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It is possible to embed links to websites as well as graphical images in your WebGuide notes using simple HTML. When you click on the title of a note in WebGuide, the content of that note appears in a web page browser that displays the effects of HTML. Therefore, by embedding HTML tags in the content of notes when you write or edit them, you can produce hypertext effects. Always see how your content looks in the browser and then go back and edit it if it is not the way you want it.

Bold and Italics

HTML adds special features to plain text to make it multimedia hypertext. It does this primarily by inserting "tags" into the plain text, usually before and after a text segment. I like to use upper case for HTML tags to make them stand out from the plain text, but it does not matter.

Suppose you want to make the word "special" show up in bold face. Simply put the HTML tag for bold, <B>, before that word and the HTML end-tag, </B>, after it. Tags always appear within angle brackets and the end tag is the same as the start tag but with a / in front. Thus, "This is a <B>special</B> word." will appear as "This is a special word."

Italics works the same way: "This is a <I>special</I> word." will appear as "This is a special word."

Website Links

Links to other websites are just a bit more complicated. Suppose we want to embed a link like this: "Click here to go to" 

First we would declare that the phrase "Click here" is the "anchor" for our link with an anchor tag: "<A>Click here</A> to go to" 

Then we specify where the link should go to with a hypertext reference HREF parameter inside of the start tag: "<A HREF=">Click here</A> to go to"

This will appear as: "Click here to go to"

Hint: this looks complicated, but just cut-and-paste from this example. Do not forget to put the URL location in quotation marks.

Graphic Images

Graphics are inserted by linking to a graphics file that is already on the Web. An image tag is similar to an anchor tag. However it does not enclose text so it does not need an end tag.

To include my picture from my homepage in a WebGuide note, insert this tag: <IMG SRC="">

It will appear as:

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This page last modified on January 05, 2004