Transcript of video clip #8 -- 39:47- 40:32

1.  T:      How many times (.) d'you think you need- to fire (.) the same rocket.

2.  C:      //otwo seventy- (   // )o

3.  B:      //uhm:             // (.) ((putting finger to lips)) I would thi:nk ((turns to data sheet))

4.  J:      Eighty-three,

5.  T:      Have you ever (   )- h's it ever had the same (.) same height (.) tw//ice?//

6.  ?:           //N:  //

7.  ?(gp2): unh unh

8.  ((B and K shake heads "no"))

9.  (0.6)

10.                  K?:  We need to launch i:t

11.                  C: ohow manyo ^six times ((head toss))

12.                  B: Uh we need to j'st (.) fire it <six ^times>  ((turns to T)) or

13.                  T: Why just because that's how many columns I put on the chart?=

14.                  ?: Yup    

15.                  ((C nods))

16.                  ?:   //Yeah//

17.                  ?: //No://

18.                  T: No- that- I don't know if six is the right- I j'st- that's how many fit on the page that's why I stopped 't six

19.                  ?: Oh:::  ((multiple voices))

20.                  C: All of a sudden that's gonna be a fun (sunrhhray/summhhary))hh ((starts new launch))

21.                  J: (I'm gonna launch it late) ((singsong voice))

22.                  B: ((turns to T)) (            instead of uh this       )

23.                  T: Yeah.  Whyn't cha pick a rocket n fire it a bunch of times n see- (.) see what happens.


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