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International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (ijCSCL)

Table of Contents


Volume 1, Number 1, March 2006

ijCSCL—a journal for research in CSCL

Gerry Stahl & Friedrich Hesse


The CSCL community in its first decade: Development, continuity, connectivity

Andrea Kienle & Martin Wessner (Germany)


A relational, indirect and meso level approach to CSCL design in the next decade

Chris Jones (UK), Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld (Denmark), & Berner Lindström (Sweden)


Student assessing their own collaborative knowledge building

Eddy Y. C. Lee (China), Carol K. K. Chan (China), & Jan van Aalst (Canada)


Situating CoWeb: A scholarship of application

Jochen Rick & Mark Guzdial (US)


R-U-Typing-2-Me? Evolving a chat tool to increase understanding in learning activities

Hugo Fuks, Mariano Pimentel, & Carlos José Pereira de Lucena (Brazil)


A dialogical understanding of the relationship between CSCL and teaching thinking skills

Rupert Wegerif (UK)


Volume 1, Number 2, June 2006

Building knowledge in the classroom, building knowledge in the CSCL community

Gerry Stahl & Friedrich Hesse


Approaching institutional context: Systemic versus dialogic research in CSCL

Hans Christian Arnseth & Sten Ludvigsen (Norway)


Collaborative knowledge building using the Design Principles Database

Yael Kali (Israel)


Co-reflection in online learning: Collaborative critical thinking as narrative

Joyce Yukawa (US)


Knowledge-building activity structures in Japanese elementary science pedagogy

Jun Oshima, Ritsuko Oshima, Isao Murayama, Shigenori Inagaki, Makiko Takenaka, Tomakazu Yamamoto, Etsuji Yamaguchi & Hayashi Nakayama (Japan)


Supporting synchronous collaborative learning: A generic multi-dimensional model

Jacques Lonchamp (France)



Students assessing their own collaborative knowledge building

Eddy Y. C. Lee (China), Carol K. K. Chan (China), & Jan van Aalst (Canada)


Volume 1, Number 3, September 2006

Focusing on participation in group meaning making

Gerry Stahl & Friedrich Hesse


Technology affordances for intersubjective meaning making: A research agenda for CSCL

Daniel D. Suthers (US)


The affordance of anchored discussion for the collaborative processing of academic texts

Jakko van der Pol, W. Admiraal & P. R. J. Simons (Netherlands)


Code talk: Student discourse and participation with networked handhelds

Tobin White (US)


Studying participation networks in collaboration using mixed methods

Alejandra Martínez, Jose Marcos, Yannis Dimitriadis, Eduardo Gomez-Sanchez, Bartolome Rubia-Avi, Ivan Jorrin-Abellan & Jose A. Marcos (Spain)


Volume 1, Number 4, December 2006

Social practices of computer-supported collaborative learning

Gerry Stahl & Friedrich Hesse


From dialogue to monologue and back: Middle spaces in computer-mediated learning

Noel Enyedy & Christopher M. Hoadley (US)


Knowledge building in mathematics: Supporting collaborative learning in pattern problems

Joan Moss & Ruth Anne Beatty (US)


Electronic (re)constitution of groups: Group dynamics from face-to-face to an online setting

Lynn Clouder, Jayne Dalley, Julian Hargreaves, Sally Parkes, Julie Sellars & Jane Toms (UK)


Consistent practices in artifact-mediated collaboration

Nathan Dwyer & Daniel D. Suthers (US)


Volume 2, Number 1, March 2007

Welcome to the future: ijCSCL volume 2

Gerry Stahl & Friedrich Hesse


Community-based learning: The core competency of residential, research-based universities

Gerhard Fischer (US), Markus Rohde & Volker Wulf (Germany)


Patterns as a paradigm for theory in community-based learning

John M.Carroll & Umer Farooq (US)


A rating scheme for assessing the quality of computer-supported collaboration processes

