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Presentations of my research on CSCL and the philosophy of Group Cognition (1995-2015)

1993 Cognitive Science Boulder Supporting situated interpretation paper
1993 INTERChi Amsterdam Embedding computer-based critics in the contexts of design. paper
1995 CSCL Bloomington Internet repositories for collaborative learning: Supporting both students and teachers paper
1996 NASA Houston Armchair missions to mars: Using case-based reasoning and fuzzy logic to simulate a time series model of astronaut crew paper
1997 CSCL Toronto Poster: Webguide paper
1998 CILT San Jose Poster: Presentation of webguide
1998 DCSCW Dortmund Collaborative Information Environments for Innovative Communities of Practice paper slides
1999 GROUP Phoenix Intertwining Perspectives & Negotiation paper slides
1999 AERA Montreal WebGuide: Guiding Collaborative Learning on the Web with Perspectives paper slides
1999 PFU/L3D Breckenridge WebGuide: Guiding Collaborative Learning on the Web with Perspectives slides
1999 CSCL Palo Alto Reflections on webguide: Seven issues for the next generation of collaborative knowledge-building environments paper
1999 CSCL Palo Alto Workshop: Collaborating on the design and assessment of knowledge-building environments in the 2000's paper
1999 WebNet Honolulu Pow! Perspectives on the Web paper slides
1999 CILT San Jose Demo: Webguide: Computational perspectives for learning communities paper slides
2000 AERA New Orleans WebGuide: Encouraging & Supporting Collaborative Knowledge-Building paper slides
2000 ICLS Ann Arbor A Model of Collaborative Knowledge-Building paper slides
2001 Drexel job talk Philadelphia Perspectives in Interaction: Computer Support for Collaborative Knowledge-building: Systems,Theory & Empirical Analysis  slides
2001 Ethnography in Ed Philadelphia It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist: Multi-layered perspectives on collaborative learning activities in a middle school rocket simulation project. paper
2001 CSCL Maastricht Evaluating affordance short-circuits by reviewers and authors participating in on-line journal reviews.
2001 CRIWG Darmstadt FIT outreach
2001 GROUP Boulder site host
2002 ISCRAT Amsterdam Understanding Educational Computational Artifacts Across Community Boundaries paper slides
2002 European Commission Bonn Software for Collaborative Knowledge Building slides
2002 CSCL Boulder CSCL 2002 Greeting by Gerry Stahl video YouTube
2002 CSCL Boulder Movie of CSCL 2002 Conference video YouTube
2002 CSCL Boulder Contributions to a Theoretical Framework for CSCL paper slides
2002 CRIWG La Serena Groupware Goes to School paper slides
2002 ICLS Seattle The complexity of a collaborative interaction paper
2002 CSCW New Orleans Analyzing and representing the building of collaborative knowing paper
2003 HICCS Hawaii Knowledge negotiation in asynchronous learning networks paper
2003 L3D Boulder Exploring new directions: Seven issues for the next generation of L3D systems slides
2003 ICS Colloquium Boulder Computer Mediation of Collaborative Learning: A Research Agenda slides
2003 Ethnog in Ed Philadelphia From Computational Artifact to Cognitive Artifact: A Micro-ethnographic Analysis  paper slides
