Gerry's Home Page Resume VMT Project CSCL Publications Teaching Research at Drexel Research in Europe Research at Colorado Research Previously Personal

Future Is Now
Evolutionary Analysis
Rapid Evolution
Software Semiotics
Software as Art
Pattern Language
Lela's Birthday


The Future is Now - on the pace of software technological change today.

The Evolutionary Analysis of Knowledge

The Rapid Evolution of Knowledge

Problem-Based Learning: White paper for a Collaboration - with Tim Koschmann and Howard Barrows

Software Semiotics

Software as a New Art Form

Response to "Software as a New Art Form" by Frieder Nake.

Supporting Personalization and Reseeding-on-demand

Designing my house using Alexander's Pattern Language (and the problem of end-user programming)

Last of the Lela Birthdays - the probability of a numerological Occurrence

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This page last modified on January 05, 2004