Transcription Notation
Extended square brackets mark overlap between utterances, e.g.: // someone else talking at the same time
An equals sign at the end of a speaker’s utterance and at the start of the
next utterance indicates the absence of a discernable gap, e.g.:
Numbers in brackets indicate pauses times to the nearest tenth of a second. A
full stop in brackets indicates a pause which is noticeable but too short to
measure, e.g.:
A full stop before a word or sound indicates an audible intake of breath, e.g.:
Round brackets indicate that material in the brackets is either inaudible or
there is doubt about its accuracy, e.g.:
Square brackets or double brackets indicate that some transcript has been deliberately omitted.
Material in square brackets is clarificatory information, e.g.: This form of notation was developed by Gail Jefferson. A more complete description is found in Atkinson and Heritage (1984). We adapted this presentation from Potter & Wetherell (1987: 188-189)
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