Gerry's Home Page CILT XML State the Essence! OMOL Articulate Learners L3D Communications Theory XML Project WebGuide

Proposal - html
Proposal - pdf
Final Report - html
Final Report - pdf

CILT XML Proposal & Report

"Interoperability among Knowledge-Building Environments"

CILT '99 Seed Grant


A number of similar software knowledge-building environments (KBEs) have been created by different research groups, generally including a discussion facility that renders student argumentation persistent. The purpose of this project is to define a common data mark-up format that these KBE systems can export their discussions to. This will allow interchange of data and the display of data in shared formats to facilitate comparison and research. 

Select the links below to see the proposal funded by CILT and the final report submitted to CILT:

Proposal (html)

Proposal (pdf)

Final Report (html)

Final Report (pdf)

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