Anne Meier, Hans Spada & Nikol Rummel (Germany)


Investigating patterns of interaction in networked learning and computer-supported collaborative learning: A role for social network analysis

Maarten De Laat & Victor Lally, Lasse Lipponen & Robert-Jan Simons (Netherlands & Finland)


Barriers to online critical discourse

Liam Rourke & Heather Kanuka (Singapore)


Volume 2, Number 2 & 3, September 2007

A double issue for CSCL 2007

Gerry Stahl, Daniel D. Suthers & Friedrich Hesse



Contextual perspective in analyzing collaborative knowledge construction of two small groups in web-based discussion

Maarit Arvaja (Finland)


Supporting collaborative learning and problem solving in a constraint-based CSCL environment for UML class diagrams

Nilufar Baghaei, Antonija Mitrovic & Warwick Irwin (New Zealand)


Dealing with multiple documents on the WWW: The role of meta-cognition in the formation of documents models

Marc Stadtler & Rainer Bromme (Germany)


Specifying computer-supported collaboration scripts

Lars Kobbe, Armin Weinberger, Pierre Dillenbourg, Andreas Harrer, Raija Hämäläinen, Päivi Häkkinen, & Frank Fischer (Germany, Switzerland, Finland)


Scripting by assigning roles: Does it improve knowledge construction in asynchronous discussion groups?

Tammy Schellens, Hilde Van Keer, Bram De Wever & Martin Valcke (Belgium)


Using graphical tools in a phased activity for enhancing dialogical skills: An example with Digalo

Nathalie Muller Mirza, Valérie Tartas, Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont & Jean-François De Pietro (Switzerland, France)


How do argumentation diagrams compare when student pairs use them as a means for debate or as a tool for representing debate?

Kristine Lund, Gaëlle Molinari, Arnauld Séjourné & Michael Baker (France, Switzerland)


Argumentation in a changing world

Baruch B. Schwarz & Reuma De Groot (Israel)


Rainbow: A framework for analyzing computer-mediated pedagogical debates

Michael Baker, Jerry Andriessen, Kristine Lund, Marie van Amelsvoort & Matthieu Quignard (France, Netherlands)


Volume 2, Number 4, December 2007

CSCL and its flash themes

Gerry Stahl


Using activity-oriented design methods to study collaborative knowledge building in e-learning courses within higher education

Christine Greenhow &  Brad Belbas (US)


Future Technology Workshop: A collaborative method for the design of new learning technologies and activities

Giasemi N. Vavoula & Mike Sharples (UK)


Facilitating argumentative knowledge construction with computer-supported collaboration scripts

Karsten Stegmann, Armin Weinberger & Frank Fischer (Germany)


The role of floor control and of ontology in argumentative activities with discussion-based tools

Baruch B. Schwarz & Amnon Glassner (Israel)


Putting the pieces together: Online Argumentation Vee Diagrams enhance thinking during discussion

E. Michael Nussbaum, Denise L. Winsor, Yvette M. Aqui & Anne M. Poliquin (US)


Volume 3, Number 1, March 2008

The many levels of CSCL

Gerry Stahl & Friedrich Hesse


The mechanics of CSCL macro scripts

Pierre Dillenbourg & Fabrice Hong (Switzerland)


What does it mean? Students' procedural and conceptual problem solving in a CSCL environment designed within the field of science education

Ingeborg Krange & Sten Ludvigsen (Norway)


A community of practice among tutors enabling student participation in a seminar preparation

Bernhard Nett (Germany)


The need for considering multilevel analysis in CSCL research—An appeal for the use of more advanced statistical methods

Ulrike Cress (Germany)


Group awareness and self-presentation in computer-supported information exchange

Joachim Kimmerle & Ulrike Cress (Germany)


Volume 3, Number 2, June 2008

The strength of the lone wolf

Gerry Stahl


A systemic and cognitive view on collaborative knowledge building with wikis

Ulrike Cress & Joachim Kimmerle (Germany)


Supporting controversial CSCL discussion with augmented group awareness tools

Jürgen Buder & Daniel Bodemer (Germany)


Annotations and the collaborative digital library: Effects of an aligned annotation interface on student argumentation and reading strategies

Joanna Wolfe (US)


Appropriation of a shared workspace: Organizing principles and their application

Maarten Overdijk & Wouter van Diggelen (Netherlands)


Operationalizing macro-scripts in CSCL technological settings

Pierre Tchounikine (France)


Volume 3, Number 3, September 2008

Explorations of participation in discourse

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


Analyzing collaborative learning processes automatically: Exploiting the advances of computational linguistics in CSCL

Carolyn Rosé * Yi-Chia Wang * Yue Cui * Jaime Arguello * Karsten Stegmann * Armin Weinberger * Frank Fischer (US, Germany)


Context-oriented communication and the design of computer-supported discursive learning

Thomas Herrmann * Andrea Kienle (Germany)


Cultural practices in networked classroom learning environments

Nancy Ares (US)


The effect of a script and a structured interface in grounding discussions

Judith Schoonenboom (Netherlands)


Supporting students' participation in authentic proof activities in CSCL environments

Diler Oner (Turkey)


Book review: Exploring thinking as communicating in CSCL

Gerry Stahl (US)


Volume 3, Number 4, December 2008

CSCL practices

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


Leveraging online communities in fostering adaptive schools

David Hung * Kenneth Y. T. Lim * Der-Thanq Victor Chen * Thiam Seng Koh (Singapore)


The right tool for the wrong task? Match and mismatch between first and second stimulus in double stimulation

Andreas Lund * Ingvill Rasmussen (Norway)


Exploring embedded guidance and self-efficacy in educational multi-user virtual environments

Brian C. Nelson * Diane Jass Ketelhut (US)


Alternative goal structures for computer game-based learning

Fengfeng Ke (US)


Automatic coding of dialog acts in collaboration protocols

Gijsbert Erkens * Jeroen Janssen (Netherlands)


Volume 4, Number 1, March 2009

Yes we can!

Gerry Stahl


The pedagogical challenges to collaborative technologies

Diana Laurillard (UK)


Productive failure in CSCL groups

Manu Kapur (Singapore) * Charles Kinzer (US)


A connective ethnography of peer knowledge sharing and diffusion in a tween virtual world

Deborah Fields * Yasmin Kafai (US)


Learning to collaborate while being scripted or by observing a model

Nikol Rummel * Hans Spada * Sabine Hauser (Germany)


The power of natural frameworks: Technology and the question of agency in CSCL settings

Annika Lantz-Andersson (Sweden)


Volume 4, Number 2, June 2009

Practice perspectives in CSCL

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


The joint organization of interaction within a multimodal CSCL medium

Murat Cakir * Alan Zemel * Gerry Stahl (US)


Affordances revisited: Articulating a Merleau-Pontian view

Nina Bonderup Dohn (Denmark)


Genre and CSCL: The form and rhetoric of the online posting

Norm Friesen (US)


Exploring metaskills of knowledge-creating inquiry in higher education

Hanni Muukkonen *  Minna Lakkala (Finland)


A knowledge-practice perspective on technology-mediated learning

Kai Hakkarainen (Finland)


Volume 4, Number 3, September 2009

Classical dialogs in CSCL

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


Time is precious: Variable- and event-centred approaches to process analysis in CSCL research

Peter Reimann (Australia)


Distinguishing knowledge sharing, knowledge construction, and knowledge creation discourses

Jan van Aalst (China)


A three-level analysis of collaborative learning in dual interaction spaces

Jacques Lonchamp (France)


Collaborative corrections with spelling control: Digital resources and peer assistance

Asta Cekaite (Sweden)


Web 2.0: Inherent tensions and evident challenges for education

Nina Bonderup Dohn (Denmark)


