Aboulafia, Annette | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Abrahamson, Dor | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Abrahamson, Dor | The classroom as a complex adaptive system: an agent-based framework to investigate students' emergent collective behaviors
(#167; Interactive Poster; first author: Blikstein, Paulo)
Abrahamson, Dor | Artifacts and Aberrations: On the Volatility of Design Research and the Serendipity of Insight
(#234; Paper; first author: Abrahamson, Dor)
Acholonu, Ugochi | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Ainsworth, Shaaron | Making your views known: The importance of anonymity before and after classroom debates
(#561; Paper; first author: Gelmini Hornsby, Giulia)
Ainsworth, Shaaron | Turn-taking and mode-switching in text-based communication in the classroom
(#592; Poster; first author: Enriquez, Judith)
Ainsworth, Shaaron | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Akkerman, Sanne | The quest for usable knowledge: the delicate balance between research, design and change
(#168; Firehose Presentation; first author: Zitter, Ilya)
Aleahmad, Turadg | Open community authoring of worked example problems
(#591; Poster; first author: Aleahmad, Turadg)
Aleven, Vincent | Worked Examples and Tutored Problem Solving: Redundant or Synergistic Forms of Support?
(#524; Poster; first author: Salden, Ron)
Aleven, Vincent | Open community authoring of worked example problems
(#591; Poster; first author: Aleahmad, Turadg)
Allert, Heidrun | Conference formats. Advancing collaborative practices in the scientific community: creating innovative formats for conferencing
(#913; Workshop; first author: Allert, Heidrun)
Alterman, Richard | Supporting and Tracking Collective Cognition in Wikis
(#254; Symposium; first author: Pierroux, Palmyre)
Alterman, Richard | Acquiring Mastery
(#518; Poster; first author: Krisler, Brian)
Amurao, Frances | Undergraduate Cognitive Psychology Students Evaluations of Scientific Arguments in a Contrasting-Essays Assignment
(#305; Poster; first author: Lippman, Jordan)
Anderson, Kate | Designing for the Epistemological Entailments of Physics through Game-centered Dialogical Activity Cycles
(#578; Paper; first author: Zuiker, Steven)
Andriessen, Jerry | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Andriessen, Jerry | Is it mine, is it yours? It is ours. Shared epistemic agency in collaborative research activities
(#408; Firehose Presentation; first author: Damsa, Crina)
Andriessen, Jerry | Conference formats. Advancing collaborative practices in the scientific community: creating innovative formats for conferencing
(#913; Workshop; first author: Allert, Heidrun)
Anjewierden, Anjo | An Exploration of Tool Support for Categorical Coding
(#364; Paper; first author: Anjewierden, Anjo)
Anjewierden, Anjo | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Antonietti, Alessandro | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Aprea, Carmela | Task-oriented coaching for teaching instructional planning: A design-based research approach
(#493; Paper; first author: Aprea, Carmela)
Arici, Anna | Conceptual Play Spaces and the Quest Atlantis Project
(#543; Symposium; first author: Barab, Sasha)
Arvaja, Maarit | Discursive Approach for Studying Contexts in Students' Collaborative Activity
(#341; Paper; first author: Arvaja, Maarit)
Asterhan, Christa | Processes of argumentation and explanation in conceptual change: Results from protocol analyses of peer-to-peer dialogue
(#335; Paper; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Asterhan, Christa | On socio-cognitive processes that promote learning from peer collaboration and why immediate transfer tests cannot always detect their effects
(#361; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Asterhan, Christa | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Asterhan, Christa | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Austin, Kimberly | The Organization and Management of Informal and Formal Learning
(#478; Poster; first author: Austin, Kimberly)
Avouris, Nikolaos | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Ayres, Paul | Investigating the Influence of Transitory Information and Motivation during Instructional Animations
(#556; Paper; first author: Ayres, Paul)
Azevedo, Flavio | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Azevedo, Flavio | Representing history: On structuring history lessons as design
(#645; Poster; first author: Azevedo, Flavio)
Babson, Andrew | Considering semiotic ideologies in the design of literacy learning software for multilingual youth and adults in rural South Africa
(#609; Paper; first author: Babson, Andrew)
Bagley, Elizabeth | Theory-based Educational Game Design, Implementation, and Assessment
(#921; Invited Workshop; first author: Shaffer, David)
Bailenson, Jeremy | Mere Belief of Social Action Improves Complex Learning
(#220; Paper; first author: Okita, Sandra)
Baillé, Jacques | Introducing a representational tool of the trade in middle school
(#216; Paper; first author: Vries, Erica)
Baker, Michael | From Mastery to Utilisation: Appropriation of Tools for Collaboration in Learning Situations
(#477; Paper; first author: Overdijk, Maarten)
Bakker, Arthur | Using technology-enhanced boundary objects to develop techno-mathematical literacies in manufacturing industry
(#398; Paper; first author: Bakker, Arthur)
Barab, Sasha | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Barab, Sasha | Shared Inter-generational Collaborative Problem Solving Play Spaces
(#512; Poster; first author: Siyahhan, Sinem)
Barab, Sasha | Conceptual Play Spaces and the Quest Atlantis Project
(#543; Symposium; first author: Barab, Sasha)
Barab, Sasha | First Things First: Design Principles for Worthwhile Educational Videogames
(#572; Paper; first author: Hickey, Daniel)
Barnett, Mike | Using Geographic Information Systems to Support Student Learning through Urban Ecology
(#301; Paper; first author: Barnett, Mike)
Barron, Brigid | Digital Youth Network: Fusing School and After-School Contexts to Develop Youth's New Media Literacies
(#367; Poster; first author: Pinkard, Nichole)
Barron, Brigid | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Barron, Brigid | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Barron, Brigid | Roles of Parents in Fostering Technological Fluency
(#557; Poster; first author: Forssell, Karin)
Bastiaens, Theo J. | Situated Multimedia Learning for Older Adults: Exploring the Benefits of Age-Specific Instructional Design
(#554; Paper; first author: Orth, Cordula)
Batchelor, Heather | Representing history: On structuring history lessons as design
(#645; Poster; first author: Azevedo, Flavio)
Baumeister, Antonia | The Potential of Computer-Supported Collaboration and Knowledge Awareness for Supporting Analogical Problem Solving
(#371; Poster; first author: Baumeister, Antonia)
Beijersbergen, Michiel J. | Conditions for Learning from Animations
(#339; Paper; first author: Van Oostendorp, Herre)
Bell, Philip | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Ben-David Kolikant, Yifat | From Newcomer Enculturation to Fertile Zones of Cultural Encounter: A Bidimensional Metaphor for Schooling
(#127; Paper; first author: Ben-David Kolikant, Yifat)
Bernard, Francois-Xavier | From Mastery to Utilisation: Appropriation of Tools for Collaboration in Learning Situations
(#477; Paper; first author: Overdijk, Maarten)
Bhanot, Ruchi | Measuring Mathematics Discourse in Technology-Supported Collaborative Activities
(#579; Poster; first author: Rafanan, Ken)
Bizer, Barbara | Enhancing Students' Knowledge of Biodiversity in a Situated Mobile Learning Scenario: Using Static and Dynamic Visualizations in Field Trips
(#496; Paper; first author: Pfeiffer, Vanessa)
Blavier, Adélaïde | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Blikstein, Paulo | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Blikstein, Paulo | The classroom as a complex adaptive system: an agent-based framework to investigate students' emergent collective behaviors
(#167; Interactive Poster; first author: Blikstein, Paulo)
Bodemer, Daniel | Knowledge convergence in CMC: The impact of convergence-related external representations
(#356; Poster; first author: Dehler, Jessica)
Bodner, George | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Bordages, Jacques | Online/onsite activity in elementary and secondary classrooms using advanced collaborative technologies
(#635; Poster; first author: Gervais, Fernand)
Borko, Hilda | Why are Online Games So Compelling and What Can We Learn from Them to Improve Educational Media?
(#178; Poster; first author: Maunders, Susan)
Boshuizen, Henny P. A. | Self-directed learning in pre-vocational secondary education: An analysis of difficulties and success factors in workplace simulations
(#347; Poster; first author: Jossberger, Helen)
Bowyer, Jane | Scaling Technology-Enhanced Science Curriculum: Leadership Development in a Community of Principals
(#582; Poster; first author: Gerard, Libby)
Braasch, Jason | Students' Analysis of Multiple Sources for Agreements and Disagreements
(#573; Paper; first author: Manning, Flori)
Bradler, Pia | Help design in a computer-based learning environment - teaching argumentation skills through the use of double-content-examples
(#439; Paper; first author: Schworm, Silke)
Brand - Gruwel, Saskia | Uncovering Cognitive Processes: Cued Retrospective Reporting based on Eye-Movement Records
(#214; Firehose Presentation; first author: Van Gog, Tamara)
Brand - Gruwel, Saskia | Self-directed learning in pre-vocational secondary education: An analysis of difficulties and success factors in workplace simulations
(#347; Poster; first author: Jossberger, Helen)
Bransford, John D. | Do Higher Levels of Arousal Predict Better Learning? An Investigation of Learning and Physiological Responses
(#503; Poster; first author: Lee, Tiffany)
Bransford, John D. | Considerations for the Development of a Preparation for Future Learning Assessment
(#525; Paper; first author: Gawel, Drue)
Brennan, Susan | Eye Tracking. Four Eyes: Eye tracking methods in collaborative / learning research
(#915; Workshop; first author: Dillenbourg, Pierre)
Brett, Clare | Rethinking Analysis of Progressive Discourse in Online Learning: An Activity Theory Perspective
(#562; Paper; first author: Fujita, Nobuko)
Bricker, Leah | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Bricker, Leah | Using ethnography to further understandings of learning in everyday settings
(#918; Workshop; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Brickhouse, Nancy | Seeing and Supporting Identity Development in Science Education
(#303; Symposium; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Briggs, Kristen | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Bromme, Rainer | Epistemological Sensitisation Causes Deeper Elaboration during Self-Regulated Learning
(#326; Paper; first author: Pieschl, Stephanie)
Brown, Rachael | Questioning Teacher Goals in Professional Development: Do Goals Really Make a Difference?
(#358; Poster; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Bruckman, Amy | The Game Ontology Project: Supporting Learning While Contributing Authentically to Game Studies
(#283; Paper; first author: Zagal, José)
Bruckman, Amy | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Brunaud-Vega, Victor | Questioning Teacher Goals in Professional Development: Do Goals Really Make a Difference?
(#358; Poster; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Brünken, Roland | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Buckland, Luke | A Microgenetic Classroom Study of Learning to Reason Scientifically through Modeling and Argumentation
(#536; Poster; first author: Chinn, Clark)
Buckland, Luke | Learning to Evaluate Scientific Models
(#620; Firehose Presentation; first author: Pluta, William)
Buda, Marie | Making your views known: The importance of anonymity before and after classroom debates
(#561; Paper; first author: Gelmini Hornsby, Giulia)
Buda, Marie | Turn-taking and mode-switching in text-based communication in the classroom
(#592; Poster; first author: Enriquez, Judith)
Buder, Jürgen | Knowledge convergence in CMC: The impact of convergence-related external representations
(#356; Poster; first author: Dehler, Jessica)
Busch, Carolin | Towards a Generic Self-Explanation Training Intervention for Example-Based Learning
(#217; Paper; first author: Busch, Carolin)
Cagiltay, Kursat | ICT4D and the Learning Sciences
(#495; Symposium; first author: Evans, Michael A.)
Cahill, Clara | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Cakir, Murat | Choosing integration methods when solving differential equations
(#376; Poster; first author: Wittmann, Michael)
Calabrese Barton, Angela | Seeing and Supporting Identity Development in Science Education
(#303; Symposium; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Calabrese Barton, Angela | The role of place in science learning among urban middle school students: Science as a context
(#463; Paper; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Carlone, Heidi | Seeing and Supporting Identity Development in Science Education
(#303; Symposium; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Cassell, Justine | Playing with Virtual Peers. Bootstrapping Contingent Discourse in Children with Autism
(#290; Paper; first author: Tartaro, Andrea)
Cavallo, David | Giving the Head a Hand: Constructing a Microworld to Build Relationships with Ideas in Balance Control
(#395; Paper; first author: Sipitakiat, Arnan)
Chai, Ching Sing | Collaborative Inquiry in Co-constructing ICT-mediated Curricula for Chinese Literacy in Singapore Context
(#311; Poster; first author: Wong, Lung Hsiang)
Chan, C.K.K. | Beliefs about Learning and Strategy Use in Project Learning among International Business Students in China
(#441; Poster; first author: Zhao, Ke)
Chan, Carol | Fostering Epistemological and Conceptual Changes Using Knowledge Building
(#405; Paper; first author: Lam, Ivan)
Chan, Tak-Wai | Equal Opportunity Tactic: An Approach to Moderating the Differences in Ability Perception
(#310; Paper; first author: Cheng, Hercy)
Chang, Hsin-Yi | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Chee, Yam San | Designing for the Epistemological Entailments of Physics through Game-centered Dialogical Activity Cycles
(#578; Paper; first author: Zuiker, Steven)
Chen, Gaowei | Computer Mediated Discussions: Effects of the Previous Messages' Evaluations, Knowledge Content, Social Cues and Personal Information on the Current Message
(#331; Paper; first author: Chen, Gaowei)
Chen, Mark | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Chen, Wenli | Rapid Collaborative Knowledge Building: Lessons Learned from two Primary Science Classrooms
(#607; Paper; first author: Ng, Foo Keong)
Chen, Wenli | Towards A Framework for Seamless Learning Environments
(#628; Paper; first author: Seow, Peter)
Cheng, Hercy | Equal Opportunity Tactic: An Approach to Moderating the Differences in Ability Perception
(#310; Paper; first author: Cheng, Hercy)
Chi, Michelene | Cognitive Convergence in Collaborative Learning
(#192; Symposium; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Chin, Chee Kuen | Collaborative Inquiry in Co-constructing ICT-mediated Curricula for Chinese Literacy in Singapore Context
(#311; Poster; first author: Wong, Lung Hsiang)
Chinn, Clark | A Microgenetic Classroom Study of Learning to Reason Scientifically through Modeling and Argumentation
(#536; Poster; first author: Chinn, Clark)
Chinn, Clark | Learning to Evaluate Scientific Models
(#620; Firehose Presentation; first author: Pluta, William)
Chiu, Jennifer | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Chiu, Jennifer | Self-Assessment and Self-Explanation for Learning Chemistry Using Dynamic Molecular Visualizations
(#618; Poster; first author: Chiu, Jennifer)
Chiu, Ming Ming | Effects of social metacognition on micro-creativity: Statistical discourse analyses of group problem solving
(#276; Paper; first author: Chiu, Ming Ming)
Chiu, Ming Ming | Computer Mediated Discussions: Effects of the Previous Messages' Evaluations, Knowledge Content, Social Cues and Personal Information on the Current Message
(#331; Paper; first author: Chen, Gaowei)
Choi, Hyungshin | Analyzing Learner Behaviors, Conflicting and Facilitating Factors of Online Collaborative Learning using Activity System
(#318; Paper; first author: Choi, Hyungshin)
Chung, Tze Min | Collaborative Inquiry in Co-constructing ICT-mediated Curricula for Chinese Literacy in Singapore Context
(#311; Poster; first author: Wong, Lung Hsiang)
Clarebout, Geraldine | The Use of iPods in Education: A Cognitive Perspective
(#427; Paper; first author: Clarebout, Geraldine)
Clark, Douglas | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Clark, Douglas | International Analysis of Students' Knowledge Structure Coherence
(#538; Paper; first author: Clark, Douglas)
Clarke, Jody | Rethinking Pedagogy: Using Multi-User Virtual Environments to Foster Authentic Science Learning
(#316; Paper; first author: Ketelhut, Diane Jass)
Clarke, Jody | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Coens, Joke | The Use of iPods in Education: A Cognitive Perspective
(#427; Paper; first author: Clarebout, Geraldine)
Coffey, Janne | The Scientific Method and Scientific Inquiry: Tension as in Teaching and Learning
(#514; Paper; first author: Tang, Xiaowei)
Conati, Cristina | Eye Tracking. Four Eyes: Eye tracking methods in collaborative / learning research
(#915; Workshop; first author: Dillenbourg, Pierre)
Constantinou, Constantinos | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Cook, Eric | The Missing Chapters: Learning Sciences Beyond the Classroom
(#919; Workshop; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Cook, Melissa | Seeing and Supporting Identity Development in Science Education
(#303; Symposium; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Copier, Marinka | Serious Games in the Learning Sciences: Making International Connections
(#922; Invited Workshop; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Corbel, Annie | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Corliss, Stephanie | Student and Teacher Regulation of Learning in Technology-enhanced Science Instruction
(#446; Paper; first author: Corliss, Stephanie)
Cornelius, Lindsay | Student Participation in Disciplinary Discourses: When the Teacher Takes a Step Back, Who Takes a Step Forward?
