The cycle of personal and social knowledge-building activities. This was my model for the ICLS 2000 paper. It has the advantage of showing a flow of processes in an ideal knowledge-building cycle. The disadvantage is that it simplifies the interrelationships and the unlimited different paths that can be followed. The cognitive artifact model. This model eliminates the problem of implying a single cyclical process. It emphasizes the mediational role of physical artifacts or expressions in the world for making possible communication between individuals and groups. Mediated cognition model. This is a more detailed version of the cognitive artifact model. It is inspired by Activity Theory. It shows the roles (individuals, communities, society), their knowledge-building activities, and the contexts (physical world, cultures, society) that affect them. The mediated cognition model, refined and simplified. The cognitive artifact model, variation. This model was developed by Thomas Herrmann at Dortmund University. The mediated cognition model, variation using SeeMe conventions. This model was developed by Thomas Herrmann at Dortmund University. Go to top of this page