2003 CSCL Norway Interview of Gerry Stahl video YouTube
2003 CSCL Norway Meaning & Interpretation in Collaboration paper slides
2003 DeLFI Germany Keynote: The future of computer support for learning: An American/German delfic vision YouTube slides
2003 C&T Netherlands Can community knowledge exceed its members'? 
2003 NSDL DC VMT: The virtual math teams project paper
2003 GROUP Sanibel Island Can community knowledge exceed its members'?  paper
2004 AERA San Diego Collaborating with Relational References paper slides
2004 NCTM Philadelphia VMT: The virtual math teams project
2004 ICLS Santa Monica The video analyst's manifesto (or the implications of Garfinkel's policies for the development of a program of video analytic research within the learning sciences) paper
2004 IERI PIs DC VMT: The virtual math teams project
2004 Kaleidoscope Lausanne Thinking at the small-group unit of analysis paper slides
2005 CSCL Taiwan Group Cognition: The Collaborative Locus of Agency in CSCL paper video YouTube slides
2005 EARLI Cyprus Group Cognition in Online Collaborative Math Problem Solving paper slides
2005 CRIWG Brazil Groups, Group Cognition & Groupware  paper slides
2005 ELOC Madison Research center planning
2005 ICCE Singapore Sustaining Online Collaborative Problem Solving with Math Proposals paper slides
2005 ConcertChat Darmstadt Software for VMT
2005 ijCSCL Tübingen ijCSCL journal founding
2005 Frode Grobe Bergen Dissertation defense
2005 NAIL Sweden Group Cognition in Chat: Methods of Interaction / Methodologies of Analysis paper slides
2006 ELOC Hawaii Studying Engaged Learning in Online Communities slides
2006 AERA San Francisco Meaning making in small groups paper
2006 K-P Labs Oslo Social practices of
group cognition
in virtual math teams
2006 Kaleidoscope Bergen European research slides
2006 ICLS Bloomington Shared referencing of mathematical objects in chat paper
2006 ELOC Bloomington Research center planning
2006 ELOC Boulder Research center planning
2006 ICS Boulder The generalization of knowledge by a virtual team slides
2006 Group Cognition tour Freiburg group cognition & educational psychology
2006 Group Cognition tour Tübingen group cognition & educational psychology
2006 NSF IERI PIs DC VMT: The virtual math teams project
2007 Creativity DC small group creativity
2007 CSCL New Brunswick Meaning making in CSCL paper slides
2007 KMRC Beirat Tübingen Group cognition:Some theoretical & methodological principles  slides
2007 GROUP Sanibel Island Social computing for educational knowledge building paper
2007 OLI Pittsburgh The role of a wiki in supporting group cognition paper slides
2008 HCIC Fraser Human-human interaction & group learning paper video YouTube slides
2008 FIT Bonn Greeting to former colleagues video YouTube
2008 KMRC Beirat Tübingen group cognition & educational psychology
2008 ICLS Utrecht Integrating a wiki into support for group cognition. paper
2008 ICLS Utrecht Integrating synchronous and asynchronous support for group cognition in online collaborative learning paper
2009 CSCL Rhodes Toward a science of group cognition  slides
2009 CSCL Rhodes A comparative analysis of understanding practices in the VMT environment slides
2009 CSCL Rhodes Collaborative learning through practices of group cognition paper
2009 GROUP Sanibel Island For a Science of Group Interaction  paper slides
2009 GROUP Sanibel Island Collaborative information practices in virtual math teams paper
2009 Drexel Philadelphia Rethinking iEducation at the iSchool  video YouTube slides
2009 ICCE Hong Kong How I view learning and thinking in CSCL groups paper video YouTube slides
2009 ICCE Hong Kong Repairing Indexicality in Virtual Math Teams paper slides
2010 ICLS Chicago Computer-Mediated Collaborative Mathematical Exploration paper slides
2010 ICLS Chicago Virtual Math Teams slides
2010 GeoGebra Ithaca Supporting group math cognition in virtual math teams with software conversational agents paper slides
2010 GeoGebra Ithaca Analyzing the discourse of GeoGebra collaborations paper slides
2010 GeoGebra Ithaca Multi-user support for virtual GeoGebra teams paper slides
2010 Communication Analysis Tempe Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Virtual Math Teams (VMT), Group Cognition paper slides
2010 GROUP Sanibel Island The Structure of Collaborative Problem Solving in a Virtual Math Team slides
2010 ONR Orlando A model of group cognition
2010 NCA San Francisco Coordinating collaborative action in online math problem-solving paper
