Transcript of video clip #9 -- 42:18- 43:10

1.  ((gp 2 chees their rocket on))

2.  ((S and B are reading))

3.  S:   //Astro alpha engine rounded nosecone three fins//

4.  B:   //Astro alpha engine rounded nosecone three fins//

5.  S: So- so- (ok we'll pick a) sanded body ('s probably  )=

6.  B: =Yeah cuz like (  //        )    // got a painted body

7.  S:            //and a rounded nosec-//

8.  (0.2)

9.  ((noisy activity in gp 1, 0.4)

10.        ?:   Oh yeah that's good.

11.        S:   So we sh'dnt paint our body

12.        B:   ((shakes head "no")) No.

13.        S:   We sh'd have uh (.) rounded nosecone and a s:anded body

14.        ((C turns to gp 2's screen, turns back to own screen.  S then turns from own screen to look at gp 1's screen))

15.        K:   We can't have a sanded body, ((turns briefly toward T))

16.        S:   oWe cano

17.        B:   ((turning slightly)) W'll we don't need to

18.        J:   Whatt did you make (          ) the same thing as you did (n you divide)

19.        ?:   Three ^what ((gp 2 boys write on their data sheets))


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