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XML Data Export Functions

"Interoperability among Knowledge-Building Environments"

Data export procedures have been developed from the following KBEs. See the translation interface for source code and sample data:

JIME -- Articles submitted to the "Journal of Interactive Media in Education" are reviewed on-line. This exporter parses an HTML document output from the JIME website and saves the discussion as a recursive XML data file. This approach can easily be adopted to other applications that produce HTML displays of threaded discussions. An advantage of this approach is that a user can format a display using the local application's own functionality to display just the data desired for export and then run the export procedure to produce the XML. 

WebGuide -- This is a knowledge-building environment written in Java. Data export is accomplished internally to the program, producing linked XML data. 

DynaClass -- This is a discussion forum developed in the Frontier scripting language. Data export is accomplished internally to the program, producing recursive data. 

DynaGloss -- This is an interactive glossary developed in the Frontier scripting language. Data export is accomplished internally to the program, producing recursive data. 

DynaSource -- This is an interactive bibliography developed in the Frontier scripting language. Data export is accomplished internally to the program, producing recursive data. 

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This page last modified on August 01, 2003