(#360; Paper; first author: Cornelius, Lindsay)
Cress, Ulrike | The interaction between groups and individuals: The challenge of statistically analysing cooperative learning
(#156; Paper; first author: Cress, Ulrike)
Cress, Ulrike | Learning and Knowledge Building with wikis: The Impact of Incongruity between People's Knowledge and a Wiki's Information
(#170; Paper; first author: Moskaliuk, Johannes)
Crook, Charles | Cutting through Layers of the BBC 'ONION Street': Children's Use of Message Boards out-of-school
(#295; Paper; first author: Yang, Yang)
Crook, Charles | Making your views known: The importance of anonymity before and after classroom debates
(#561; Paper; first author: Gelmini Hornsby, Giulia)
Crook, Charles | Turn-taking and mode-switching in text-based communication in the classroom
(#592; Poster; first author: Enriquez, Judith)
Cuevas, Haydee M. | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
D'Angelo, Cynthia | International Analysis of Students' Knowledge Structure Coherence
(#538; Paper; first author: Clark, Douglas)
D'Angelo, Cynthia | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Dahlström, Anders | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Daily, Shaundra | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Daly, Shanna | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Damsa, Crina | Is it mine, is it yours? It is ours. Shared epistemic agency in collaborative research activities
(#408; Firehose Presentation; first author: Damsa, Crina)
Damsa, Crina | Conference formats. Advancing collaborative practices in the scientific community: creating innovative formats for conferencing
(#913; Workshop; first author: Allert, Heidrun)
Damsa, Crina | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Davaris, Athanassios | What kind of difficulties may teachers encounter, in the process of constituting a virtual learning community?
(#247; Poster; first author: Matos, Anastasios)
Davenport, Jodi | When do diagrams enhance learning? A framework for designing relevant representations
(#560; Paper; first author: Davenport, Jodi)
Davis, Elizabeth | Elementary Teachers' Ideas about Effective Science Teaching: A Longitudinal Study
(#199; Paper; first author: Davis, Elizabeth)
Davis, Joan M. | Do Higher Levels of Arousal Predict Better Learning? An Investigation of Learning and Physiological Responses
(#503; Poster; first author: Lee, Tiffany)
De Bruijn, Elly | The quest for usable knowledge: the delicate balance between research, design and change
(#168; Firehose Presentation; first author: Zitter, Ilya)
De Groot, Reuma | Design workshops as means to involve teachers and other end-users in the process of CSCL tool development
(#916; Workshop; first author: De Groot, Reuma)
Dehler, Jessica | Knowledge convergence in CMC: The impact of convergence-related external representations
(#356; Poster; first author: Dehler, Jessica)
De Jong, Ton | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
De Jong, Ton | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Delgado, Cesar | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Demeter, Marylee | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Deng, Feng | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Derry, Sharon | Leadership in Small Online Collaborative Learning Groups: A Distributed Perspective
(#470; Paper; first author: Gressick, Julia)
Desjardins, Richard | Key elements for a framework to understand and conceptualise the social outcomes of learning
(#909; Keynote; first author: Desjardins, Richard)
DeVane, Ben | Problem-Solving in History: Strategy Games and Schema
(#521; Poster; first author: DeVane, Ben)
DeVane, Ben | Centers of Expertise for Academic Learning Through Open-Ended Video Games
(#575; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
DeVane, Ben | Games, Learning and Society: Building Centers of Expertise Around Gaming
(#920; Invited Workshop; first author: DeVane, Ben)
De Wever, Bram | Student Elaborations and Knowledge Construction in Asynchronous Discussion Groups in Secondary Education
(#175; Firehose Presentation; first author: Schellens, Tammy)
Dieckmann, Peter | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Dillenbourg, Pierre | Cognitive Convergence in Collaborative Learning
(#192; Symposium; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Dillenbourg, Pierre | How Learners Use Awareness Cues About Their Peer's Knowledge? Insights from Synchronized Eye-Tracking Data
(#404; Paper; first author: Sangin, Mirweis)
Dillenbourg, Pierre | Effects of Knowledge Interdependence with the Partner on Visual and Action Transactivity in Collaborative Concept Mapping
(#520; Paper; first author: Molinari, Gaëlle)
Dillenbourg, Pierre | Eye Tracking. Four Eyes: Eye tracking methods in collaborative / learning research
(#915; Workshop; first author: Dillenbourg, Pierre)
Diller, Kenneth | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Diller, Kenneth | Distributed Cognition and Interactions in the Context of Bioengineering Design
(#151; Poster; first author: Svihla, Vanessa)
Ding, Ning | Joint and Individual Knowledge Elaboration in CSCL
(#252; Poster; first author: Ding, Ning)
DiSessa, Andrea | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Diziol, Dejana | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Dodge, Tyler | Conceptual Play Spaces and the Quest Atlantis Project
(#543; Symposium; first author: Barab, Sasha)
Dolmans, Diana | The influence of verbal elaboration on subsequent learning
(#160; Paper; first author: Van Blankenstein, Floris)
Dowell, John | Characterising knowledge construction through a process analysis of dialogues
(#428; Paper; first author: Tscholl, Michael)
Downton, Micheal | Shared Inter-generational Collaborative Problem Solving Play Spaces
(#512; Poster; first author: Siyahhan, Sinem)
Drane, Denise | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Dukas, Geordie | Rethinking Pedagogy: Using Multi-User Virtual Environments to Foster Authentic Science Learning
(#316; Paper; first author: Ketelhut, Diane Jass)
Duncan, Ravit | A Microgenetic Classroom Study of Learning to Reason Scientifically through Modeling and Argumentation
(#536; Poster; first author: Chinn, Clark)
Duncan, Ravit | Learning to Evaluate Scientific Models
(#620; Firehose Presentation; first author: Pluta, William)
Durga, Shree | Problem-Solving in History: Strategy Games and Schema
(#521; Poster; first author: DeVane, Ben)
Durga, Shree | Centers of Expertise for Academic Learning Through Open-Ended Video Games
(#575; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Durga, Shree | Games, Learning and Society: Building Centers of Expertise Around Gaming
(#920; Invited Workshop; first author: DeVane, Ben)
Duschl, Richard | A Microgenetic Classroom Study of Learning to Reason Scientifically through Modeling and Argumentation
(#536; Poster; first author: Chinn, Clark)
Duschl, Richard | Learning to Evaluate Scientific Models
(#620; Firehose Presentation; first author: Pluta, William)
Dwyer, Nathan | Common representation. Developing a common representation for CSCL analysis methods and tools
(#912; Workshop; first author: Suthers, Daniel)
Dyke, Gregory | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Eagle, Sarah | Early Years Learning with Digital Technologies; The Relationship Between Research and Design
(#414; Symposium; first author: Sutherland, Rosamund)
Edelson, Daniel | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Edelson, Daniel | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Eilam, Billie | Identifying Variables and Constructing Relations: Effects of Multiple Images and Texts Stimuli
(#182; Paper; first author: Eilam, Billie)
Elby, Andy | Two distinct ways of attending to the substance of students' ideas
(#549; Poster; first author: Lau, Matty)
Eldar, Osnat | A Metacognitive Strategy for Training Preservice Teachers: Collaborative Diagnosis of Conceptual Understanding in Science
(#461; Poster; first author: Eldar, Osnat)
Elen, Jan | The Use of iPods in Education: A Cognitive Perspective
(#427; Paper; first author: Clarebout, Geraldine)
Engelmann, Tanja | The Potential of Computer-Supported Collaboration and Knowledge Awareness for Supporting Analogical Problem Solving
(#371; Poster; first author: Baumeister, Antonia)
Engeström, Yrjö | From Design Experiments to Formative Interventions
(#901; Keynote; first author: Engeström, Yrjö)
Engle, Randi | Establishing Collaborations in Design-based Research Projects: Insights from the Origins of the MMAP Project
(#297; Paper; first author: Engle, Randi)
Engle, Randi | A Design-based Approach to Experimental Design: Investigating Hypotheses About How Framing Influences Transfer
(#534; Paper; first author: Engle, Randi)
Enriquez, Judith | Turn-taking and mode-switching in text-based communication in the classroom
(#592; Poster; first author: Enriquez, Judith)
Enyedy, Noel | Culturally Relevant Mathematics: Students' Cultural Engagement with Statistics
(#271; Poster; first author: Fields, Deborah)
Erkens, Gijsbert | Effects of Representational Guidance during Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(#191; Poster; first author: Janssen, Jeroen)
Erkens, Gijsbert | Matching Model Representation to Task Demands
(#357; Poster; first author: Slof, Bert)
Erkens, Gijsbert | Is it mine, is it yours? It is ours. Shared epistemic agency in collaborative research activities
(#408; Firehose Presentation; first author: Damsa, Crina)
Erkens, Gijsbert | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Esterman, Nir | The effect of disciplinary identity on interdisciplinary learning during scientific group meetings
(#292; Paper; first author: Yarden, Anat)
Esteves, Micaela | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Eugene, Wanda | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Evans, Michael A. | ICT4D and the Learning Sciences
(#495; Symposium; first author: Evans, Michael A.)
Eylon, Bat-Sheva | A Metacognitive Strategy for Training Preservice Teachers: Collaborative Diagnosis of Conceptual Understanding in Science
(#461; Poster; first author: Eldar, Osnat)
Facer, Keri | AR Gone Wild: Two Approaches to Using Augmented Reality Learning Games in Zoos
(#394; Firehose Symposium; first author: Perry, Judith)
Fastré, Greet | Support in self-assessment in Secondary Vocational Education
(#372; Poster; first author: Fastré, Greet)
Feinstein, Noah | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Fields, Deborah | Knowing and Throwing Mudballs, Hearts, Pies, and Flowers. A Connective Ethnography of Gaming Practices
(#148; Paper; first author: Fields, Deborah)
Fields, Deborah | Culturally Relevant Mathematics: Students' Cultural Engagement with Statistics
(#271; Poster; first author: Fields, Deborah)
Finkelstein, Heather | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Fiore, Stephen | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Fiotakis, Georgios | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Fischer, Frank | Cognitive Convergence in Collaborative Learning
(#192; Symposium; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Fischer, Frank | Argumentation in Web-based Collaborative Inquiry Learning: Scripts for Writing and Scripts for Talking Aren't the Same
(#444; Paper; first author: Kollar, Ingo)
Fischer, Frank | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Fischer, Frank | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Fischer, Frank | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Fischer, Frank | Internal and external scripts: Studies on the interplay of discourse, cognition, and instruction in computer-supported collaborative learning
(#906; Keynote; first author: Fischer, Frank)
Fischer, Frank | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Fischer, Martin | Case based learning with worked examples in medicine: effects of errors and feedback
(#448; Paper; first author: Stark, Robin)
Fishman, Barry J. | The Mediating Role of Coherence in Curriculum Implementation
(#195; Paper; first author: Penuel, William)
Fithian, Rachel | Roles of Parents in Fostering Technological Fluency
(#557; Poster; first author: Forssell, Karin)
Foo, Seau Yoon | Understanding Elementary Students' Emergent Dialogical Argumentation in Science
(#555; Paper; first author: Foo, Seau Yoon)
Forssell, Karin | Roles of Parents in Fostering Technological Fluency
(#557; Poster; first author: Forssell, Karin)
Forssell, Karin | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Forte, Andrea | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Fujita, Nobuko | Rethinking Analysis of Progressive Discourse in Online Learning: An Activity Theory Perspective
(#562; Paper; first author: Fujita, Nobuko)
Gallagher, Lawrence P. | The Mediating Role of Coherence in Curriculum Implementation
(#195; Paper; first author: Penuel, William)
Games, Ivan Alex | Playing to learn game design skills in a game context
(#298; Panel Symposium; first author: Torres, Robert)
Games, Ivan Alex | Design Thinking in GameStar Mechanic: The role of gamer experience on the appropriation of the Discourse practices of Game Designers
(#594; Paper; first author: Games, Ivan Alex)
Games, Ivan Alex | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Gao, Ping | Collaborative Inquiry in Co-constructing ICT-mediated Curricula for Chinese Literacy in Singapore Context
(#311; Poster; first author: Wong, Lung Hsiang)
Garrison, Lari | Gender, institutional structure and learning in an engineering college
(#593; Paper; first author: Garrison, Lari)
Gawel, Drue | Considerations for the Development of a Preparation for Future Learning Assessment
(#525; Paper; first author: Gawel, Drue)
Gaydos, Matthew | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Ge, Xun | The Effects of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning on Students' Writing Performance
(#434; Paper; first author: Hayes, Tracy)
Gee, James Paul | Playing to learn game design skills in a game context
(#298; Panel Symposium; first author: Torres, Robert)
Gee, James Paul | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Geier, Susan | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Geisler, Sandra | Questioning Teacher Goals in Professional Development: Do Goals Really Make a Difference?
