
WebGuide Presentations & Publications 

Presentations of WebGuide:

bulletICLS 2000 Conference, Ann Arbor, June 2000, paper on "A Model of Collaborative Knowledge-Building", presented by Gerry Stahl
bulletAERA 2000  Conference, New Orleans, April 2000,  workshop on "Strategies for sustaining interaction in online discussion forums and virtual communities," co-chaired by Chris Hoadley & Gerry Stahl
bulletAERA 2000 Conference, New Orleans, April 2000, poster and presentation on "WebGuide: Encouraging & Supporting Collaborative Knowledge-Building", presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletCSCL '99  Conference, Stanford, December 1999,  workshop on "Collaborating on the Design and Assessment of Knowledge-Building Environments in the 2000's," co-chaired by Gerry Stahl, Tim Koschmann, Marlene Scardamalia
bulletCSCL '99 Conference, Stanford, December 1999, paper presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletLotus Workshop, Cambridge, December 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletGroup '99 Conference, Phoenix, November 1999, paper presented by Thomas Herrmann and Gerry Stahl
bulletUniversity of Hawaii, Honolulu, October 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletWebNet '99 Conference, Honoloulu, October 1999, paper presented by Gerry Stahl
bulletInformatics and Society, University of Dortmund, Germany, June 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletGerman Savings Bank Association, Research Group, Bonn, Germany, June 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletNational Research Center for Information Technology (GMD), Sankt Augustin, Germany, June 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletNational Research Center for Information Technology (GMD), Darmstadt, Germany, June 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletPFU/L3D Workshop, Breckenridge, Colorado, May 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletCILT '99 Conference, San Jose, California, April 1999, demo by Gerry Stahl
bulletAERA '99 Conference, Montreal, Canada, April 1999, paper presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletOMOL '99 Project Meeting, February 1999, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletICLS '98 Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, December 1998, poster by Rogerio dePaula
bulletICS Colloquium, Boulder, Colorado, USA, November 1998, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletCSCW '98 Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA, November 1998, demo by Kai-Uwe Loser
bulletDCSCW '98 Conference, Dortmund, Germany, September 1998, paper presentation by Gerry Stahl (cancelled)
bulletInteraktion im Web Conference, Marburg, Germany, May 1998, paper presentation by Thomas Herrmann
bulletCILT Workshop, San Jose, California, USA, May 1998, presentation by Gerry Stahl
bulletCSCL '97 Conference, Toronto, Canada, December 1997, poster by Gerry Stahl

Publications about WebGuide:

bulletG Stahl. "A Model of Collaborative Knowledge-Building" Presented at ICLS 2000.
bulletG Stahl. "WebGuide: Encouraging & Supporting Collaborative Knowledge-Building." Poster at AERA 2000.
bulletG Stahl. "Strategies for Sustaining Interaction in Online Discussion Forums and Virtual Communities." Structured poster session at AERA 2000.
bulletG Stahl. "Reflections on WebGuide: Seven Issues for the Next Generation of Collaborative Knowledge-Building Environments." Presented at CSCL '99.
bulletG Stahl & T Herrmann. "Intertwining Perspectives and Negotiation." Presented at GROUP '99.
bulletG Stahl. "POW! Perspectives on the Web." Presented at WebNet '99.
bulletG Stahl. "Collaborative Information Environments to Support Knowledge Construction by Communities." In AI & Society.
bulletG Stahl. "WebGuide: Computational Perspectives for Learning Communities." Presented as demo at CILT '99.
bulletG Stahl (1999) "WebGuide: Guiding Collaborative Learning on the Web with Perspectives." Paper presented  at AERA'99, conference of the American Educational Research Association..
bulletG Stahl (1998) "Learning Perspectives." Presented as poster at ICLS'98, the International Conference on the Learning Sciences.
bulletG Stahl, T Hermann, R dePaula, K Loser (1998) "WebGuide: Guiding Cooperative Work on the Web with Support for Perspectives and Negotiation." Presented as demo at CSCW'98, conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.
bulletG Stahl (1998) "Collaborative Information Environments for Innovative Communities of Practice." In Proceedings of DCSCW '98, the German Computer-Supported Cooperative Work conference.
bulletT Herrrmann & G Stahl (1998) "Verschränkung von Perspectiven durch Aushandlung." In: M. Sommer, W Remmele & K Klöckner (Ed.) Interaktion in Web: Innovative Kommunikationsformen, Stuttgart: B G Teubner. Translated by G Stahl as "The Sharing of Perspectives by Means of Negotiation."

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