Volume 4, Number 4, December 2009

Paradigms of shared knowledge  

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


Wikis to support the "collaborative" part of collaborative learning

Johann A. Larusson * Richard Alterman (US)


Earth science learning in SMALLab: A design experiment for mixed reality

David Birchfield * Colleen Megowan-Romanowicz (US)


Contrasting the use of tools for presentation and critique: Some cases from architectural education

Gustav Lymer * Jonas Ivarsson * Oskar Lindwall (Sweden)


An ontology engineering approach to the realization of theory-driven group formation

Seiji Isotani * Akiko Inaba * Mitsuru Ikeda * Riichiro Mizoguchi (Japan)


Volume 5, Number 1, March 2010

The CSCL field matures

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


A framework for conceptualizing, representing and analyzing distributed interaction

Daniel D. Suthers * Nathan Dwyer * Richard Medina * Ravi Vatrapu (US, Denmark)


Computer-supported argumentation: A review of the state-of-the-art

Oliver Scheuer * Frank Loll * Niels Pinkwart * Bruce M. McLaren (Germany, US)


Exploring whether students' use of labeling depends upon the type of online activity

Eva Bures * Philip C. Abrami * Richard F. Schmid (Canada)


Towards a dialectic relation between the results in CSCL: Three critical methodological aspects of content analysis schemes

Marc Clara * Teresa Mauri (Spain)


Volume 5, Number 2, June 2010

A prism of CSCL research

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


Mr. Vetro: A collective simulation for teaching health science

Andri Ioannidou * Alexander Repenning * David Webb * Diane Keyser * Lisa Luhn * Christof Daetwyler (US)


Animation and grammar in science education: Learners’ construal of animated educational software

Göran Karlsson (Sweden)


Scripting a distance-learning university course: Do students benefit from net-based scripted collaboration?

Jörg M. Haake * Hans-Rüdiger Pfister (Germany)


Distributed leadership in CSCL groups

Julia Gressick * Sharon J. Derry (US)


Promoting metacognitive skills through peer scaffolding in a CSCL environment

Manoli Pifarre * Ruth Cobos (Spain)


Volume 5, Number 3, September 2010

Guiding group cognition in CSCL

Gerry Stahl


Online moderation of synchronous e-argumentation

Christa S. C. Asterhan * Baruch B. Schwarz (US, Israel)


Scaffolding problem-based learning with CSCL tools

Jingyan Lu * Susanne P. Lajoie * Jeffrey Wiseman (Hong Kong, Canada)


How digital concept maps of collaborators’ knowledge influence collaborative problem solving

Tanja Engelmann * Friedrich W. Hesse (Germany)


S-COL: A Copernican turn for the development of flexibly reusable collaboration scripts

Christof Wecker * Karsten Stegmann * Florian Bernstein * Michael J. Huber * Georg Kalus * Ingo Kollar * Sabine Rathmayer * Frank Fischer (Germany)


Revealing preconditions for trustful collaboration in CSCL

Anne Gerdes (Denmark)


 Volume 5, Number 4, December 2010

Beyond folk theories of CSCL

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


Can the interactive whiteboard support young children’s collaborative communication and thinking in classroom science activities?

Ruth Kershner * Neil Mercer * Paul Warwick * Judith Kleine Staarman (UK)


Sharing and cultivating tacit knowledge in an online learning environment

Meng Yew Tee * Dennis Karney (Malaysia, US)


Using activity theory to understand intergenerational play: The case of Family Quest

Sinem Siyahhan * Sasha A. Barab * Michael Downton (US)


The collaborative construction of chronotopes during computer-supported collaborative professional tasks

Maria Beatrice Ligorio * Giuseppe Ritella (Italy)


 Volume 6, Number 1, March 2011

CSCL in Asia

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


The Singapore experience: Synergy of national policy, classroom practice and design research

Chee-Kit Looi * Hyo-Jeong So * Yancy Toh * Wenli Chen (Singapore)


Temporality matters: Advancing a method for analyzing problem-solving processes in a computer-supported collaborative environment

Manu Kapur (Singapore)


Learning the physics of electricity: A qualitative analysis of collaborative processes involved in productive failure

Suneeta A. Pathak * Beumie Kim * Michael J. Jacobson * Baohui Zhang  (Singapore)


Exploring e-learners' perceptions of net-based peer-reviewed English writing

Zi-Gang Ge (China)


The logic of wikis: The possibilities of the Web 2.0 classroom

Michael Glassman * Min Ju Kang (US, Korea)


Perspective taking and synchronous argumentation for learning the day/night cycle

Baruch B. Schwarz * Yaron Schur * Haim Pensso * Naama Tayer (Israel)


Volume 6, Number 2, June 2011


Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse


Bridging research and practice: Implementing and sustaining knowledge building in Hong Kong classrooms

Carol K. K. Chan (Hong Kong)


Wiki-supported collaborative learning in primary education: How a dialogic space is created for thinking together

Manoli Pifarre * Judith Kleine Staarman (Spain, UK)


An information-processing perspective on divergence and convergence in collaborative learning

Robert L. Jorczak (US)


Comparing the effects of representational tools in collaborative and individual inquiry learning

Bas Kolloffel * Tessa H. S. Eysink * Ton de Jong (Belgium)


A multimodal approach to coding discourse: Collaboration, distributed cognition, and geometric reasoning

Michael Evans * Eliot Feenstra * Emily Ryon * David McNeill (US)


Designing automated adaptive support to improve student-helping behaviors in a peer-tutoring activity

Erin Walker * Nikol Rummel * Kenneth R. Koedinger (Germany, US)


CSCL for intellectually disabled pupils: Stimulating interaction by using a floor control mechanism

Ulrike Cress * Katrin Wodzicki * Martina Bientzle * Andreas Lingnau (Germany)


Volume 6, Number 3, September 2011


Tweets from #cscl2011

Gerry Stahl * Friedrich Hesse * Nancy Law


Student use of Facebook for organizing collaborative classroom activities

Cliff Lampe * Donghee Yvette Wohn * Jessica Vitak * Nicole B. Ellison * Rick Wash (US)


Identity presence and knowledge building: Joint emergence in online learning environments?

Fengfeng Ke * Alicia F. Chávez * Pei-Ni L. Causarano * Antonio Causarano (US)


Agent-based dynamic support for learning from collaborative brainstorming in scientific inquiry

Hao-Chuan Wang * Carolyn P. Rosé * Chun-Yen Chang (US, Taiwan)


Scaffolding collaborative technical writing with procedural facilitation and synchronous discussion

Shiou-Wen Yeh * Jia-Jiunn Lo * Jeng-Jia Huang (Taiwan)


Are two heads always better than one? Differential effects of collaboration on students’ computer-supported learning in mathematics

Dejana Mullins * Nikol Rummel * Hans Spada (Germany)


Analyzing temporal patterns of knowledge construction in a role-based online discussion

Alyssa Friend Wise * Ming Ming Chiu (Canada, US)


The impact of scripted roles on online collaborative learning processes

Francesca Pozzi (Italy)


Volume 6, Number 4, December 2011


Collaborating around the tabletop

Gerry Stahl


Interactive tabletops in education

Pierre Dillenbourg * Michael Evans (Switzerland, US)


Multi-touch tables and the relationship with collaborative classroom pedagogies: A synthetic review

Steven E. Higgins * Emma Mercier * Liz Burd * Andrew Hatch (UK)


Interfering and resolving: How tabletop interaction facilitates co-construction of argumentative knowledge

Sara Price * Taciana Pontual Falcão (UK)


Collaboration within large groups in the classroom

Eyal Szewkis * Miguel Nussbaum * Tal Rosen * Jose Abalos * Fernanda Denardin * Daniela Caballero * Arturo Tagle * Christian Alcohoiado (Chile)


