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WebGuide implements several policies for its use. Some are enforced by the software.

Do Not Affect Other Personal Perspectives

Each authorized user of WebGuide who is assigned a username is also assigned a personal perspective associated with that username. When the username is logged in, the associated personal perspective is displayed. Also, the Personal Button in the Tree Pane will display this associated personal perspective. Users can in general make any changes to the knowledge displayed in their personal perspectives. They are prohibited from making changes that affect the displays in other personal perspectives. This is enforced automatically by deactivating certain buttons in certain perspectives.

Editing, deleting, or moving notes within a personal perspective will not make changes in the displays of other personal perspectives.

When a user is in someone else's personal perspective, then the only action buttons that are active are for linking or copying nodes into the user's own personal perspective. A user can also enter "private" notes in someone else's perspective; these will only appear when that user is logged in, not when the normal owner of the perspective is viewing.

All authorized users can add discussion notes in various perspectives. These may appear in the discussion perspective, rather than in the perspective in which they were entered.

Guests are limited to making changes in the guest perspective, although they can browse in any perspective and copy notes back to the guest perspective to work on.

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This page last modified on August 01, 2003