2011 CSCL Hong Kong How a virtual math team structured its problem solving paper video YouTube
2011 CSCL Hong Kong Seeing What We Mean: Co-experiencing a Shared VirtualWorld paper video YouTube
2011 CSCL Hong Kong Group-Cognition Theory and Knowledge-Building Analysis paper slides
2011 CSCL Hong Kong Historical view of CSCL, part 1 video YouTube
2011 CSCL Hong Kong Historical view of CSCL, part 2 video YouTube
2011 CSCL Hong Kong Historical view of CSCL, part 3 video YouTube
2011 CSCL Hong Kong A Theoretical Framework for Multi-vocal Analysis paper video YouTube slides
2011 CSCL China tour China Scenes from conference tour in China video YouTube
2011 CSCL China tour Guangzhou Past, present and future of CSCL slides
2011 CSCL China tour Shanghai The Structure of Collaborative Problem Solving in a Virtual Math Team  video YouTube slides
2011 CSCL China tour Beijing Past, present and future of research on educational technology in the West slides
2011 CSCL China tour Beijing Research in CSCL: Two Case Studies slides
2011 Alpine Rendezvous La Clusaz Interaction Analysis of a Biology Chat paper slides
2011 LRDC Pittsburgh Mediating Group Cognition through Digital Interaction paper slides
2011 ECSCW Aarhus Theories of Cognition in CSCW paper slides
2011 iConference Seattle The Structure of Collaborative Problem Solving in a Virtual Math Team  paper slides
2011 CTS Philadelphia A view of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) research today  paper slides
2012 ICLS Sydney Connecting Levels of Cognition in the Wild paper slides
2012 ICLS Sydney Human-Robot Interaction: A Cautionary Perspective slides
2012 GeoGebra Seoul Multi-User GeoGebra For Virtual Math Teams paper video YouTube slides
2012 NCTM Seoul Demo: Introduction to virtual math teams with collaborative GeoGebra paper
2012 ICME Seoul Evaluating significant math discourse in a learning environment paper
2012 ICME Seoul Designing a Learning Environment to Promote Math Discourse  paper slides
2012 Rutgers New Brunswick Translating Euclid into CSCL video YouTube slides
2012 GROUP Sanibel Island Theories of Collaborative Cognition paper slides
2012 EIDWT Bucharest Resources for Connecting Levels of Learning paper slides
2012 NSF DR K-12 DC Computer-Supported Math Discourse Among Teachers and Students paper slides
2013 CSCL Madison The Integration of Cognitive Levels paper slides
2013 CSCL Madison PISA 2015: Assessing Collaborative Learning slides
2013 CSCL Madison Resources for Connecting Levels of Learning  paper slides
2013 CSCL Madison CSCL in North America  paper slides
2013 CSCL Madison To analyze a shared world  paper slides
2013 CSCL Madison Webinar on Group Cognition paper video YouTube
2013 GeoGebra Oxford Collaborative GeoGebra  paper slides
2013 NAIL Gothenburg Designing a learning environment for geometry  paper video slides
2013 NAIL Gothenburg Didactics of human-centered dynamic geometry paper video slides
2013 NAIL Gothenburg Analyzing virtual math teams enacting geometric practices  paper video slides
2013 InterMedia Oslo Damsa's Model as a knowledge object paper slides
2013 InterMedia Oslo Designing a learning environment for geometry paper slides
2014 ICLS Boulder Workshop: Interaction analysis of student teams enacting the practices of collaborative dynamic geometry paper
2014 ICLS Boulder Interview on Group Cognition -- 3 min version video YouTube
2014 ICLS Boulder Interview on Group Cognition -- 5 min version video YouTube
2014 ICLS Boulder Interview on Group Cognition -- 9 min version video YouTube
2014 GeoGebra Toronto Collaborative exploration of geometric dependencies in dynamic geometry paper
2014 GeoGebra Toronto Developing comprehensive open-source geometry curricula using GeoGebra paper
2015 CSCL Gothenburg Dragging as a referential resource for mathematical meaning making in a collaborative dynamic-geometry environment paper
2015 CSCL Gothenburg Constructing knowledge: A community of practice approach to evaluation in the VMT project paper
2015 CSCL Gothenburg Retirement event at CSCL 2015 video YouTube
2015 CSCL Gothenburg Tracing the change in discourse in a collaborative dynamic-geometry environment: From visual to more mathematical. paper
2015 CSCL Gothenburg Poster: Tracing the change in discourse in a collaborative dynamic-geometry environment: From visual to more mathematical. paper
2015 DDD Umea, Sweden A Digital Didactic Design for Group Cognition paper slides
2017 Workshop Quality of Life Hannover Designing for quality of life paper slides