(#358; Poster; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Gelmini Hornsby, Giulia | Turn-taking and mode-switching in text-based communication in the classroom
(#592; Poster; first author: Enriquez, Judith)
Gelmini Hornsby, Giulia | Making your views known: The importance of anonymity before and after classroom debates
(#561; Paper; first author: Gelmini Hornsby, Giulia)
Gemballa, Sven | In The Eyes of Experts: Teaching Dynamic Features in Biology by Modeling Experts' Eye Movement Strategies to Novices
(#437; Paper; first author: Jarodzka, Halszka)
Gemballa, Sven | Enhancing Students' Knowledge of Biodiversity in a Situated Mobile Learning Scenario: Using Static and Dynamic Visualizations in Field Trips
(#496; Paper; first author: Pfeiffer, Vanessa)
Gerard, Libby | Scaling Technology-Enhanced Science Curriculum: Leadership Development in a Community of Principals
(#582; Poster; first author: Gerard, Libby)
Gerde, Cheryl | Mathematics Teachers' Abilities to Use and Make Sense of Drawn Representations
(#286; Paper; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Gerjets, Peter | The Modality Effect in Multimedia Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Limitations
(#186; Paper; first author: Schueler, Anne)
Gerjets, Peter | In The Eyes of Experts: Teaching Dynamic Features in Biology by Modeling Experts' Eye Movement Strategies to Novices
(#437; Paper; first author: Jarodzka, Halszka)
Gerjets, Peter | Enhancing Students' Knowledge of Biodiversity in a Situated Mobile Learning Scenario: Using Static and Dynamic Visualizations in Field Trips
(#496; Paper; first author: Pfeiffer, Vanessa)
Gerjets, Peter | Eye Tracking. Four Eyes: Eye tracking methods in collaborative / learning research
(#915; Workshop; first author: Dillenbourg, Pierre)
Gerjets, Peter | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Geronimi, Alix | Introducing a representational tool of the trade in middle school
(#216; Paper; first author: Vries, Erica)
Gervais, Fernand | Online/onsite activity in elementary and secondary classrooms using advanced collaborative technologies
(#635; Poster; first author: Gervais, Fernand)
Gijlers, Hannie | An Exploration of Tool Support for Categorical Coding
(#364; Paper; first author: Anjewierden, Anjo)
Gijlers, Hannie | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Gijselaers, Wim | Students' motivations and their contributions to virtual learning
(#445; Paper; first author: Rienties, Bart)
Gilge, Anja | Global Text Processing in CSCL with Learning Protocols: A Coding Scheme for Eye Movement Analyses
(#425; Poster; first author: Oehl, Michael)
Girandot, Jean-Jacques | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Glasson, George E. | ICT4D and the Learning Sciences
(#495; Symposium; first author: Evans, Michael A.)
Gobert, Janice | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Goldman, Susan | Students' sense-making with visual data in small-group argumentation
(#176; Paper; first author: Radinsky, Josh)
Goldman, Susan | Students' Analysis of Multiple Sources for Agreements and Disagreements
(#573; Paper; first author: Manning, Flori)
Gomez, Kimberley | Students' Analysis of Multiple Sources for Agreements and Disagreements
(#573; Paper; first author: Manning, Flori)
Gomez, Kimberley | Metacognitive Support for Reading in Science Classrooms
(#590; Paper; first author: Herman, Phillip)
Gomez, Kimberley | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Gomez, Louis | SPACE: Online Tools for Supporting Formative Instruction
(#224; Poster; first author: Shapiro, R. Benjamin)
Gomez, Louis | Co-design of Interdisciplinary Projects as a Mechanism for School Capacity and Teacher Professional Community Growth
(#585; Paper; first author: Kwon, Samuel)
Gomez, Louis | Metacognitive Support for Reading in Science Classrooms
(#590; Paper; first author: Herman, Phillip)
Gorges, Torie | Measuring Mathematics Discourse in Technology-Supported Collaborative Activities
(#579; Poster; first author: Rafanan, Ken)
Gray, Steven | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Green, Andrew | The ZooLib Tuplebase: An Open-Source, Scalable Database Architecture for Learning Sciences Research
(#490; Poster; first author: Teplovs, Chris)
Gresalfi, Melissa | Conceptual Play Spaces and the Quest Atlantis Project
(#543; Symposium; first author: Barab, Sasha)
Gresalfi, Melissa | Designing for Dispositions
(#576; Paper; first author: Gresalfi, Melissa)
Gressick, Julia | Leadership in Small Online Collaborative Learning Groups: A Distributed Perspective
(#470; Paper; first author: Gressick, Julia)
Guevara, Talia | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Gupta, Ayush | Towards a Dynamic Model of Learners' Ontologies in Physics
(#464; Paper; first author: Gupta, Ayush)
Gweon, Gahgene | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Hagedorn, Eric | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Hakkarainen, Kai | CASS-methods and tools for investigating higher education knowledge practices
(#390; Paper; first author: Muukkonen, Hanni)
Hamilton, Eric | Example from a Framework for Future Learning Environments: Human Factors and Learner Engagement in Collaborative Workspaces with Tablet Computing
(#519; Poster; first author: Hamilton, Eric)
Hammer, David | Student behavior and epistemological framing: Examples from collaborative active-learning activities in physics
(#183; Paper; first author: Scherr, Rachel)
Hammer, David | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Hammer, David | Towards a Dynamic Model of Learners' Ontologies in Physics
(#464; Paper; first author: Gupta, Ayush)
Hammer, David | The Scientific Method and Scientific Inquiry: Tension as in Teaching and Learning
(#514; Paper; first author: Tang, Xiaowei)
Han, In Sook | Examining the Effectiveness of a Multimedia Case-based Environment for Teaching Technology Integration to Korean Preservice Teachers
(#469; Paper; first author: Han, In Sook)
Harrer, Andreas | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Harrer, Andreas | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Harrison, Steve | Common Ground Can be Efficiently Achieved by Capturing a Screenshot in Handheld-Based Learning Activity
(#397; Poster; first author: Kim, Kibum)
Hatfield, David | Epistemic Games
(#314; Firehose Symposium; first author: Hatfield, David)
Hatfield, David | Theory-based Educational Game Design, Implementation, and Assessment
(#921; Invited Workshop; first author: Shaffer, David)
Hausmann, Robert | Productive Dialog During Collaborative Problem Solving
(#542; Paper; first author: Hausmann, Robert)
Hay, Kenneth | Conceptual Play Spaces and the Quest Atlantis Project
(#543; Symposium; first author: Barab, Sasha)
Hay, Kenneth | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Hayes, Elisabeth | Playing to learn game design skills in a game context
(#298; Panel Symposium; first author: Torres, Robert)
Hayes, Elisabeth | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Hayes, Tracy | The Effects of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning on Students' Writing Performance
(#434; Paper; first author: Hayes, Tracy)
Hegedus, Stephen | Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Emerging Findings in a Large-Scale Experiment
(#447; Paper; first author: Roschelle, Jeremy)
Helak, John | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Hemphill, Libby | The Missing Chapters: Learning Sciences Beyond the Classroom
(#919; Workshop; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Herman, Phillip | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Herman, Phillip | Metacognitive Support for Reading in Science Classrooms
(#590; Paper; first author: Herman, Phillip)
Herrenkohl, Leslie R. | Analyzing collaborative contexts: Professional musicians, corporate engineers, and communities in the Himalayas
(#206; Symposium; first author: Mertl, Veronique)
Hesse, Friedrich | The Potential of Computer-Supported Collaboration and Knowledge Awareness for Supporting Analogical Problem Solving
(#371; Poster; first author: Baumeister, Antonia)
Hesse, Friedrich | Productive tensions in the learning sciences: Socio-cognitive and socio-cultural theory
(#926; Invited Symposium; first author: Stahl, Gerry)
Hever, Rakheli (Rachel) | Design workshops as means to involve teachers and other end-users in the process of CSCL tool development
(#916; Workshop; first author: De Groot, Reuma)
Hever, Rakheli (Rachel) | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Hickey, Daniel | First Things First: Design Principles for Worthwhile Educational Videogames
(#572; Paper; first author: Hickey, Daniel)
Hilbert, Tatjana | Concept Mapping for Learning from Text: Evidence for a Worked-Out-Map-Effect
(#255; Paper; first author: Hilbert, Tatjana)
Hmelo-Silver, Cindy | Collaborative Scientific Conceptual Change in Simulation-Supported Learning Environment
(#198; Paper; first author: Liu, Lei)
Hmelo-Silver, Cindy | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Hmelo-Silver, Cindy | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Hoadley, Christopher | Analyzing collaborative contexts: Professional musicians, corporate engineers, and communities in the Himalayas
(#206; Symposium; first author: Mertl, Veronique)
Hoadley, Christopher | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Hoadley, Christopher | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Holden, Christopher | Sick at South Shore Beach: A Place-Based Augmented Reality Game as a Framework for Building Evidence-Based Arguments
(#304; Poster; first author: Mathews, James)
Holden, Christopher | Designing an Augmented Reality Game-based Curriculum
(#319; Poster; first author: Jan, Mingfong)
Holden, Christopher | Restructuring Activity and Place: Augmented Reality Games on Handhelds
(#416; Paper; first author: Martin, John)
Holden, Christopher | Designing Place-Based Augmented Reality Games for Literacy
(#570; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Holz, Johannes | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Homer, Bruce | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Hong, Huang-Yao | An idea-centered, principle-based design approach to support learning as knowledge creation
(#239; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Hong, Huang-Yao | Introducing people knowledge into science learning
(#277; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Hong, Huang-Yao | Principle-Based Design to Foster Adaptive Use of Technology for Building Community Knowledge
(#278; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Honwad, Sameer | Analyzing collaborative contexts: Professional musicians, corporate engineers, and communities in the Himalayas
(#206; Symposium; first author: Mertl, Veronique)
Honwad, Sameer | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Hoppe, Ulrich | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Hoppe, Ulrich | Design workshops as means to involve teachers and other end-users in the process of CSCL tool development
(#916; Workshop; first author: De Groot, Reuma)
Houle, Meredith | Using Geographic Information Systems to Support Student Learning through Urban Ecology
(#301; Paper; first author: Barnett, Mike)
Howe, Christine | On socio-cognitive processes that promote learning from peer collaboration and why immediate transfer tests cannot always detect their effects
(#361; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Hoyles, Celia | Using technology-enhanced boundary objects to develop techno-mathematical literacies in manufacturing industry
(#398; Paper; first author: Bakker, Arthur)
Hsu, Pei-Ling | The Collective Production of High School Students' Images of Science
(#187; Paper; first author: Van Eijck, Michiel)
HSU, Shihkuan | Teacher's background and ICT uses at schools in Taiwan
(#601; Poster; first author: HSU, Shihkuan)
Hübner, Sandra | Short-Term versus Long-Term Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Prompts in Writing-to-Learn
(#577; Paper; first author: Nückles, Matthias)
Hubscher, Roland | Multiple modes and multiple representations for science learning: Integrating hands-on investigations with text, computer simulations and animations
(#910; Workshop; first author: Puntambekar, Sadhana)
Hug, Barbara | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Hurford, Andrew | Example from a Framework for Future Learning Environments: Human Factors and Learner Engagement in Collaborative Workspaces with Tablet Computing
(#519; Poster; first author: Hamilton, Eric)
Hurme, Tarja-Riitta | How learners share and construct metacognition in social interaction?
(#282; Poster; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Hurme, Tarja-Riitta | Exploring changes in network structures during online discussions
(#504; Paper; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Hyo-Jeong, So | Towards A Framework for Seamless Learning Environments
(#628; Paper; first author: Seow, Peter)
Ilomäki, Liisa | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Imhof, Birgit | Enhancing Students' Knowledge of Biodiversity in a Situated Mobile Learning Scenario: Using Static and Dynamic Visualizations in Field Trips
(#496; Paper; first author: Pfeiffer, Vanessa)
Inagaki, Shigenori | Visitor Movement as Implicit Human-Computer Interactions in Museums
(#384; Poster; first author: Kusunoki, Fusako)
Ingram-Goble, Adam | Conceptual Play Spaces and the Quest Atlantis Project
(#543; Symposium; first author: Barab, Sasha)
Ingram-Goble, Adam | First Things First: Design Principles for Worthwhile Educational Videogames
(#572; Paper; first author: Hickey, Daniel)
Ingram-Goble, Adam | Designing for Dispositions
(#576; Paper; first author: Gresalfi, Melissa)
Inkinen, Mikko | CASS-methods and tools for investigating higher education knowledge practices
(#390; Paper; first author: Muukkonen, Hanni)
Jacobson, Michael | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Jacobson, Michael | Teachers' Beliefs about Knowledge and Learning: A Singapore perspective
(#624; Poster; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Jacobson, Michael | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Jadin, Tanja | Conference formats. Advancing collaborative practices in the scientific community: creating innovative formats for conferencing
(#913; Workshop; first author: Allert, Heidrun)
Jan, Mingfong | Sick at South Shore Beach: A Place-Based Augmented Reality Game as a Framework for Building Evidence-Based Arguments
(#304; Poster; first author: Mathews, James)
Jan, Mingfong | Designing an Augmented Reality Game-based Curriculum
(#319; Poster; first author: Jan, Mingfong)
Jan, Mingfong | Restructuring Activity and Place: Augmented Reality Games on Handhelds
(#416; Paper; first author: Martin, John)
Jan, Mingfong | Designing Place-Based Augmented Reality Games for Literacy
(#570; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Janssen, Jeroen | Effects of Representational Guidance during Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(#191; Poster; first author: Janssen, Jeroen)
Janssen, Jeroen | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Janssen, Jeroen | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Jarodzka, Halszka | In The Eyes of Experts: Teaching Dynamic Features in Biology by Modeling Experts' Eye Movement Strategies to Novices
(#437; Paper; first author: Jarodzka, Halszka)
Jarodzka, Halszka | Enhancing Students' Knowledge of Biodiversity in a Situated Mobile Learning Scenario: Using Static and Dynamic Visualizations in Field Trips
(#496; Paper; first author: Pfeiffer, Vanessa)
Järvelä, Sanna | How learners share and construct metacognition in social interaction?
(#282; Poster; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Järvelä, Sanna | Exploring changes in network structures during online discussions
(#504; Paper; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Jeong, Heisawn | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Jeong, Heisawn | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Jocuns, Andrew | 'Current is the one that's mean': The development of an engineering student's trajectory of identification
(#599; Poster; first author: Jocuns, Andrew)
Jocuns, Andrew | Gender, institutional structure and learning in an engineering college
(#593; Paper; first author: Garrison, Lari)
Johnson Henson, Shelly | The Folksemantic Web: Tools for a Human-Centered Approach to Learning
(#907; Keynote; first author: Johnson Henson, Shelly)
Johri, Aditya | Analysis of Tablet PC Based Learning Experiences in Engineering Classes
(#200; Poster; first author: Johri, Aditya)
Johri, Aditya | Creating a Participatory Learning Environment in Large Lecture Classes Using Pen-Based Computing
(#201; Paper; first author: Johri, Aditya)
Johri, Aditya | ICT4D and the Learning Sciences
(#495; Symposium; first author: Evans, Michael A.)
Johri, Aditya | Laboratory Learning: Industry and University Research as Site for Situated and Distributed Cognition
(#497; Symposium; first author: Newstetter, Wendy)
Jonas, Klaus | Building Knowledge Online: Master Students' Use and Evaluation of Wiki and Forum
(#110; Firehose Presentation; first author: Lebherz, Carmen)
Jonker, Vincent | Th!nklets for mathematics education. Re-using computer games characteristics in educational software
(#550; Paper; first author: Jonker, Vincent)
Jordan, Rebecca | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Jordan, Trace | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Joshi, Mahesh | A Needs Analysis for Instructional Support in LegSim
(#563; Poster; first author: Joshi, Mahesh)
Joshi, Mahesh | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Jossberger, Helen | Self-directed learning in pre-vocational secondary education: An analysis of difficulties and success factors in workplace simulations
(#347; Poster; first author: Jossberger, Helen)
Jucks, Regina | Do we really mean the same? The relationship between word choices and computer mediated cooperative learning
(#249; Paper; first author: Paus, Elisabeth)
Kafai, Yasmin | Knowing and Throwing Mudballs, Hearts, Pies, and Flowers. A Connective Ethnography of Gaming Practices
(#148; Paper; first author: Fields, Deborah)
Kafai, Yasmin | New Literacies and the Learning Sciences: A Framework for Understanding Youths' Media Arts Practices
(#149; Paper; first author: Peppler, Kylie)
Kafai, Yasmin | Digital Media Designs with Scratch: What Urban Youth Can Learn about Programming in a Computer Clubhouse
(#238; Poster; first author: Maloney, John)
Kafai, Yasmin | Real Arguments about a Virtual Epidemic: Conversations and Contestations in a Tween Gaming Club
(#265; Paper; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Kafai, Yasmin | Considering Gender in Digital Games: Implications for Serious Game Designs in the Learning Sciences
(#266; Paper; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Kafai, Yasmin | Developing a Design Culture in a Computer Clubhouse: The Role of Local Practices and Mediators
(#442; Paper; first author: Peppler, Kylie)
Kafai, Yasmin | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Kafai, Yasmin | Learning from Krumping: Collective Agency in Dance Performance Cultures
(#522; Paper; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Kafai, Yasmin | Serious Games in the Learning Sciences: Making International Connections
(#922; Invited Workshop; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Kahrimanis, George | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Kahrimanis, George | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Kali, Yael | How to design educational technologies? The development of an instructional-model
(#485; Paper; first author: Ronen-Fuhrmann, Tamar)
Kang, Myunghee | Analyzing Learner Behaviors, Conflicting and Facilitating Factors of Online Collaborative Learning using Activity System
(#318; Paper; first author: Choi, Hyungshin)
Kanselaar, Gellof | History learning with textual or visual tasks: Student dialogue
(#141; Paper; first author: Prangsma, Maaike)
Kanselaar, Gellof | Effects of Representational Guidance during Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(#191; Poster; first author: Janssen, Jeroen)
Kanselaar, Gellof | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Kanter, David | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Kapur, Manu | Models of Expertise in Process- and Content-Dominated Areas of Bioengineering
(#152; Poster; first author: Petrosino, Anthony)
Kapur, Manu | Cognitive Convergence in Collaborative Learning
(#192; Symposium; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Karlgren, Klas | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Kent, Phillip | Using technology-enhanced boundary objects to develop techno-mathematical literacies in manufacturing industry
(#398; Paper; first author: Bakker, Arthur)
Kershaw, Trina | Undergraduate Cognitive Psychology Students Evaluations of Scientific Arguments in a Contrasting-Essays Assignment
(#305; Poster; first author: Lippman, Jordan)
Ketelhut, Diane Jass | Rethinking Pedagogy: Using Multi-User Virtual Environments to Foster Authentic Science Learning
(#316; Paper; first author: Ketelhut, Diane Jass)
Kim, Beaumie | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Kim, Kibum | Common Ground Can be Efficiently Achieved by Capturing a Screenshot in Handheld-Based Learning Activity
(#397; Poster; first author: Kim, Kibum)
Kim, Minchi | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Kimmerle, Joachim | Learning and Knowledge Building with wikis: The Impact of Incongruity between People's Knowledge and a Wiki's Information
(#170; Paper; first author: Moskaliuk, Johannes)
King, Elizabeth | Games, Learning and Society: Building Centers of Expertise Around Gaming
(#920; Invited Workshop; first author: DeVane, Ben)
Kinzer, Charles K. | Examining the Effectiveness of a Multimedia Case-based Environment for Teaching Technology Integration to Korean Preservice Teachers
(#469; Paper; first author: Han, In Sook)
Kirschner, Femke | Learning from Complex Cognitive Tasks: Comparing Groups to Individuals
(#476; Paper; first author: Kirschner, Femke)
Kirschner, Femke | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Kirschner, Paul | History learning with textual or visual tasks: Student dialogue
(#141; Paper; first author: Prangsma, Maaike)
Kirschner, Paul | Effects of Representational Guidance during Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(#191; Poster; first author: Janssen, Jeroen)
Kirschner, Paul | Matching Model Representation to Task Demands
(#357; Poster; first author: Slof, Bert)
Kirschner, Paul | Is it mine, is it yours? It is ours. Shared epistemic agency in collaborative research activities
(#408; Firehose Presentation; first author: Damsa, Crina)
Kirschner, Paul | Learning from Complex Cognitive Tasks: Comparing Groups to Individuals
(#476; Paper; first author: Kirschner, Femke)
Klahr, David | When do diagrams enhance learning? A framework for designing relevant representations
(#560; Paper; first author: Davenport, Jodi)
Klopfer, Eric | StarLogo TNG – Science in Student-Programmed Simulations
(#388; Poster; first author: Klopfer, Eric)
Klopfer, Eric | AR Gone Wild: Two Approaches to Using Augmented Reality Learning Games in Zoos
(#394; Firehose Symposium; first author: Perry, Judith)
Klopfer, Eric | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Koedinger, Kenneth | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Koedinger, Kenneth | When do diagrams enhance learning? A framework for designing relevant representations
(#560; Paper; first author: Davenport, Jodi)
Kollar, Ingo | Argumentation in Web-based Collaborative Inquiry Learning: Scripts for Writing and Scripts for Talking Aren't the Same
(#444; Paper; first author: Kollar, Ingo)
Kollias, Vassileios | What kind of difficulties may teachers encounter, in the process of constituting a virtual learning community?
(#247; Poster; first author: Matos, Anastasios)
Kolodner, Janet | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Kolodner, Janet | First Timers. Increasing Participation in ICLS: Mentoring for First Time Attendees
(#917; Workshop; first author: Linn, Marcia)
Kopp, Veronika | Case based learning with worked examples in medicine: effects of errors and feedback
(#448; Paper; first author: Stark, Robin)
Korbak, Christine | The Mediating Role of Coherence in Curriculum Implementation
(#195; Paper; first author: Penuel, William)
Kosonen, Kari | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Kostons, Danny | The Effects of Expertise and an Eye Movement Cue on Self-Generated Self-Assessment Criteria
(#373; Poster; first author: Kostons, Danny)
Krajcik, Joseph | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Krajcik, Joseph | Development of a Learning Progression for the Particle Model of Matter
(#438; Paper; first author: Merritt, Joi)
Krajcik, Joseph | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Krakowski, Moshe | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Kraut, Robert | Open community authoring of worked example problems
(#591; Poster; first author: Aleahmad, Turadg)
Krisler, Brian | Acquiring Mastery
(#518; Poster; first author: Krisler, Brian)
Kuan, Ping-Yin | Teacher's background and ICT uses at schools in Taiwan
(#601; Poster; first author: HSU, Shihkuan)
Kumar, Rohit | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Kumpulainen, Kristiina | Student teachers' discursive voices of the meaning of digital case material for their professional learning
(#544; Poster; first author: Kumpulainen, Kristiina)
Kusunoki, Fusako | Visitor Movement as Implicit Human-Computer Interactions in Museums
(#384; Poster; first author: Kusunoki, Fusako)
Kwon, Samuel | Co-design of Interdisciplinary Projects as a Mechanism for School Capacity and Teacher Professional Community Growth
(#585; Paper; first author: Kwon, Samuel)
Kyza, Eleni | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Laferriere, Therese | Online/onsite activity in elementary and secondary classrooms using advanced collaborative technologies
(#635; Poster; first author: Gervais, Fernand)
Lai, Jennifer | Eye Tracking. Four Eyes: Eye tracking methods in collaborative / learning research
(#915; Workshop; first author: Dillenbourg, Pierre)
Laine, Kaarina | Friendship ties and exclusionary ties in classroom. The social structure among eight years old children
(#526; Paper; first author: Palonen, Tuire)
Lakkala, Minna | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Lam, Ivan | Fostering Epistemological and Conceptual Changes Using Knowledge Building
(#405; Paper; first author: Lam, Ivan)
Lancaster, Juliana A. | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Larusson, Johann | Supporting and Tracking Collective Cognition in Wikis
(#254; Symposium; first author: Pierroux, Palmyre)
Laster, Thomas | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Lau, Matty | Two distinct ways of attending to the substance of students' ideas
(#549; Poster; first author: Lau, Matty)
Lauhon, Lincoln | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Law, Nancy | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Law, Nancy | Common representation. Developing a common representation for CSCL analysis methods and tools
(#912; Workshop; first author: Suthers, Daniel)
Law, Nancy | Ecologies that foster intentional learning for the pursuit of excellence in the 21st century
(#902; Keynote; first author: Law, Nancy)
Lawless, Kimberly A. | Students' Analysis of Multiple Sources for Agreements and Disagreements
(#573; Paper; first author: Manning, Flori)
Lebherz, Carmen | Building Knowledge Online: Master Students' Use and Evaluation of Wiki and Forum
(#110; Firehose Presentation; first author: Lebherz, Carmen)
Lee, Akili | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Lee, Hee-Sun | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Lee, Joey | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Lee, Judy Lai Har | Designing for the Epistemological Entailments of Physics through Game-centered Dialogical Activity Cycles
(#578; Paper; first author: Zuiker, Steven)
Lee, June | Teachers' Beliefs about Knowledge and Learning: A Singapore perspective
(#624; Poster; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Lee, June | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Lee, Soo-Jin | Mathematics Teachers' Abilities to Use and Make Sense of Drawn Representations
(#286; Paper; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Lee, Tiffany | Do Higher Levels of Arousal Predict Better Learning? An Investigation of Learning and Physiological Responses
(#503; Poster; first author: Lee, Tiffany)
Lee, Victor | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Leimberer, Jennifer | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Leinhardt, Gaea | The Good Samaritan Effect: A Lens for Understanding Patterns of Participation
(#574; Paper; first author: Van de Sande, Carla)
Levias, Sheldon | Using ethnography to further understandings of learning in everyday settings
(#918; Workshop; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Levias, Sheldon | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Levin, Dan | The Scientific Method and Scientific Inquiry: Tension as in Teaching and Learning
(#514; Paper; first author: Tang, Xiaowei)
Levin, Hank | Is Educational Investment in the Poor a Good Public Investment?
(#908; Keynote; first author: Levin, Hank)
Levin, Mariana | The potential for developing algebraic thinking from purposeful guessing and checking
(#452; Paper; first author: Levin, Mariana)
Levy, Sharona T | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Light, Gregory | Identifying Threshold Concepts in Learning Nanoscience by Using Concept Maps and Students' Responses to an Open-ended Interview
(#603; Poster; first author: Park, Eun Jung)
Light, Gregory | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Lim, Miyoun | The role of place in science learning among urban middle school students: Science as a context
(#463; Paper; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Lin, Xiaodong | Introducing people knowledge into science learning
(#277; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Lin, Xiuqin | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Lingnau, Andreas | A computer supported learning environment to support pupils with cognitive disabilities and their teachers
(#474; Firehose Presentation; first author: Lingnau, Andreas)
Linn, Marcia | Using Drawings to Support Learning from Dynamic Visualizations
(#289; Poster; first author: Zhang, Zhihui)
Linn, Marcia | Impacts of students' experimentation using a dynamic visualization on their understanding of motion
(#340; Paper; first author: McElhaney, Kevin)
Linn, Marcia | Self-Assessment and Self-Explanation for Learning Chemistry Using Dynamic Molecular Visualizations
(#618; Poster; first author: Chiu, Jennifer)
Linn, Marcia | First Timers. Increasing Participation in ICLS: Mentoring for First Time Attendees
(#917; Workshop; first author: Linn, Marcia)
Linn, Marcia | Scaling Technology-Enhanced Science Curriculum: Leadership Development in a Community of Principals
(#582; Poster; first author: Gerard, Libby)
Lippman, Jordan | Undergraduate Cognitive Psychology Students Evaluations of Scientific Arguments in a Contrasting-Essays Assignment
(#305; Poster; first author: Lippman, Jordan)
Liu, Lei | Collaborative Scientific Conceptual Change in Simulation-Supported Learning Environment
(#198; Paper; first author: Liu, Lei)
Liu, Lei | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Lohani, Vinod | Analysis of Tablet PC Based Learning Experiences in Engineering Classes
(#200; Poster; first author: Johri, Aditya)
Lohani, Vinod | Creating a Participatory Learning Environment in Large Lecture Classes Using Pen-Based Computing
(#201; Paper; first author: Johri, Aditya)
Lonchamp, Jacques | Towards a Methodology for Building Collaborative Learning Applications
(#134; Firehose Presentation; first author: Lonchamp, Jacques)
Lonka, Kirsti | CASS-methods and tools for investigating higher education knowledge practices
(#390; Paper; first author: Muukkonen, Hanni)
Looi, Chee-Kit | Understanding Elementary Students' Emergent Dialogical Argumentation in Science
(#555; Paper; first author: Foo, Seau Yoon)
Looi, Chee-Kit | Rapid Collaborative Knowledge Building: Lessons Learned from two Primary Science Classrooms
(#607; Paper; first author: Ng, Foo Keong)
Looi, Chee-Kit | Reinventing Maths Problem Design: Using Guided Collaborative Critique (GCC) in Chat Environments
(#622; Paper; first author: Wee, Juan Dee)
Looi, Chee-Kit | Towards A Framework for Seamless Learning Environments
(#628; Paper; first author: Seow, Peter)
Looi, Chee-Kit | Design of Agent Tutee's Question Prompts to Engage Student's Role-Playing as Tutor in a Learning-by-Teaching Agent Environment
(#626; Paper; first author: Looi, Chee-Kit)
Lopez-Prado, Bladimir | The Mediating Role of Coherence in Curriculum Implementation
(#195; Paper; first author: Penuel, William)
Lopez Silva, Brenda | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Lossman, Hans | A Comparative Discourse Analysis of Online and Offline Knowledge Building Activities
(#615; Poster; first author: Lossman, Hans)
Lossman, Hans | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Louca, Loucas | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Louca, Loucas | Identification - Interpretation/Evaluation - Response: A framework for analyzing classroom-based teacher discourse in science
(#284; Paper; first author: Louca, Loucas)
Louca, Loucas | A discourse-based analysis of student inquiry in elementary science
(#285; Poster; first author: Louca, Loucas)
Luehmann, April | Challenges of and Resources for Reform-based Science Teacher Learning: A Case Study of a Preservice Science Teacher
(#553; Poster; first author: Luehmann, April)
Luengo, Vanda | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Lund, Andreas | Supporting and Tracking Collective Cognition in Wikis
(#254; Symposium; first author: Pierroux, Palmyre)
Lund, Kristine | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Madrid, R.Ignacio | The Importance of Navigation Support and Reading Order on Hypertext Learning and Cognitive Load
(#351; Paper; first author: Puerta Melguizo, Mari Carmen)
Maloney, John | Digital Media Designs with Scratch: What Urban Youth Can Learn about Programming in a Computer Clubhouse
(#238; Poster; first author: Maloney, John)
Malopinsky, Larissa | Cross-cultural online collaboration: Challenges and strategies
(#487; Poster; first author: Malopinsky, Larissa)
Manches, Andrew | Early Years Learning with Digital Technologies; The Relationship Between Research and Design
(#414; Symposium; first author: Sutherland, Rosamund)
Manning, Flori | Students' Analysis of Multiple Sources for Agreements and Disagreements
(#573; Paper; first author: Manning, Flori)
Markauskaite, Lina | Enhancing and Scaling-up Design-based Research: The Potential of E-research
(#343; Paper; first author: Markauskaite, Lina)
Marley, Scott | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Martell, Sandra | Understanding Student Comics: Using Comic Books as a Data Collection Tool to Investigate Learning on Field Trips
(#623; Poster; first author: Martell, Sandra)
Martin, Caitlin Kennedy | Digital Youth Network: Fusing School and After-School Contexts to Develop Youth's New Media Literacies
(#367; Poster; first author: Pinkard, Nichole)
Martin, Caitlin Kennedy | Roles of Parents in Fostering Technological Fluency
(#557; Poster; first author: Forssell, Karin)
Martin, Caitlin Kennedy | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Martin, Caitlin Kennedy | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Martin, John | Sick at South Shore Beach: A Place-Based Augmented Reality Game as a Framework for Building Evidence-Based Arguments
(#304; Poster; first author: Mathews, James)
Martin, John | Designing an Augmented Reality Game-based Curriculum
(#319; Poster; first author: Jan, Mingfong)
Martin, John | Restructuring Activity and Place: Augmented Reality Games on Handhelds
(#416; Paper; first author: Martin, John)
Martin, John | Designing Place-Based Augmented Reality Games for Literacy
(#570; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Martin, Lee | An aesthetic for adaptations: Going beyond knowledge and skills in explanations of adaptations
(#424; Poster; first author: Martin, Lee)
Martin, Taylor | On socio-cognitive processes that promote learning from peer collaboration and why immediate transfer tests cannot always detect their effects
(#361; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Marzin, Patricia | How can we take into account students' conceptions of the facial angle in a palaeontology laboratory work?
