            J:   ((jerks up straight and forward in chair)) 

          //Whoa-hoh      //

9.            ?B:  //(            )//

10.        ?:   Yih hih

11.  K:   Three eighty//three

12.  C:               //Hurry up go go// go go go go

13.  ?2:                              //two

14.  K:   Three eighty two ((S writes))

15.       (.)

16.  ?:   (Oh: why didju make     )

17.  C:   oThreeo eighty nine

18.       (2.0)

19.  C:    mTrial one do we put u//m (higher one),//

20.  T:                          //mm hmm (.) (do whatever you want)

21.  ?:     (             )

22.  J?:    ^It's falling it's falling=

23.  ?:     =(I don't know.)

24.        (8.0)

25.  K:     That's ^way more than five seconds ((turning to groupmates))

26.        (0.2)

27.  C:    ((turning to group 2)) (Ours went      ) three hundred eighty nine (feet).

28.        ((gp 2 members turn gaze on data sheet on S's lap))

29.        (2.0)

30.  ?:     Less.

31.         (0.4)

32.  J?:    ((singing)) la la la

33.         (1.0)

34.        J?:    ((singsong voice))  //(             )//

35.    C:                    Can't// see (it yet.)//=

36.  T:     =Why.

37.         (1.0)

38.  C:     Cause it (             )

39.         ((SimRocket launch crashes, then K "echoes" crash)) Was shoo

40.  J:     ^No (.) ^No.// (it's    //     ing)

41.  B:                 // Uhm     // (.) whatcha hit (0.4) d'in you just //do (that)

42.  C:                 //ka bowm/

43.  K:     o(D'you0 //want us)// to do it again?

44.  T:             //Okay//

45.  T:     Yeah. Try rocket one again.

46.         (1.2)

47.  K?:    Uhm (.) click on c'n you j's click on that,

48.  T:     So you click on it, right so it's green there,=

49.  ?:     =Yuh=

50.  T:     =It's (kinda like) green? N you come down here (.) n you have to click on the pencil.

51.  C:     Yah,

52.  T:     Ya//h- (0.2) //not- not the arrow. (.) (we're gonna-)=

53.  ?:       //The pencil//

54.  T:     =below that arrow here (0.2) right

55.  K:     //Click where?//

56.  T:     //Now y' come out- ((rises, looks at gp 2's screen))

57.  S:     ((pointing to screen)) s-

58.  T:     oOokay (you//got it)//

59.  C:               //Hit re//set

60.  T:     No don't hit reset, jus' come dow:n (0.2) to right above the ground. Move your cursor^right above the grou:nd, (.) n click once there.

61.  C?:    (right there?/like that?)

62.  T:     Uh huh,

63.         ((launch noise 1.0 sec))

64.  T:     uh huh ((launch noise continues 0.2 sec)) Okay, ((noise continues 0.2)) n it's still running so (it takes right off.)

65.  ?:     uhm

66.  B:     (              )

67.         (0.8)

68.   T:      Hey how many rockets did you put there.

69.         (0.4)

70.  K:     I jus-

71.  T:     Just click once.=

72.  K:     I uh did. (.) I only clicked once.

73.         (0.2)

74.  J:     ^Yeah.  Awesome.

75.         (1.0)

76.         ((gp 2 consults together, while: ))

77.  C:     <Twenty three> (.) four//thirty three

78.  J:                            //thirty three=

79.  T:     =(Uh-) no the problem is the counter's screwed up because there's too many rockets.

80.         (0.6)

81.  K:     ^I did shoot four ^rockets (in there.)

82.  T:     W'll that's okay, you'll just have to wait till they all come down and start over.=

83.  ?:     =hh

84.  B?:    Sh::::i(t).

85.  K:     I'm sorry h h h ((rubs and rolls head))

86.         ((inaudible discussion between J and C, J pointing first to C's data sheet and taking pencil?, then turning to countertop on his left, then to countertop in front of him))

87.  ?2:    Banzai.

88.         (1.2)

89.  ?:     Uhm.

90.         ((J turns bodily toward left countertop, he looks up at T standing there))

91.  J:     Schuse me.

92.         ((T backs toward camera, J's actions no longer visible))

93.         (2.2)

94.  K:     (How'd) we go

95.    S:     (                ?)

96.         (0.4)

97.  K:     ((glance at T, "shades" eyes, turns away)) nine ninedy nine.

98.         (2.0)

99.  T:     W'll it goes higher but ya can't see the other higher numbers.=

100.    ?:     O::h ((sung note))

101.           (2.8)

102.    B:     (                          ) hh ((stirring gesture)) sh::::

103.    B:     ((laughter))

104.    C:     (                   ) do rocket two (       )

105.    T:     Kay (.) You c'n do different rockets

106.    B:     ^Whew:::. (0.2) (It came down nice and thin, h)

107.    ?:     Huh. (.) You ^fired

108.    ?:     hh

109.           (0.6)

110.    K:     ^I didn' ^do that.

111.           (1.4)

112.    C?:    //Whew:://

113.    ?:     //(     )//

114.           (2.0)

115.    C?:    Here we ^go:, ((singsong))

116.    ?:     Uh uh ^uh:,. ((singsong))

117.    C:     //N <it goes up to:. Two s- eighty (one) .h ^three::. (0.4)//       sixty th              //ree

118.    J:     //((high pitched vocalization))//

119.    S:     (                   )

120.    K:     ^I did (have some feedback)

121.    S:     (            )

122.    B:     Yeah you were, ((reaching forward between S and K to point to screen)) You were tryin' to play with that pencil bundle (there) ((jostles S, who also smiles))

123.    J:     How much (0.2) (                     ) ((looking down at C's data sheet))

124.    C:     Three sixty three (       .)

125.    ?:     ((exaggerated pitying voice)) Oh oh:: (.) (such a poor) rocket

126.    T:     Maybe we sh'd print out some more of these sheets so you can each have your own.

127.    ?:     Alright.

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