- Cape Cod was perhaps first settled by humans about 12,000 years ago, as the geographic expansion of mankind out of Africa approached global coverage. Arrow heads are found in abundance in the sand around our lot.
- The pilgrams first landed on Cape Cod in 1620, before moving on to Plymouth Rock. They had their first encounter with native people on Cape Cod then.
- Cape Cod is the eastern-most point in the US, other than northern Maine. The location of our house is within a couple miles of the eastern-most extension of the Cape.
- The Bliss family vacationed on Cape Cod. Red's father had a summer home near Provincetown.
- Carol enjoyed the beaches of Cape Cod as a young girl and worked on the Cape during high-school and college summers. See her high school essay on "My Paradise" about the beach near our new house.
- Red and Betty Bliss purchased lots 18 and 19 in South Chatham in 1963.
- Carol and Gerry vacationed on Cape Cod most summers starting in 2004.
- They acquired the lots in 2007.
- They contracted for the building of a house on lot 18 on August 11, 2015.
- This photo gallery on this page shows the lots in summer and winter, prior to construction.
- The other photo galleries document the construction of the house.
- Carol and Gerry moved into the house on June 6, 2016.
- As shown in the map, the house is located on George Ryder Road South, less than a mile from the Ridgevale beach on the Nantucket Sound of the Atlantic Ocean.