(#407; Paper; first author: Marzin, Patricia)
Mason, Thomas | Identifying Threshold Concepts in Learning Nanoscience by Using Concept Maps and Students' Responses to an Open-ended Interview
(#603; Poster; first author: Park, Eun Jung)
Mathews, James | Sick at South Shore Beach: A Place-Based Augmented Reality Game as a Framework for Building Evidence-Based Arguments
(#304; Poster; first author: Mathews, James)
Mathews, James | Designing an Augmented Reality Game-based Curriculum
(#319; Poster; first author: Jan, Mingfong)
Mathews, James | Restructuring Activity and Place: Augmented Reality Games on Handhelds
(#416; Paper; first author: Martin, John)
Mathews, James | Designing Place-Based Augmented Reality Games for Literacy
(#570; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Matos, Anastasios | What kind of difficulties may teachers encounter, in the process of constituting a virtual learning community?
(#247; Poster; first author: Matos, Anastasios)
Matuk, Camillia | Entertaining Evolution: Understanding Science from Animations
(#375; Poster; first author: Matuk, Camillia)
Matzel, Sandra | Concept Mapping for Learning from Text: Evidence for a Worked-Out-Map-Effect
(#255; Paper; first author: Hilbert, Tatjana)
Maunders, Susan | Why are Online Games So Compelling and What Can We Learn from Them to Improve Educational Media?
(#178; Poster; first author: Maunders, Susan)
McCarthy, Laurie | Using ethnography to further understandings of learning in everyday settings
(#918; Workshop; first author: Bricker, Leah)
McCarthy, Laurie | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
McDonald, Scott | Understanding Professional Vision in Inquiry Science Teaching
(#421; Poster; first author: McDonald, Scott)
McElhaney, Kevin | Impacts of students' experimentation using a dynamic visualization on their understanding of motion
(#340; Paper; first author: McElhaney, Kevin)
McElhaney, Kevin | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
McInnis, Brian | Cybertext redux: Using interactive fiction to teach German vocabulary, reading and culture
(#111; Poster; first author: Shelton, Brett)
McLeese, Michelle | Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Emerging Findings in a Large-Scale Experiment
(#447; Paper; first author: Roschelle, Jeremy)
Medina, Richard | Bringing Representational Practice From Log to Light
(#280; Paper; first author: Medina, Richard)
Meier, Anne | Promoting the drawing of inferences in collaboration: Insights from two experimental studies
(#366; Paper; first author: Meier, Anne)
Meier, Anne | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Menekse, Muhsin | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Menekse, Muhsin | International Analysis of Students' Knowledge Structure Coherence
(#538; Paper; first author: Clark, Douglas)
Merenluoto, Kaarina | How learners share and construct metacognition in social interaction?
(#282; Poster; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Merritt, Joi | Development of a Learning Progression for the Particle Model of Matter
(#438; Paper; first author: Merritt, Joi)
Mertl, Veronique | Analyzing collaborative contexts: Professional musicians, corporate engineers, and communities in the Himalayas
(#206; Symposium; first author: Mertl, Veronique)
Mertl, Veronique | Using ethnography to further understandings of learning in everyday settings
(#918; Workshop; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Mertl, Veronique | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Messina, Richard | Principle-Based Design to Foster Adaptive Use of Technology for Building Community Knowledge
(#278; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Miller, Diane | Sociocognitive Apprenticeship: Mediating Practices and Identities
(#307; Poster; first author: Polman, Joe)
Milne, Catherine | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Miratrix, Luke | Designing and Assessing Numeracy Training for Journalists: Toward Improving Quantitative Reasoning Among Media Consumers
(#300; Paper; first author: Ranney, Michael)
Mitchel, Resnick | Digital Media Designs with Scratch: What Urban Youth Can Learn about Programming in a Computer Clubhouse
(#238; Poster; first author: Maloney, John)
Miyake, Naomi | First Timers. Increasing Participation in ICLS: Mentoring for First Time Attendees
(#917; Workshop; first author: Linn, Marcia)
Mizoguchi, Hiroshi | Visitor Movement as Implicit Human-Computer Interactions in Museums
(#384; Poster; first author: Kusunoki, Fusako)
Moher, Tom | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Moher, Tom | Learning and participation in a persistent whole-classroom seismology simulation
(#466; Paper; first author: Moher, Tom)
Molinari, Gaëlle | How Learners Use Awareness Cues About Their Peer's Knowledge? Insights from Synchronized Eye-Tracking Data
(#404; Paper; first author: Sangin, Mirweis)
Molinari, Gaëlle | Effects of Knowledge Interdependence with the Partner on Visual and Action Transactivity in Collaborative Concept Mapping
(#520; Paper; first author: Molinari, Gaëlle)
Moreno, Roxana | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Morgado, Leonel | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Moskaliuk, Johannes | Learning and Knowledge Building with wikis: The Impact of Incongruity between People's Knowledge and a Wiki's Information
(#170; Paper; first author: Moskaliuk, Johannes)
Munnich, Edward | Designing and Assessing Numeracy Training for Journalists: Toward Improving Quantitative Reasoning Among Media Consumers
(#300; Paper; first author: Ranney, Michael)
Muukkonen, Hanni | CASS-methods and tools for investigating higher education knowledge practices
(#390; Paper; first author: Muukkonen, Hanni)
Mørch, Anders | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Nacu, Denise | SPACE: Online Tools for Supporting Formative Instruction
(#224; Poster; first author: Shapiro, R. Benjamin)
Narayanan, N. Hari | Multiple modes and multiple representations for science learning: Integrating hands-on investigations with text, computer simulations and animations
(#910; Workshop; first author: Puntambekar, Sadhana)
Nash, Padraig | Epistemic Games
(#314; Firehose Symposium; first author: Hatfield, David)
Nash, Padraig | Theory-based Educational Game Design, Implementation, and Assessment
(#921; Invited Workshop; first author: Shaffer, David)
Natalie, Rusk | Digital Media Designs with Scratch: What Urban Youth Can Learn about Programming in a Computer Clubhouse
(#238; Poster; first author: Maloney, John)
Neitola, Marita | Friendship ties and exclusionary ties in classroom. The social structure among eight years old children
(#526; Paper; first author: Palonen, Tuire)
Nelson, Brian | Rethinking Pedagogy: Using Multi-User Virtual Environments to Foster Authentic Science Learning
(#316; Paper; first author: Ketelhut, Diane Jass)
Neville, David | Cybertext redux: Using interactive fiction to teach German vocabulary, reading and culture
(#111; Poster; first author: Shelton, Brett)
Newstetter, Wendy | Laboratory Learning: Industry and University Research as Site for Situated and Distributed Cognition
(#497; Symposium; first author: Newstetter, Wendy)
Ng, Foo Keong | Rapid Collaborative Knowledge Building: Lessons Learned from two Primary Science Classrooms
(#607; Paper; first author: Ng, Foo Keong)
Nguyen, Phi D. | A Design-based Approach to Experimental Design: Investigating Hypotheses About How Framing Influences Transfer
(#534; Paper; first author: Engle, Randi)
Nokes, Timothy | Bridging Principles and Examples through Analogy and Explanation
(#595; Poster; first author: Nokes, Timothy)
Norton, Marleigh | AR Gone Wild: Two Approaches to Using Augmented Reality Learning Games in Zoos
(#394; Firehose Symposium; first author: Perry, Judith)
Noss, Richard | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Noss, Richard | Using technology-enhanced boundary objects to develop techno-mathematical literacies in manufacturing industry
(#398; Paper; first author: Bakker, Arthur)
Nückles, Matthias | Concept Mapping for Learning from Text: Evidence for a Worked-Out-Map-Effect
(#255; Paper; first author: Hilbert, Tatjana)
Nückles, Matthias | Short-Term versus Long-Term Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Prompts in Writing-to-Learn
(#577; Paper; first author: Nückles, Matthias)
Nuessli, Marc-Antoine | How Learners Use Awareness Cues About Their Peer's Knowledge? Insights from Synchronized Eye-Tracking Data
(#404; Paper; first author: Sangin, Mirweis)
Nuessli, Marc-Antoine | Effects of Knowledge Interdependence with the Partner on Visual and Action Transactivity in Collaborative Concept Mapping
(#520; Paper; first author: Molinari, Gaëlle)
Nulty, Aran | Epistemic Games
(#314; Firehose Symposium; first author: Hatfield, David)
Nulty, Aran | Theory-based Educational Game Design, Implementation, and Assessment
(#921; Invited Workshop; first author: Shaffer, David)
O'Mahony, Timothy | Analyzing collaborative contexts: Professional musicians, corporate engineers, and communities in the Himalayas
(#206; Symposium; first author: Mertl, Veronique)
O'Malley, Claire | Cutting through Layers of the BBC 'ONION Street': Children's Use of Message Boards out-of-school
(#295; Paper; first author: Yang, Yang)
O'Malley, Claire | Early Years Learning with Digital Technologies; The Relationship Between Research and Design
(#414; Symposium; first author: Sutherland, Rosamund)
O'Malley, Claire | Making your views known: The importance of anonymity before and after classroom debates
(#561; Paper; first author: Gelmini Hornsby, Giulia)
O'Malley, Claire | Turn-taking and mode-switching in text-based communication in the classroom
(#592; Poster; first author: Enriquez, Judith)
Oehl, Michael | Global Text Processing in CSCL with Learning Protocols: A Coding Scheme for Eye Movement Analyses
(#425; Poster; first author: Oehl, Michael)
Okita, Sandra | Mere Belief of Social Action Improves Complex Learning
(#220; Paper; first author: Okita, Sandra)
Opfermann, Maria | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Orrill, Chandra | Mathematics Teachers' Abilities to Use and Make Sense of Drawn Representations
(#286; Paper; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Orrill, Chandra | Questioning Teacher Goals in Professional Development: Do Goals Really Make a Difference?
(#358; Poster; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Orth, Cordula | Situated Multimedia Learning for Older Adults: Exploring the Benefits of Age-Specific Instructional Design
(#554; Paper; first author: Orth, Cordula)
Oshima, Jun | Change in students' internal scripts for knowledge building: A challenge to capture epistemic agency
(#274; Poster; first author: Oshima, Jun)
Oshima, Ritsuko | Change in students' internal scripts for knowledge building: A challenge to capture epistemic agency
(#274; Poster; first author: Oshima, Jun)
Osman, Gihan | Cross-cultural online collaboration: Challenges and strategies
(#487; Poster; first author: Malopinsky, Larissa)
Overdijk, Maarten | From Mastery to Utilisation: Appropriation of Tools for Collaboration in Learning Situations
(#477; Paper; first author: Overdijk, Maarten)
Overdijk, Maarten | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Overmars, Mark | The Game of the Future
(#904; Keynote; first author: Overmars, Mark)
Ozuru, Yasuhiro | Students' Analysis of Multiple Sources for Agreements and Disagreements
(#573; Paper; first author: Manning, Flori)
Paas, Fred | Observational Learning from Animated Models: Effects of Study-Practice Alternation with High and Low Perceived Control on Transfer
(#161; Paper; first author: Wouters, Pieter)
Paas, Fred | Uncovering Cognitive Processes: Cued Retrospective Reporting based on Eye-Movement Records
(#214; Firehose Presentation; first author: Van Gog, Tamara)
Paas, Fred | The Effects of Expertise and an Eye Movement Cue on Self-Generated Self-Assessment Criteria
(#373; Poster; first author: Kostons, Danny)
Paas, Fred | Learning from Complex Cognitive Tasks: Comparing Groups to Individuals
(#476; Paper; first author: Kirschner, Femke)
Paavola, Sami | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Pal, Joyojeet | ICT4D and the Learning Sciences
(#495; Symposium; first author: Evans, Michael A.)
