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Armchair Missions to Mars
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Journals & Book Chapters

G Stahl (2005) Group Cognition: Computer Support for Collaborative Knowledge Building. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

G Stahl (2005) "Engagement with Learning." Foreword to: D. Hung & M. S. Khine (Eds.), Engaged learning with emerging technologies (pp. i-v). Boston: Springer. (html)

G Stahl (2005) "Group Cognition in Computer Assisted Learning." Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL).

T Koschmann, G Stahl & A Zemel (2005) "The Video Analyst's Manifesto" In R. Goldman, R. Pea, B. Barron, S. Derry (2005) Video Research in the Learning Sciences.

G Stahl (2005) "Mediation of Group Cognition" In: R Klamma, M Rohde & G Stahl (Eds.) (2005) Special Issue on: Community-Based Learning: Explorations into Theoretical Groundings, Empirical Findings and Computer Support. SigGroup Bulletin, 24 (4) 13-17.  (html)

R Klamma, M Rohde & G Stahl (Eds.) (2005) Special Issue on: Community-Based Learning: Explorations into Theoretical Groundings, Empirical Findings and Computer Support. SigGroup Bulletin, 24 (4) 1-100. (html)

G Stahl (2004) "Groupware Goes to School: Adapting BSCW to the Classroom." International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 19, Nos. 3/4. "Current approaches for groupware design, implementation and evaluation" pp. 162-174.

G Stahl (2004) "Building Collaborative Knowing: Elements of a Social Theory of Learning" In J.-W. Strijbos, P. Kirschner, R. Martens (Editors) (2003) What We Know about CSCL in Higher Education. Kluwer, Amsterdam, NL. 

G Stahl & A Carell (2004) "Kommunikationskonzepte" [The Role of Communication Concepts for CSCL Pedagogy]. In J. Haake, G. Schwabe & M. Wessner (Eds.) (2004) CSCL-Kompendium, Oldenburg, Frankfurt , Germany

G Stahl (Editor), "Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community. Proceedings of CSCL 2002" LEA: Boulder, CO (2002).

G Stahl, "Introduction: Foundations for a CSCL Community" In G Stahl (Editor) (2002) Proceedings of CSCL 2002. p 1-2.

G Stahl, "WebGuide: Guiding Collaborative Learning on the Web with Perspectives" (2001) Journal of Interactive Media in Education. 2001 (1). At:   GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

G Stahl, "Rediscovering CSCL" in T. Koschmann, R. Hall, N Miyake (Editors) (2002) CSCL 2: Carrying Forward the Conversation. Lawrence Earlbaum Associates. GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

E. Kintsch, D. Steinhart, G Stahl, C. Matthews, R. Lamb and the LSA Group, "Developing Summarization Skills through the Use of LSA-Based Feedback." Interactive Learning Environments. (2000), Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 87-109. GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

G Stahl, "Collaborative Information Environments to Support Knowledge Construction by Communities." AI & Society (2000) 14: 71-97  GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

G Stahl, book review of Brody, C. & Davidson, N, (Eds.) (1998) Professional Development for Cooperative Learning: Issue and Approaches. Albany: State University of New York Press. In Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An International Journal.  GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

G Stahl, "Armchair Missions to Mars: Using Case-Based Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic to Simulate a Time Series Model of Astronaut Crews." Knowledge-Based Systems. 9 (1996) pp.409-415. Also in Soft Computing in Case Based Reasoning (2000) Springer Verlag.  GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

G Stahl, T Sumner & R Owen. "Share Globally, Adapt Locally: Software to Create and Distribute Student-centered Curriculum." Computers and Education. Special issue on Education and the Internet. 24, (3), 1995. p.237-246. GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

G Fischer, K Nakakoji, J Ostwald, G Stahl & T Sumner. "Embedding Critics in Design Environments." The Knowledge Engineering Review. 4 (8), December 1993. p. 285-307. Also in: Maybury, M.T. & Wahlster, W. (eds.) 1998. Readings in Intelligent User Interfaces. Morgan Kaufmann Press. ISBN 1-55860-444-8.  GetPDF.gif (1000 bytes)

G Stahl. "Attuned to Being: Heideggerian Music in Technological Society." Boundary 2. IV (2) 637-664. 1976.

G Stahl. "The Jargon of Authenticity: An Introduction to a Marxist Critique of Heidegger." Boundary 2. III (2) 489-498. 1975.


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