Guided reciprocal questioning to support children's collaborative storytelling

Giulia Geimini-Hornsby * Shaaron Ainsworth * Claire O’Malley (UK)


Scaffolding of small groups’ metacognitive activities with an avatar

Inge Molenaar * Ming Ming Chiu * Peter Sleegers * Carla van Boxtel (Netherlands, US)


Building a community among teachers, researchers and university students. A blended approach to training

Donatella Cesareni * Francesca Martini * Ilaria Mancini (Italy)


Volume 7, Number 1, March 2012


Ethnomethodologically informed

Gerry Stahl


Making rounds: The routine work of the teacher during collaborative learning with computers

Christian Greiffenhagen (UK)


How gamers manage aggression: Situating skills in collaborative computer games

Ulrika Bennerstedt * Jonas Ivarsson * Jonas Linderoth (Sweden)


The multivoicedness of game play: Exploring the unfolding of a students learning trajectory in a gaming context at school

Kenneth Silseth (Norway)


Personal and shared experiences as resources for meaning making in a philosophy of science course

Maarit Arvaja (Finland)


Collaboration amidst disagreement and moral judgment: The dynamics of Jewish and Arab students’ collaborative inquiry of their joint past

Sarah Pollack * Yifat Ben-David Kolikant (Israel)


Linking teacher beliefs, practices and student inquiry learning in a CSCL environment: A tale of two teachers

Yangjie Song * Chee-Kit Looi (Singapore)


The role of teacher assistance on the effects of a macro-script in collaborative writing tasks

Javier Onrubia * Anna Engel (Spain)


Volume 7, Number 2, June 2012


Cognizing mediating: Unpacking the entanglement of artifacts with collective minds

Gerry Stahl


Connecting agents and artifacts in CSCL: Towards a rationale of mutual shaping

Maarten Overdijk, Wouter van Diggelen, Paul A. Kirschner & Michael Baker (Belgium, Netherlands, France)


An instrumental perspective on CSCL Systems

Jacques Lonchamp (France)


Instrumental genesis in technology-mediated learning: From double stimulation to expansive knowledge practices.

Giuseppe Ritella & Kai Hakkarainen (Italy, Finland)


How to improve collaborative learning with video tools in the classroom? Social vs. cognitive guidance for student teams

Carmen G. Zahn, Karsten Krauskopf, Friedrich W. Hesse & Roy Pea (Germany, US)


The ACODEA framework: Developing segmentation and classification schemes for fully automatic analysis of online discussions

Jin Mu, Karsten Stegmann, Elijah Mayfield, Carolyn Rosé & Frank Fischer (Germany, US)


Scripted collaborative learning with the Cognitive Tutor Algebra: An experimental classroom study

Nikol Rummel, Dejana Mullins & Hans Spada (Germany)


Volume 7, Number 3, September 2012


An international research community

Gerry Stahl * Nancy Law * Friedrich Hesse


Learning physics through play in an augmented reality environment

Noel Enyedy * Joshua A. Danish * Girlie Delacruz * Melissa Kumar (US)


Context matters: The value of analyzing human factors within educational contexts as a way of informing technology-related decisions within design research

Kim MacKinnon (Canada)


Patterns of kindergarten childrens social interaction with peers in the computer area

Eun Mee Lim (Korea)


Online class size, note reading, note writing and collaborative discourse

Mingzhu Qiu * Jim Hewitt * Clare Brett (Canada)


4SPPIces: A case study of factors in a scripted collaborative-learning blended course across spatial locations

Mar Pérez-Sanagustín * Patricia Santos * Davinia Hernández-Leo * Josep Blat (Spain)


Volume 7, Number 4, December 2012


Traversing planes of learning

Gerry Stahl


Computational analysis and mapping of ijCSCL content

Jacques Lonchamp (France)


Interactive visual tools as triggers of collaborative reasoning in entry-level pathology

Markus Nivala * Hans Rystedt * Roger Säljö * Pauliina Kronqvist * Erno Lehtinen (Sweden, Finland)


Using augmented reality and knowledge-building scaffolds to improve learning in a science museum

Susan A. Yoon * Karen Elinich * Joyce Wang * Christopher Steinmeier * Sean Tucker (US)


Participatory learning through behavioral and cognitive engagements in an online collective information searching activity

Chia-Ching Lin * Chin-Chung Tsai (Taiwan)


A model for flexibly editing CSCL scripts

Pericles Sobreira * Pierre Tchounikine (France)


Volume 8 * Number 1 * March 2013


Learning across levels

Gerry Stahl


Analyzing group coordination when solving geometry problems with dynamic-geometry software

Diler Oner (Turkey)


Student sense-making with science diagrams in a computer-based setting

Anniken Furberg * Anders Kluge * Sten Ludvigsen (Norway)


Recalibrating reference within a dual-space interaction environment

Alan Zemel * Timothy Koschmann (US)


On the bridge to learn: Analysing the social organization of nautical instruction in a ship simulator

Magnus Hontvedt * Hans Christian Arnseth (Norway)


Enhancing student knowledge acquisition from online learning conversations

Evren Eryilmaz * Jakko van der Pol * Terry Ryan * Philip Martin Clark * Justin Mary (US, Netherlands,Turkey)

Volume 8 * Number 2 * June 2013


Transactive discourse in CSCL

Gerry Stahl


Participation and common knowledge in a case study of student co-blogging

Richard Alterman * Johann Ari Larusson (US)


Facilitating learning in multidisciplinary groups with transactive CSCL scripts

Omid Noroozi * Stephanie D. Teasley * Harm J. A. Biemans * Armin Weinberger * Martin Mulder (Iran, US, Germany, Netherlands)   


Co-located single-display collaborative learning for early childhood education

Florencia Gómez * Miguel Nussbaum * Juan F. Weitz * Ximena Lopez * Javiera Mena * Alex Torres (Chile)


Measuring prevalence of other-oriented transactive contributions using an automated measure of speech-style accommodation

Gahgene Gweon * Mahaveer Jain * John McDonough * Bhiksha Raj * Carolyn Rosé (Korea, US)


Volume 8 * Number 3 * September 2013


Collaborative learning at CSCL 2013

Gerry Stahl, Nancy Law & Friedrich Hesse


Vocational education approach: New TEL settings—new prospects for teachers' instructional activities?

Raija Hamalainen & Bram de Wever (Finland, Belgium)


Crossing boundaries: Students' framing of language learning activities in Facebook

Annika Lantz-Andersson, Sylvi Vigmo & Rhonwen Bowen (Sweden)


Advancing understanding using Nonaka's model of knowledge creation and problem-based learning

Meng Yew Tee & Shuh Shing Lee


Inducing socio-cognitive conflict in Finnish and German groups of online learners by CSCL script

 Armin Weinberger, Miika Marttunen, Leena Laurinen & Karsten Stegmann (Germany, Finland)


Dialogical positions as a method of understanding identity trajectories in a collaborative blended university course

Maria Beatrice Ligorio, Fedela Feldia Loperfido & Nadia Sansone (Italy)


Volume 8 * Number 4 * December 2013



Gerry Stahl, Nancy Law & Friedrich Hesse


Real-time Mutual Gaze Perception Enhances Collaborative Learning and Collaboration Quality

Bertrand Schneider & Roy Pea (US)


Collaborative Drawing on a Shared Digital Canvas in Elementary Science Education: The Effects of Script and Awareness Support

Hannie Gijers


Capturing and analysing verbal and physical collaborative learning interactions at an enriched interactive tabletop

Roberto Martinez-Maldaonado


Social Argumentation in Online Synchronous Communication

Esra Alagoz