Palonen, Tuire | Exploring changes in network structures during online discussions
(#504; Paper; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Palonen, Tuire | Friendship ties and exclusionary ties in classroom. The social structure among eight years old children
(#526; Paper; first author: Palonen, Tuire)
Pardijs, Mirjam | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Park, Eun Jung | Identifying Threshold Concepts in Learning Nanoscience by Using Concept Maps and Students' Responses to an Open-ended Interview
(#603; Poster; first author: Park, Eun Jung)
Park, Eun Jung | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Parnafes, Orit | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Pathak, Suneeta | Teachers' Beliefs about Knowledge and Learning: A Singapore perspective
(#624; Poster; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Pathak, Suneeta | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Paus, Elisabeth | Do we really mean the same? The relationship between word choices and computer mediated cooperative learning
(#249; Paper; first author: Paus, Elisabeth)
Pellegrino, James | Undergraduate Cognitive Psychology Students Evaluations of Scientific Arguments in a Contrasting-Essays Assignment
(#305; Poster; first author: Lippman, Jordan)
Pellegrino, James | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Penuel, William | The Mediating Role of Coherence in Curriculum Implementation
(#195; Paper; first author: Penuel, William)
Penuel, William | Measuring Mathematics Discourse in Technology-Supported Collaborative Activities
(#579; Poster; first author: Rafanan, Ken)
Peppler, Kylie | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Peppler, Kylie | New Literacies and the Learning Sciences: A Framework for Understanding Youths' Media Arts Practices
(#149; Paper; first author: Peppler, Kylie)
Peppler, Kylie | Digital Media Designs with Scratch: What Urban Youth Can Learn about Programming in a Computer Clubhouse
(#238; Poster; first author: Maloney, John)
Peppler, Kylie | Developing a Design Culture in a Computer Clubhouse: The Role of Local Practices and Mediators
(#442; Paper; first author: Peppler, Kylie)
Peppler, Kylie | Learning from Krumping: Collective Agency in Dance Performance Cultures
(#522; Paper; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Perkins, Kristen | Metacognitive Support for Reading in Science Classrooms
(#590; Paper; first author: Herman, Phillip)
Perry, Judith | AR Gone Wild: Two Approaches to Using Augmented Reality Learning Games in Zoos
(#394; Firehose Symposium; first author: Perry, Judith)
Peters, Vanessa | A Blended Model for Knowledge Communities: Embedding Scaffolded Inquiry
(#429; Paper; first author: Slotta, James)
Peters, Vanessa | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Petrosino, Anthony | Distributed Cognition and Interactions in the Context of Bioengineering Design
(#151; Poster; first author: Svihla, Vanessa)
Petrosino, Anthony | Models of Expertise in Process- and Content-Dominated Areas of Bioengineering
(#152; Poster; first author: Petrosino, Anthony)
Pfeiffer, Vanessa | Enhancing Students' Knowledge of Biodiversity in a Situated Mobile Learning Scenario: Using Static and Dynamic Visualizations in Field Trips
(#496; Paper; first author: Pfeiffer, Vanessa)
Pfister, Hans-Rüdiger | Global Text Processing in CSCL with Learning Protocols: A Coding Scheme for Eye Movement Analyses
(#425; Poster; first author: Oehl, Michael)
Phillips, Rachel | Considerations for the Development of a Preparation for Future Learning Assessment
(#525; Paper; first author: Gawel, Drue)
Pierroux, Palmyre | Supporting and Tracking Collective Cognition in Wikis
(#254; Symposium; first author: Pierroux, Palmyre)
Pierson, Jessica | Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Emerging Findings in a Large-Scale Experiment
(#447; Paper; first author: Roschelle, Jeremy)
Pieschl, Stephanie | Epistemological Sensitisation Causes Deeper Elaboration during Self-Regulated Learning
(#326; Paper; first author: Pieschl, Stephanie)
Pinkard, Nichole | Digital Youth Network: Fusing School and After-School Contexts to Develop Youth's New Media Literacies
(#367; Poster; first author: Pinkard, Nichole)
Pinkard, Nichole | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Pinkard, Nichole | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Pinkard, Nichole | The Organization and Management of Informal and Formal Learning
(#478; Poster; first author: Austin, Kimberly)
Plass, Jan L. | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Pluta, William | A Microgenetic Classroom Study of Learning to Reason Scientifically through Modeling and Argumentation
(#536; Poster; first author: Chinn, Clark)
Pluta, William | Learning to Evaluate Scientific Models
(#620; Firehose Presentation; first author: Pluta, William)
Polman, Joe | Sociocognitive Apprenticeship: Mediating Practices and Identities
(#307; Poster; first author: Polman, Joe)
Ponzer, Sari | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Porsch, Torsten | Epistemological Sensitisation Causes Deeper Elaboration during Self-Regulated Learning
(#326; Paper; first author: Pieschl, Stephanie)
Poyas, Yael | Identifying Variables and Constructing Relations: Effects of Multiple Images and Texts Stimuli
(#182; Paper; first author: Eilam, Billie)
Prakken, H | The role of compression and refinement in visualization tools for crime analysts
(#406; Poster; first author: Van den braak, Susan)
Prangsma, Maaike | History learning with textual or visual tasks: Student dialogue
(#141; Paper; first author: Prangsma, Maaike)
Price, Aaron | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Puerta Melguizo, Mari Carmen | The Importance of Navigation Support and Reading Order on Hypertext Learning and Cognitive Load
(#351; Paper; first author: Puerta Melguizo, Mari Carmen)
Puntambekar, Sadhana | Multiple modes and multiple representations for science learning: Integrating hands-on investigations with text, computer simulations and animations
(#910; Workshop; first author: Puntambekar, Sadhana)
Puroila, Mari | Student teachers' discursive voices of the meaning of digital case material for their professional learning
(#544; Poster; first author: Kumpulainen, Kristiina)
Quintana, Chris | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Radinsky, Josh | Students' sense-making with visual data in small-group argumentation
(#176; Paper; first author: Radinsky, Josh)
Raessens, Joost | Serious Games in the Learning Sciences: Making International Connections
(#922; Invited Workshop; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Rafanan, Ken | Measuring Mathematics Discourse in Technology-Supported Collaborative Activities
(#579; Poster; first author: Rafanan, Ken)
Raje, Sonali | Expertise and Spatial Reasoning in Advanced Scientific Problem Solving
(#451; Paper; first author: Stieff, Mike)
Rall, Marcus | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Ranney, Michael | Designing and Assessing Numeracy Training for Journalists: Toward Improving Quantitative Reasoning Among Media Consumers
(#300; Paper; first author: Ranney, Michael)
Rasmussen, Ingvill | Supporting and Tracking Collective Cognition in Wikis
(#254; Symposium; first author: Pierroux, Palmyre)
Rebello, Sanjay | Multiple modes and multiple representations for science learning: Integrating hands-on investigations with text, computer simulations and animations
(#910; Workshop; first author: Puntambekar, Sadhana)
Redish, Edward F. | Towards a Dynamic Model of Learners' Ontologies in Physics
(#464; Paper; first author: Gupta, Ayush)
Reeve, Suzanne | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Reimann, Peter | Enhancing and Scaling-up Design-based Research: The Potential of E-research
(#343; Paper; first author: Markauskaite, Lina)
Reips, Ulf-Dietrich | Building Knowledge Online: Master Students' Use and Evaluation of Wiki and Forum
(#110; Firehose Presentation; first author: Lebherz, Carmen)
Reiser, Brian | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Renkl, Alexander | Towards a Generic Self-Explanation Training Intervention for Example-Based Learning
(#217; Paper; first author: Busch, Carolin)
Renkl, Alexander | Help design in a computer-based learning environment - teaching argumentation skills through the use of double-content-examples
(#439; Paper; first author: Schworm, Silke)
Renkl, Alexander | Worked Examples and Tutored Problem Solving: Redundant or Synergistic Forms of Support?
(#524; Poster; first author: Salden, Ron)
Renkl, Alexander | Short-Term versus Long-Term Effects of Cognitive and Metacognitive Prompts in Writing-to-Learn
(#577; Paper; first author: Nückles, Matthias)
Richardson, Daniel | Eye Tracking. Four Eyes: Eye tracking methods in collaborative / learning research
(#915; Workshop; first author: Dillenbourg, Pierre)
Richter, Christoph | Conference formats. Advancing collaborative practices in the scientific community: creating innovative formats for conferencing
(#913; Workshop; first author: Allert, Heidrun)
Richter, Christoph | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Rienties, Bart | Students' motivations and their contributions to virtual learning
(#445; Paper; first author: Rienties, Bart)
Rinne, Luke | Designing and Assessing Numeracy Training for Journalists: Toward Improving Quantitative Reasoning Among Media Consumers
(#300; Paper; first author: Ranney, Michael)
Roberts, Sharla | A Design-based Approach to Experimental Design: Investigating Hypotheses About How Framing Influences Transfer
(#534; Paper; first author: Engle, Randi)
Rogers, Maryanna | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Ronen, Miky | A Metacognitive Strategy for Training Preservice Teachers: Collaborative Diagnosis of Conceptual Understanding in Science
(#461; Poster; first author: Eldar, Osnat)
Ronen-Fuhrmann, Tamar | How to design educational technologies? The development of an instructional-model
(#485; Paper; first author: Ronen-Fuhrmann, Tamar)
Roschelle, Jeremy | Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Emerging Findings in a Large-Scale Experiment
(#447; Paper; first author: Roschelle, Jeremy)
Roschelle, Jeremy | Measuring Mathematics Discourse in Technology-Supported Collaborative Activities
(#579; Poster; first author: Rafanan, Ken)
Rose, Carolyn | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Rose, Carolyn | A Needs Analysis for Instructional Support in LegSim
(#563; Poster; first author: Joshi, Mahesh)
Rose, Carolyn | Common representation. Developing a common representation for CSCL analysis methods and tools
(#912; Workshop; first author: Suthers, Daniel)
Rosenbaum, Eric | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Roth, Wolff-Michael | The Collective Production of High School Students' Images of Science
(#187; Paper; first author: Van Eijck, Michiel)
Rummel, Nikol | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Rummel, Nikol | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Rummer, Ralf | The Modality Effect in Multimedia Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Limitations
(#186; Paper; first author: Schueler, Anne)
Russ, Rosemary | Reframing Research on Intuitive Science Knowledge
(#401; Paper; first author: Russ, Rosemary)
Ryan, Michael | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Saalasti, Merja | Student teachers' discursive voices of the meaning of digital case material for their professional learning
(#544; Poster; first author: Kumpulainen, Kristiina)
Saban, Ahmet | Prospective Teachers' Metaphorical Conceptualizations of Learner
(#203; Paper; first author: Saban, Ahmet)
Salden, Ron | Worked Examples and Tutored Problem Solving: Redundant or Synergistic Forms of Support?
(#524; Poster; first author: Salden, Ron)
Salen, Katie | Playing to learn game design skills in a game context
(#298; Panel Symposium; first author: Torres, Robert)
Salmela-Aro, Katariina | CASS-methods and tools for investigating higher education knowledge practices
(#390; Paper; first author: Muukkonen, Hanni)
Salonen, Pekka | How learners share and construct metacognition in social interaction?
(#282; Poster; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Sandford, Richard | AR Gone Wild: Two Approaches to Using Augmented Reality Learning Games in Zoos
(#394; Firehose Symposium; first author: Perry, Judith)
Sandoval, William | Seeing and Supporting Identity Development in Science Education
(#303; Symposium; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Sangin, Mirweis | How Learners Use Awareness Cues About Their Peer's Knowledge? Insights from Synchronized Eye-Tracking Data
(#404; Paper; first author: Sangin, Mirweis)
Sangin, Mirweis | Effects of Knowledge Interdependence with the Partner on Visual and Action Transactivity in Collaborative Concept Mapping
(#520; Paper; first author: Molinari, Gaëlle)
Sarmiento-Klapper, Johann | Extending the Joint Problem Space: Time and Sequences as Essential Features of Knowledge Building
(#472; Paper; first author: Sarmiento-Klapper, Johann)
Satwicz, Thomas | Game Practices and Educational Design: Applying an Ethnographic Analysis of Game Play to an Educational Design Problem
(#551; Poster; first author: Satwicz, Thomas)
Savelsbergh, Elwin R. | What is learned from computer modeling? Modeling modeling knowledge in an experimental study
(#435; Poster; first author: Van Borkulo, Sylvia P.)
Scalone, Giovanna | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Scardamalia, Marlene | Principle-Based Design to Foster Adaptive Use of Technology for Building Community Knowledge
(#278; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Scardamalia, Marlene | The ZooLib Tuplebase: An Open-Source, Scalable Database Architecture for Learning Sciences Research
(#490; Poster; first author: Teplovs, Chris)
Schank, Patricia | Designing and Assessing Numeracy Training for Journalists: Toward Improving Quantitative Reasoning Among Media Consumers
(#300; Paper; first author: Ranney, Michael)
Scheintaub, Hal | StarLogo TNG – Science in Student-Programmed Simulations
(#388; Poster; first author: Klopfer, Eric)
Scheintaub, Hal | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Scheiter, Katharina | The Modality Effect in Multimedia Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Limitations
(#186; Paper; first author: Schueler, Anne)
Scheiter, Katharina | In The Eyes of Experts: Teaching Dynamic Features in Biology by Modeling Experts' Eye Movement Strategies to Novices
(#437; Paper; first author: Jarodzka, Halszka)
Scheiter, Katharina | Enhancing Students' Knowledge of Biodiversity in a Situated Mobile Learning Scenario: Using Static and Dynamic Visualizations in Field Trips
(#496; Paper; first author: Pfeiffer, Vanessa)
Scheiter, Katharina | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Schellens, Tammy | Student Elaborations and Knowledge Construction in Asynchronous Discussion Groups in Secondary Education
(#175; Firehose Presentation; first author: Schellens, Tammy)
Scherr, Rachel | Student behavior and epistemological framing: Examples from collaborative active-learning activities in physics
(#183; Paper; first author: Scherr, Rachel)
Schleigh, Sharon | International Analysis of Students' Knowledge Structure Coherence
(#538; Paper; first author: Clark, Douglas)
Schleigh, Sharon | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Schmidt, Henk | The influence of verbal elaboration on subsequent learning
(#160; Paper; first author: Van Blankenstein, Floris)
Schneider, Rebecca | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Schnotz, Wolfgang | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Schueler, Anne | The Modality Effect in Multimedia Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Limitations
(#186; Paper; first author: Schueler, Anne)
Schwartz, Daniel | Mere Belief of Social Action Improves Complex Learning
(#220; Paper; first author: Okita, Sandra)
Schwartz, Daniel | On socio-cognitive processes that promote learning from peer collaboration and why immediate transfer tests cannot always detect their effects
(#361; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Schwartz, Russell | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Schwarz, Baruch | On socio-cognitive processes that promote learning from peer collaboration and why immediate transfer tests cannot always detect their effects
(#361; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Schwarz, Baruch | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Schwarz, Baruch | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Schwonke, Rolf | Worked Examples and Tutored Problem Solving: Redundant or Synergistic Forms of Support?
