Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
CSCL: An Historical Perspective. by Gerry Stahl, Timothy Koschmann and Daniel Suthers based on a chapter in: R. K. Sawyer (Ed.). (2006). Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press -- with permission of the publisher. This chapter is intended as an introduction to CSCL. It reviews the history, provides numerous references for further study and outlines a direction for future work. The view of CSCL, its origins and its future is very much a particular perspective -- that of the authors. We felt this chapter was worth making available on a global basis, so we had it translated into a number of major world languages (thanks to Nan Zhou, Fei-Ching Chen, Hugo Fuks, Cesar Collazos, Martin Muehlpfordt and Stefan Trausan-Matu):
in American English (pdf) html
in Simplified Chinese (pdf) html
in Traditional Chinese (pdf) html
in Brazilian Portuguese (pdf) html
in Colombian Spanish (pdf) html
These translations have been collected in one volume, which can be downloaded as pdf or for Kindle and can be purchased on-demand as a paperback.
A slightly up-dated version has been published in the second edition of the Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences.
"Translating Euclid" published in the Morgan & Claypool series of Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics in 2013. Contains over 300 pages of theoretical, methodological, philosophical, pedagogical and interactional analysis related to the Virtual Math Teams Project as an extended CSCL design-based research effort to create a human-centered approach to dynamic-geometry education. Details and links are available at
"Studying Virtual Math Teams" published in the Springer CSCL book series in 2009. Contains 28 essays written between 2004 and 2008 by members of the VMT research team and international collaborators. Table of content and pre-publication versions of the essays are available at
"Group Cognition:Computer Support for Building Collaborative Knowledge" published by MIT Press in 2006. Contains 22 essays written between 1993 and 2004. Table of content and pre-publication versions of the essays are available at
A chronological list of over 300 publications by Gerry Stahl from 1975 to the present with links to the documents is available at
A list of over 200 publications about the Virtual Math Teams project by members of the VMT research team and international collaborators with links to the documents is available at
Watch on my YouTube channel at:
Go to the Euclid webpage for videos of lectures related to the book about my research from 2009-2013.
"Seeing what we mean: Co-experiencing a shared virtual world". Proceedings pp. 534-541. Paper at, slides at, on YouTube at
"How a virtual math team structured its problem solving". Paper at on YouTube at
"Past, present and future of CSCL". Presented at the Knowledge Building Summer Institute 2011 and CSCL2011 post-conference at the South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China. Slides at, on YouTube in three parts at,,
"A theoretical framework for multivocal analysis". Slides at, on YouTube at
"How I View Thinking and Learning in CSCL". A presentation by Gerry Stahl. Click here for: Video (60 minutes): Text: Slides: on YouTube at
"Rethinking iEducation at the iSchool". A presentation at the iSchool annual retreat, February 28, 2009. Click here for: video (24 minutes) -- Drexel ppt slides.
"CSCL at the i-School and the Math Forum at Drexel". A research & teaching talk by Gerry Stahl on May 6, 2008. The talk was based on: Stahl, G. (2008). Human-human interaction and group learning. Paper presented at the Human-Computer Interaction Consortium, Frasier, CO. Click here for: video (one hour) -- HCIC pdf paper -- HCIC ppt slides -- Drexel ppt slides.
"Long Sequences". A research & teaching talk by Gerry Stahl on February 2, 2011. The talk was based on: Stahl, G. (2011). The Structure of Collaborative Problem Solving in a Virtual Math Team. Paper presented at the iConference 2011, Seattle, WA. Click here for: video (half hour, low quality capture of second half of talk and questions) -- pdf paper -- ppt slides.
Discussion of "Building Collaborative Knowing: A Social Theory of CSCL". Video clips from a seminar on CSCL by Gerry Stahl at Drexel University on Chapter 3 of Strijbos, et al. (2004) "What We Know About CSCL" = Chapter 15 of Stahl (2006) "Group Cognition" click here for the videos and click here for chapter
University of Pennsylvania and Drexel, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.
Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China.
Conference Program:
Conference Proceedings:
Rhodes, Greece.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
Nancy Law, "A Learnable Content & Participation Analysis Toolkit for Assessing CSCL Learning Outcomes and Processes" (QuickTime video 26 min).
Peter Reimann, "Time is Precious: Why Process Analysis is Important in CSCL" (QuickTime video 34 min).
Dan Suthers, "A Framework for Eclectic Analysis of Collaborative Interaction" (QuickTime video 29 min).
Gerry Stahl, "The Integration of Synchronous Communication across Dual Interaction Spaces" (QuickTime video 25 min).
Carolyn Rose, "Students Working in Pairs for Problem Solving" (QuickTime video 14 min).
Martin Wessner, "Interdisciplinarity in the CSCL Community: An Empirical Study" (QuickTime video 29 min).
Taipei, Taiwan.
Giyoo Hatano, "A Neo-Vygotskian Approach to Collaborative Learning" (QuickTime 7 video 103 Mb).
Daniel D. Suthers, "Technology Affordances for Intersubjective Learning: A Thematic Agenda for CSCL" (QuickTime 7 video 53 Mb). An expanded version of this paper is available in ijCSCL.
Rupert Wegerif, "Towards a Dialogic Understanding of the Relationship between CSCL and Teaching Thinking Skills" (QuickTime 7 video 51 Mb). An expanded version of this paper is available in ijCSCL.
Gerry Stahl, "Group Cognition: The Collaborative Locus of Agency in CSCL" (QuickTime 7 video 65 Mb). An expanded version of this paper is available in Stahl (2006) Group Cognition: Computer Support for Building Collaborative Learning, MIT Press.
Bergen, Norway
The first annual German conference on e-learning, Munich, Germany.
Opening keynote by Gerry Stahl (QuickTime video 2.9 Gb).
Boulder, Colorado, USA.
Timothy Koschmann, "Dewey's Contribution to the Foundations of CSCL Research" (Quicktime video 2.0 Gb)
Jeremy Roschelle, comments on Koschmann's keynote (Quicktime video 2.0 Gb)
Pierre Dillenbourg, comments on Koschmann's keynote (Quicktime video 0.8 Gb)
Timothy Koschmann, response and questions & answers (Quicktime video 0.6 Gb)
Yrjo Engestrom, "New Forms of Expansive Learning at Work: The Landscape of Co-Configuration", followed by comments from Roy Pea and Kai Hakkarainen (Quicktime video 4.0 Gb)
Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Keynote talk by Paul Dourish (QuickTime video 2.0 Gb).
Toronto, Canada.
This link is to a summary of the basic theoretical views to CSCL:
Lester (Learning Science and Technology Repository) is an online community and database focused on innovations in learning science and technology:
CSCL for novices: