European Union project on Project Summary: The ITCOLE Project will develop innovative pedagogical models of collaborative knowledge building, along with design principles for technology to support these models. The project has three key scientific and technical objectives:
Project Partners: UIAH: University of Art and Design Helsinki, Media Lab, Helsinki, Finland UH: University of Helsinki, Center for Research in Networked Learning, Helsinki, Finland HC: Helsinki City Education Department, Helsinki, Finland UvA: University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Amsterdam, Netherlands KUN: Katolieke Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands GMD: GMD-FIT and Fraunhofer Institut, Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik, Bonn, Germany UM: University of Murcia, Department of Computer Science, ANTS Research Group, Murcia, Spain UNISA: University of Salerno, Dept of Educational Science, Salerno, Italy UR: University of Rome La Sapienza, Dept of Psychology of Developmental & Social Processes, Rome, Italy UoA: National & Capodistrian University of Athens, Dept of Philosophy & History of Science, Cognitive Science & Educational Technology Lab, Athens, Greece Software Prototypes: BSCW: Basic Support for Cooperative Work, http://bscw.gmd.de FLE: Future Learning Environments, Developed at UIAH, http://www.mlab,uiah.fi/fle JLE: Java Learning Environment, Developed at UM, http://www.jle.net
This page last modified on January 05, 2004 |