(#524; Poster; first author: Salden, Ron)
Schworm, Silke | Towards a Generic Self-Explanation Training Intervention for Example-Based Learning
(#217; Paper; first author: Busch, Carolin)
Schworm, Silke | Help design in a computer-based learning environment - teaching argumentation skills through the use of double-content-examples
(#439; Paper; first author: Schworm, Silke)
Scielzo, Sandro | Metacognition in understanding multimedia presentations
(#150; Symposium; first author: Antonietti, Alessandro)
Segers, Mien | Students' motivations and their contributions to virtual learning
(#445; Paper; first author: Rienties, Bart)
Sengupta, Pratim | Perceptual Supports for Sensemaking: A Case Study Using Multi Agent Based Computational Learning Environments
(#233; Poster; first author: Wilkerson, Michelle)
Sengupta, Pratim | On Learning Electricity With Multi-Agent Based Computational Models (NIELS)
(#268; Poster; first author: Sengupta, Pratim)
Sengupta, Pratim | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Sengupta, Pratim | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Seow, Peter | Towards A Framework for Seamless Learning Environments
(#628; Paper; first author: Seow, Peter)
Seufert, Tina | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Sexton, Susan | Mathematics Teachers' Abilities to Use and Make Sense of Drawn Representations
(#286; Paper; first author: Orrill, Chandra)
Shaffer, David | Theory-based Educational Game Design, Implementation, and Assessment
(#921; Invited Workshop; first author: Shaffer, David)
Shapiro, R. Benjamin | SPACE: Online Tools for Supporting Formative Instruction
(#224; Poster; first author: Shapiro, R. Benjamin)
Shechtman, Nicole | Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Emerging Findings in a Large-Scale Experiment
(#447; Paper; first author: Roschelle, Jeremy)
Shelton, Brett | Cybertext redux: Using interactive fiction to teach German vocabulary, reading and culture
(#111; Poster; first author: Shelton, Brett)
Shen, Ji | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Sherin, Bruce | How to study learning processes? Reflection on methods for fine-grain data analysis
(#242; Symposium; first author: Parnafes, Orit)
Sherin, Bruce | Reframing Research on Intuitive Science Knowledge
(#401; Paper; first author: Russ, Rosemary)
Shin, Namsoo | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Shipley, Emily | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Shwartz, Yael | Development of a Learning Progression for the Particle Model of Matter
(#438; Paper; first author: Merritt, Joi)
Singer, Melissa | Students' sense-making with visual data in small-group argumentation
(#176; Paper; first author: Radinsky, Josh)
Sinha, Suparna | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Sins, Patrick | Conference formats. Advancing collaborative practices in the scientific community: creating innovative formats for conferencing
(#913; Workshop; first author: Allert, Heidrun)
Sins, Patrick | Developing and applying design principles for knowledge creation practices
(#188; Symposium; first author: Ilomäki, Liisa)
Sipitakiat, Arnan | Giving the Head a Hand: Constructing a Microworld to Build Relationships with Ideas in Balance Control
(#395; Paper; first author: Sipitakiat, Arnan)
Siyahhan, Sinem | Shared Inter-generational Collaborative Problem Solving Play Spaces
(#512; Poster; first author: Siyahhan, Sinem)
Siyahhan, Sinem | Conceptual Play Spaces and the Quest Atlantis Project
(#543; Symposium; first author: Barab, Sasha)
Slof, Bert | Matching Model Representation to Task Demands
(#357; Poster; first author: Slof, Bert)
Slotta, James | A Blended Model for Knowledge Communities: Embedding Scaffolded Inquiry
(#429; Paper; first author: Slotta, James)
Slotta, James | Argumentation in Web-based Collaborative Inquiry Learning: Scripts for Writing and Scripts for Talking Aren't the Same
(#444; Paper; first author: Kollar, Ingo)
Slotta, James | Learning and Research in the Web 2 Era: New Opportunities for Research
(#505; Symposium; first author: Forte, Andrea)
Slotta, James | Scalable architecture. The Scalable Architecture for Interactive Learning (SAIL)
(#914; Workshop; first author: Slotta, James)
Sluijsmans, Dominique | Support in self-assessment in Secondary Vocational Education
(#372; Poster; first author: Fastré, Greet)
Smørdal, Ole | Supporting and Tracking Collective Cognition in Wikis
(#254; Symposium; first author: Pierroux, Palmyre)
So, Hyo Jeong | A Comparative Discourse Analysis of Online and Offline Knowledge Building Activities
(#615; Poster; first author: Lossman, Hans)
So, Hyo Jeong | Teachers' Beliefs about Knowledge and Learning: A Singapore perspective
(#624; Poster; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
So, Hyo Jeong | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Solaimani, Sam | Conditions for Learning from Animations
(#339; Paper; first author: Van Oostendorp, Herre)
Song, Minyoung | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Sorcar, Piya | ICT4D and the Learning Sciences
(#495; Symposium; first author: Evans, Michael A.)
Sowatzke, Elizabeth | Epistemic Games
(#314; Firehose Symposium; first author: Hatfield, David)
Spada, Hans | Promoting the drawing of inferences in collaboration: Insights from two experimental studies
(#366; Paper; first author: Meier, Anne)
Spada, Hans | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Spada, Hans | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Spitulnik, Michele | Student and Teacher Regulation of Learning in Technology-enhanced Science Instruction
(#446; Paper; first author: Corliss, Stephanie)
Squire, Kurt | Playing to learn game design skills in a game context
(#298; Panel Symposium; first author: Torres, Robert)
Squire, Kurt | Designing Place-Based Augmented Reality Games for Literacy
(#570; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Squire, Kurt | Centers of Expertise for Academic Learning Through Open-Ended Video Games
(#575; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Squire, Kurt | Design Thinking in GameStar Mechanic: The role of gamer experience on the appropriation of the Discourse practices of Game Designers
(#594; Paper; first author: Games, Ivan Alex)
Squire, Kurt | Games, Learning and Society: Building Centers of Expertise Around Gaming
(#920; Invited Workshop; first author: DeVane, Ben)
Stahl, Elmar | Epistemological Sensitisation Causes Deeper Elaboration during Self-Regulated Learning
(#326; Paper; first author: Pieschl, Stephanie)
Stahl, Gerry | Supporting and Tracking Collective Cognition in Wikis
(#254; Symposium; first author: Pierroux, Palmyre)
Stahl, Gerry | Integrating synchronous and asynchronous support for group cognition in online collaborative learning
(#417; Paper; first author: Stahl, Gerry)
Stahl, Gerry | Extending the Joint Problem Space: Time and Sequences as Essential Features of Knowledge Building
(#472; Paper; first author: Sarmiento-Klapper, Johann)
Stahl, Gerry | Questioning and responding in online small groups engaged in collaborative math problem solving
(#571; Paper; first author: Zhou, Nan)
Stahl, Gerry | Productive tensions in the learning sciences: Socio-cognitive and socio-cultural theory
(#926; Invited Symposium; first author: Stahl, Gerry)
Stark, Robin | Case based learning with worked examples in medicine: effects of errors and feedback
(#448; Paper; first author: Stark, Robin)
Starr, Mary | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Stegmann, Karsten | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Stegmann, Karsten | Cognitive Convergence in Collaborative Learning
(#192; Symposium; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Stegmann, Karsten | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Steinbock, Daniel | Mindful of Process: Scaffolds for Collaboration Discourse in Design Education
(#328; Poster; first author: Steinbock, Daniel)
Steinkuehler, Constance | Games, Learning and Society: Building Centers of Expertise Around Gaming
(#920; Invited Workshop; first author: DeVane, Ben)
Steinkuehler, Constance | Pop cosmopolitanism, cognition, and learning on the virtual frontier
(#905; Keynote; first author: Steinkuehler, Constance)
Stevens, Reed | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Stevens, Reed | Gender, institutional structure and learning in an engineering college
(#593; Paper; first author: Garrison, Lari)
Stevens, Reed | 'Current is the one that's mean': The development of an engineering student's trajectory of identification
(#599; Poster; first author: Jocuns, Andrew)
Stevens, Shawn | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Stieff, Mike | Expertise and Spatial Reasoning in Advanced Scientific Problem Solving
(#451; Paper; first author: Stieff, Mike)
Sullivan, Florence | An idea-centered, principle-based design approach to support learning as knowledge creation
(#239; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Sutch, Dan | AR Gone Wild: Two Approaches to Using Augmented Reality Learning Games in Zoos
(#394; Firehose Symposium; first author: Perry, Judith)
Sutch, Dan | Early Years Learning with Digital Technologies; The Relationship Between Research and Design
(#414; Symposium; first author: Sutherland, Rosamund)
Sutherland, LeeAnn | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Sutherland, Rosamund | Early Years Learning with Digital Technologies; The Relationship Between Research and Design
(#414; Symposium; first author: Sutherland, Rosamund)
Suthers, Daniel | Bringing Representational Practice From Log to Light
(#280; Paper; first author: Medina, Richard)
Suthers, Daniel | Common representation. Developing a common representation for CSCL analysis methods and tools
(#912; Workshop; first author: Suthers, Daniel)
Svarovsky, Gina Navoa | Theory-based Educational Game Design, Implementation, and Assessment
(#921; Invited Workshop; first author: Shaffer, David)
Svihla, Vanessa | Distributed Cognition and Interactions in the Context of Bioengineering Design
(#151; Poster; first author: Svihla, Vanessa)
Svihla, Vanessa | Models of Expertise in Process- and Content-Dominated Areas of Bioengineering
(#152; Poster; first author: Petrosino, Anthony)
Svihla, Vanessa | Considerations for the Development of a Preparation for Future Learning Assessment
(#525; Paper; first author: Gawel, Drue)
Swarat, Su | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Szeto, Alan | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Takeuchi, Lori | Roles of Parents in Fostering Technological Fluency
(#557; Poster; first author: Forssell, Karin)
Takeuchi, Lori | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Tan, Edna | The role of place in science learning among urban middle school students: Science as a context
(#463; Paper; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Tan, Seng Chee | Constructive Use of Authoritative Sources in Science Meaning Making
(#383; Paper; first author: Yeo, Jennifer)
Tang, Xiaowei | The Scientific Method and Scientific Inquiry: Tension as in Teaching and Learning
(#514; Paper; first author: Tang, Xiaowei)
Tartaro, Andrea | Playing with Virtual Peers. Bootstrapping Contingent Discourse in Children with Autism
(#290; Paper; first author: Tartaro, Andrea)
Tatar, Deborah | Common Ground Can be Efficiently Achieved by Capturing a Screenshot in Handheld-Based Learning Activity
(#397; Poster; first author: Kim, Kibum)
Tatar, Deborah | Cognitive Complexity in Mathematics Teaching and Learning: Emerging Findings in a Large-Scale Experiment
(#447; Paper; first author: Roschelle, Jeremy)
Teasley, Stephanie | Cognitive Convergence in Collaborative Learning
(#192; Symposium; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Teasley, Stephanie | The Missing Chapters: Learning Sciences Beyond the Classroom
(#919; Workshop; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Tempelaar, Dirk | Students' motivations and their contributions to virtual learning
(#445; Paper; first author: Rienties, Bart)
Teo, Chewlee | Principle-Based Design to Foster Adaptive Use of Technology for Building Community Knowledge
(#278; Paper; first author: Hong, Huang-Yao)
Teo, Timothy | Teachers' Beliefs about Knowledge and Learning: A Singapore perspective
(#624; Poster; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Teplovs, Chris | The ZooLib Tuplebase: An Open-Source, Scalable Database Architecture for Learning Sciences Research
(#490; Poster; first author: Teplovs, Chris)
Thomas, Jakita | The Rest of the Story: Understanding Small-Group Case Interpretation Performance and Capability in Middle-School Project-Based Inquiry Classrooms
(#580; Paper; first author: Thomas, Jakita)
Thompson, Kate | The value of multiple representations for learning about complex systems
(#559; Paper; first author: Thompson, Kate)
Tinelli, Liz | Challenges of and Resources for Reform-based Science Teacher Learning: A Case Study of a Preservice Science Teacher
(#553; Poster; first author: Luehmann, April)
Toom, Auli | Student teachers' discursive voices of the meaning of digital case material for their professional learning
(#544; Poster; first author: Kumpulainen, Kristiina)
Torres, Robert | Playing to learn game design skills in a game context
(#298; Panel Symposium; first author: Torres, Robert)
Torres, Robert | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Touchman, Stephanie | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Tscholl, Michael | Characterising knowledge construction through a process analysis of dialogues
(#428; Paper; first author: Tscholl, Michael)
Tyson, Kersti | Analyzing collaborative contexts: Professional musicians, corporate engineers, and communities in the Himalayas
(#206; Symposium; first author: Mertl, Veronique)
Tzialli, Dora | Identification - Interpretation/Evaluation - Response: A framework for analyzing classroom-based teacher discourse in science
(#284; Paper; first author: Louca, Loucas)
Tzou, Carrie | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Tzou, Carrie | Using ethnography to further understandings of learning in everyday settings
(#918; Workshop; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Underwood, Jody | Effective Feedback: Guidelines for Improving Performance
(#223; Paper; first author: Underwood, Jody)
Unterman, Nathan | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Uttal, David | Entertaining Evolution: Understanding Science from Animations
(#375; Poster; first author: Matuk, Camillia)
Vadcard, Lucile | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Valcke, Martin | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Valcke, Martin | Student Elaborations and Knowledge Construction in Asynchronous Discussion Groups in Secondary Education
(#175; Firehose Presentation; first author: Schellens, Tammy)
Van Blankenstein, Floris | The influence of verbal elaboration on subsequent learning
(#160; Paper; first author: Van Blankenstein, Floris)
Van Borkulo, Sylvia P. | What is learned from computer modeling? Modeling modeling knowledge in an experimental study
(#435; Poster; first author: Van Borkulo, Sylvia P.)
