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This tab of WebGuide is for selecting a collaboration space and logging into WebGuide access to the collaboration space. This tab includes the Welcome Panel on the left and the Login Control Panel on the right.

Welcome to WebGuide

This pane includes the following:

bulleta welcome message
bulleta button to access the WebGuide User Manual. The manual will appear in an html window.
bulleta creation date of the current version of WebGuide

Select a Collaboration Space

Use the pull-down list to view the names of available collaboration spaces. The one appropriate for your use was probably already selected, but you may change the selection. When you successfully log in, you will have access to notes created in the selected collaboration space. Note that your username and password may not be valid in more than one collaboration space. Participants in the seminar on "Perspectives on CSCL" should have access to the "artifacts" collaboration space.

Login to WebGuide

To log in, enter your username and password. Your username may be your first name. Initially, your password may be the same as your username. Press the Login button. After a pause, the screen should change to show the Discussion Tab. If this does not happen, check the message area at the bottom of the panel.

Login as guest

If you do not have a valid username and password for the selected collaboration space, you may login as a guest. Enter the word guest for both username and password. You will be able to read all notes in the collaboration space. You will also be able to enter discussion notes within the guest perspective. Please leave a note identifying yourself and stating your comments about the notes in the collaboration space.


At any time, you may come back to the Login Tab and log out by pushing the Logout Button. Then you can login as a new user. This is particularly convenient if you are sharing a computer. It also allows you to log into a different collaboration space.

Change your password

Although the login procedure is intended as a sign-in procedure to identify authors of new notes and is not intended as a high-security system, you are welcome to change your assigned password. Simply enter the new password twice after logging in. The password will be changed as long as the new password was entered the same both times.

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This page last modified on August 01, 2003