| 1.Broadcast -- Push
 | impose the tv model on the Internet. A stream of preselected pages are sent to your browser.
|  | 2.Selective -- Pull
 | The surfing model: by searching and browsing.
|  | 3.Responsive -- Interactive
 | Email, threaded discussions, read news (major use of Internet)
|  | 4.Discourse -- Collaborative
 | Chat rooms, mudds(popular outside academia)
|  | 5.Self-publish
 | personal home pages (flood of tools, books)
|  | 6.Sharing
 | digital libraries, artifact repositories, on-line code libraries(many commercial repositories)
|  | 7.Organizational information -- Intranet
 | Local group information; forms-base (focus for big guns)
|  | 8.Organizational coordination -- Groupware
 | Meeting scheduler, joint authoring, | | | | | | | | |