Van Boxtel, Carla | History learning with textual or visual tasks: Student dialogue
(#141; Paper; first author: Prangsma, Maaike)
Van Boxtel, Carla | Teacher Strategies for fostering collaborative historical reasoning in whole-class discussions
(#541; Poster; first author: Van Drie, Jannet)
Van den Bossche, Piet | Students' motivations and their contributions to virtual learning
(#445; Paper; first author: Rienties, Bart)
Van den braak, Susan | The role of compression and refinement in visualization tools for crime analysts
(#406; Poster; first author: Van den braak, Susan)
Van der Klink, Marcel | Support in self-assessment in Secondary Vocational Education
(#372; Poster; first author: Fastré, Greet)
Van der Meij, Jan | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Van der Pol, Jakko | From dialogic to trialogic learning
(#219; Poster; first author: Van der Pol, Jakko)
Van der Vleuten, Cees | The influence of verbal elaboration on subsequent learning
(#160; Paper; first author: Van Blankenstein, Floris)
Van de Sande, Brett | Productive Dialog During Collaborative Problem Solving
(#542; Paper; first author: Hausmann, Robert)
Van de Sande, Carla | Productive Dialog During Collaborative Problem Solving
(#542; Paper; first author: Hausmann, Robert)
Van de Sande, Carla | The Good Samaritan Effect: A Lens for Understanding Patterns of Participation
(#574; Paper; first author: Van de Sande, Carla)
Van de Wiel, Margje | Self-directed learning in pre-vocational secondary education: An analysis of difficulties and success factors in workplace simulations
(#347; Poster; first author: Jossberger, Helen)
Van Diggelen, Wouter | From Mastery to Utilisation: Appropriation of Tools for Collaboration in Learning Situations
(#477; Paper; first author: Overdijk, Maarten)
Van Diggelen, Wouter | Analyzing and Presenting Interaction Data: A Teacher, Student and Researcher Perspective
(#501; Symposium; first author: Van Diggelen, Wouter)
Van Drie, Jannet | Teacher Strategies for fostering collaborative historical reasoning in whole-class discussions
(#541; Poster; first author: Van Drie, Jannet)
Van Eijck, Michiel | The Collective Production of High School Students' Images of Science
(#187; Paper; first author: Van Eijck, Michiel)
Van Gog, Tamara | Uncovering Cognitive Processes: Cued Retrospective Reporting based on Eye-Movement Records
(#214; Firehose Presentation; first author: Van Gog, Tamara)
Van Gog, Tamara | The Effects of Expertise and an Eye Movement Cue on Self-Generated Self-Assessment Criteria
(#373; Poster; first author: Kostons, Danny)
Van Joolingen, Wouter R. | What is learned from computer modeling? Modeling modeling knowledge in an experimental study
(#435; Poster; first author: Van Borkulo, Sylvia P.)
Van Joolingen, Wouter R. | Real-time methods
(#911; Workshop; first author: Kyza, Eleni)
Van Keer, Hilde | Student Elaborations and Knowledge Construction in Asynchronous Discussion Groups in Secondary Education
(#175; Firehose Presentation; first author: Schellens, Tammy)
VanLehn, Kurt | Productive Dialog During Collaborative Problem Solving
(#542; Paper; first author: Hausmann, Robert)
VanLehn, Kurt | Bridging Principles and Examples through Analogy and Explanation
(#595; Poster; first author: Nokes, Timothy)
Van Mastrigt, Jeroen | Serious Games in the Learning Sciences: Making International Connections
(#922; Invited Workshop; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Van Meeuwen, Ludo | Uncovering Cognitive Processes: Cued Retrospective Reporting based on Eye-Movement Records
(#214; Firehose Presentation; first author: Van Gog, Tamara)
Van Merriënboer, Jeroen | Observational Learning from Animated Models: Effects of Study-Practice Alternation with High and Low Perceived Control on Transfer
(#161; Paper; first author: Wouters, Pieter)
Van Merriënboer, Jeroen | Support in self-assessment in Secondary Vocational Education
(#372; Poster; first author: Fastré, Greet)
Van Oostendorp, Herre | Conditions for Learning from Animations
(#339; Paper; first author: Van Oostendorp, Herre)
Van Oostendorp, Herre | The Importance of Navigation Support and Reading Order on Hypertext Learning and Cognitive Load
(#351; Paper; first author: Puerta Melguizo, Mari Carmen)
Van Oostendorp, Herre | The role of compression and refinement in visualization tools for crime analysts
(#406; Poster; first author: Van den braak, Susan)
Vansteenbrugge, Hendrik | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Varma, Keisha | Improving the Design and Impact of Interactive, Dynamic Visualizations for Science Learning
(#230; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Chang, Hsin-Yi)
Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha | Virtually There: Emerging Designs for STEM Teaching and Learning in Immersive Online 3D Microworlds
(#144; Symposium; first author: Veeragoudar Harrell, Sneha)
Veermans, Koen | Exploring changes in network structures during online discussions
(#504; Paper; first author: Hurme, Tarja-Riitta)
Vogel, Markus | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Voyiatzaki, Eleni | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Vreeswijk, Gerard | The role of compression and refinement in visualization tools for crime analysts
(#406; Poster; first author: Van den braak, Susan)
Vries, Erica | Introducing a representational tool of the trade in middle school
(#216; Paper; first author: Vries, Erica)
Vries, Erica | How can we take into account students' conceptions of the facial angle in a palaeontology laboratory work?
(#407; Paper; first author: Marzin, Patricia)
Vye, Nancy | Do Higher Levels of Arousal Predict Better Learning? An Investigation of Learning and Physiological Responses
(#503; Poster; first author: Lee, Tiffany)
Vye, Nancy | Considerations for the Development of a Preparation for Future Learning Assessment
(#525; Paper; first author: Gawel, Drue)
Wagler, Mark | Designing Place-Based Augmented Reality Games for Literacy
(#570; Paper; first author: Squire, Kurt)
Walker, Erin | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Walter, Sarah | New Perspectives on Learning Through (Game) Design
(#475; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Hayes, Elisabeth)
Wang, Qiyun | An Exploratory Study on Promoting Students' Critical Thinking by Using Weblogs
(#336; Poster; first author: Wang, Qiyun)
Wang, Yan | Supporting the use of multiple representations in multimedia learning environments
(#348; Symposium; first author: Opfermann, Maria)
Wang, Yi-Chia | A Needs Analysis for Instructional Support in LegSim
(#563; Poster; first author: Joshi, Mahesh)
Wang, Yi-Chia | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Wardrip, Peter | Co-design of Interdisciplinary Projects as a Mechanism for School Capacity and Teacher Professional Community Growth
(#585; Paper; first author: Kwon, Samuel)
Wecker, Christof | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Wee, Juan Dee | Reinventing Maths Problem Design: Using Guided Collaborative Critique (GCC) in Chat Environments
(#622; Paper; first author: Wee, Juan Dee)
Weinberger, Armin | Cognitive Convergence in Collaborative Learning
(#192; Symposium; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Weinberger, Armin | New challenges in CSCL: Towards adaptive script support
(#455; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Weinberger, Armin | Using contrasting cases to relate collaborative processes and outcomes in CSCL
(#459; Symposium; first author: Rummel, Nikol)
Weinberger, Armin | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
White, Tobin | Artifacts and Aberrations: On the Volatility of Design Research and the Serendipity of Insight
(#234; Paper; first author: Abrahamson, Dor)
Wichmann, Astrid | Inter- and intra-subjective planes of e-argumentation: Motivation, self-perception, expectations, and actual interlocutory behavior
(#502; Symposium; first author: Asterhan, Christa)
Wijers, Monica | Th!nklets for mathematics education. Re-using computer games characteristics in educational software
(#550; Paper; first author: Jonker, Vincent)
Wilensky, Uri | The classroom as a complex adaptive system: an agent-based framework to investigate students' emergent collective behaviors
(#167; Interactive Poster; first author: Blikstein, Paulo)
Wilensky, Uri | Perceptual Supports for Sensemaking: A Case Study Using Multi Agent Based Computational Learning Environments
(#233; Poster; first author: Wilkerson, Michelle)
Wilensky, Uri | On Learning Electricity With Multi-Agent Based Computational Models (NIELS)
(#268; Poster; first author: Sengupta, Pratim)
Wilensky, Uri | Complex Systems and Learning: Empirical Research, Issues, and 'seeing' Scientific Knowledge with New Eyes
(#273; Symposium; first author: Jacobson, Michael)
Wilensky, Uri | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Wilkerson, John | A Needs Analysis for Instructional Support in LegSim
(#563; Poster; first author: Joshi, Mahesh)
Wilkerson, Michelle | Perceptual Supports for Sensemaking: A Case Study Using Multi Agent Based Computational Learning Environments
(#233; Poster; first author: Wilkerson, Michelle)
Williams, Adam | Metacognitive Support for Reading in Science Classrooms
(#590; Paper; first author: Herman, Phillip)
Williams, Caroline | Conflicting Discourses, Conflicting Values
(#567; Poster; first author: Williams, Caroline)
Wischow, Emily | Using Construct-Centered Design to Align Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Development in Emerging Science
(#381; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Pellegrino, James)
Wittmann, Michael | Choosing integration methods when solving differential equations
(#376; Poster; first author: Wittmann, Michael)
Wolsten, Daniel | Learning with Ecosystem Models: A Tale of Two Classrooms
(#227; Paper; first author: Gray, Steven)
Wong, Jacqueline | Real Arguments about a Virtual Epidemic: Conversations and Contestations in a Tween Gaming Club
(#265; Paper; first author: Kafai, Yasmin)
Wong, Jacqueline | Seeing and Supporting Identity Development in Science Education
(#303; Symposium; first author: Calabrese Barton, Angela)
Wong, Lung Hsiang | Collaborative Inquiry in Co-constructing ICT-mediated Curricula for Chinese Literacy in Singapore Context
(#311; Poster; first author: Wong, Lung Hsiang)
Woo, Huaylit | An Exploratory Study on Promoting Students' Critical Thinking by Using Weblogs
(#336; Poster; first author: Wang, Qiyun)
Wouters, Pieter | Observational Learning from Animated Models: Effects of Study-Practice Alternation with High and Low Perceived Control on Transfer
(#161; Paper; first author: Wouters, Pieter)
Wright, Kenneth | Delegating Agency among Researcher, Biostatistician and Computer Machinery: Modeling in Biostatistics
(#378; Interactive Poster; first author: Wright, Kenneth)
Wu, Longkai | Design of Agent Tutee's Question Prompts to Engage Student's Role-Playing as Tutor in a Learning-by-Teaching Agent Environment
(#626; Paper; first author: Looi, Chee-Kit)
Wu, Winston | Equal Opportunity Tactic: An Approach to Moderating the Differences in Ability Perception
(#310; Paper; first author: Cheng, Hercy)
Wubbels, Theo | Pedagogical benchmarks: Does the homo zappiens need anything more than just good teaching?
(#903; Keynote; first author: Wubbels, Theo)
Wulf, Volker | The Missing Chapters: Learning Sciences Beyond the Classroom
(#919; Workshop; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Wulf, Volker | Laboratory Learning: Industry and University Research as Site for Situated and Distributed Cognition
(#497; Symposium; first author: Newstetter, Wendy)
Yang, Cheng-Hong | Teacher's background and ICT uses at schools in Taiwan
(#601; Poster; first author: HSU, Shihkuan)
Yang, Yang | Cutting through Layers of the BBC 'ONION Street': Children's Use of Message Boards out-of-school
(#295; Paper; first author: Yang, Yang)
Yarden, Anat | The effect of disciplinary identity on interdisciplinary learning during scientific group meetings
(#292; Paper; first author: Yarden, Anat)
Yarnall, Louise | Designing and Assessing Numeracy Training for Journalists: Toward Improving Quantitative Reasoning Among Media Consumers
(#300; Paper; first author: Ranney, Michael)
Yaron, David | When do diagrams enhance learning? A framework for designing relevant representations
(#560; Paper; first author: Davenport, Jodi)
Yee, Pamela | A Design-based Approach to Experimental Design: Investigating Hypotheses About How Framing Influences Transfer
(#534; Paper; first author: Engle, Randi)
Yeo, Jennifer | Constructive Use of Authoritative Sources in Science Meaning Making
(#383; Paper; first author: Yeo, Jennifer)
Yew, Jude | The Missing Chapters: Learning Sciences Beyond the Classroom
(#919; Workshop; first author: Teasley, Stephanie)
Yoon, Susan | Fostering Information-Based Strategies Through Visualization of Networks
(#302; Firehose Presentation; first author: Yoon, Susan)
Yoon, Susan | Advancing a New Perspective on Decision-Making about Socio-Scientific Issues: The Study of Memes and Memetic Processes
(#312; Paper; first author: Yoon, Susan)
Youssef, Amina | Investigating the Influence of Transitory Information and Motivation during Instructional Animations
(#556; Paper; first author: Ayres, Paul)
Zacharia, Zacharias | Identification - Interpretation/Evaluation - Response: A framework for analyzing classroom-based teacher discourse in science
(#284; Paper; first author: Louca, Loucas)
Zacharia, Zacharias | A discourse-based analysis of student inquiry in elementary science
(#285; Poster; first author: Louca, Loucas)
Zagal, José | The Game Ontology Project: Supporting Learning While Contributing Authentically to Game Studies
(#283; Paper; first author: Zagal, José)
Zahm, Barbara | Implementing what we know about learning in a middle-school curriculum for widespread dissemination: The Project-Based Inquiry Science (PBIS) story
(#499; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Kolodner, Janet)
Zemel, Alan | Questioning and responding in online small groups engaged in collaborative math problem solving
(#571; Paper; first author: Zhou, Nan)
Zentel, Peter | A computer supported learning environment to support pupils with cognitive disabilities and their teachers
(#474; Firehose Presentation; first author: Lingnau, Andreas)
Zhang, Baohui | Towards A Framework for Seamless Learning Environments
(#628; Paper; first author: Seow, Peter)
Zhang, Baohui | Designing and Assessing Modeling and Visualization Technologies (MVT) Enhanced Learning
(#630; Symposium; first author: Zhang, Baohui)
Zhang, Zhihui | Using Drawings to Support Learning from Dynamic Visualizations
(#289; Poster; first author: Zhang, Zhihui)
Zhao, Ke | Beliefs about Learning and Strategy Use in Project Learning among International Business Students in China
(#441; Poster; first author: Zhao, Ke)
Zhou, Nan | Questioning and responding in online small groups engaged in collaborative math problem solving
(#571; Paper; first author: Zhou, Nan)
Zimmerman, Heather | Mapping the learning pathways and processes associated with the development of expertise and learner identities
(#423; Interactive Poster Symposium; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Zimmerman, Heather | Using ethnography to further understandings of learning in everyday settings
(#918; Workshop; first author: Bricker, Leah)
Zitter, Ilya | The quest for usable knowledge: the delicate balance between research, design and change
(#168; Firehose Presentation; first author: Zitter, Ilya)
Zottmann, Jan | Learning with Simulations in Medical Education: Validity and Design of Learning Settings in Particular Contexts
(#352; Symposium; first author: Blavier, Adélaïde)
Zuiker, Steven | First Things First: Design Principles for Worthwhile Educational Videogames
(#572; Paper; first author: Hickey, Daniel)
Zuiker, Steven | Designing for the Epistemological Entailments of Physics through Game-centered Dialogical Activity Cycles
(#578; Paper; first author: Zuiker, Steven)