1967 B.S. in Mathematics and Humanities.
Studied physics, mathematics, literature and philosophy.
Professors included Marvin Minsky (programming , AI), Noam Chomsky (social change), Sam
Todes and Hubert Dreyfus (philosophy).
1967/68 Research in twentieth century German philosophy.
Professors included Hans-Georg Gadamer, Otto Poggeler, Karl-Otto Apel.
1971/72 Research in twentieth century German philosophy.
Professors included students of Theodor Adorno and Jurgen Habermas.
1975 Ph.D. in Philosophy
1971 M.A. in Philosophy
1993 Ph.D. in Computer Science
Cognitive Science Certification
Comprehensive exams in AI, Theory, Databases, Programming Languages
1990 M.S. in Computer Science
Dissertation committee: Gerhard Fischer, Ray McCall, Clayton Lewis, Mark Gross, Mike Eisenberg, Wayne Citron.